Despite improved Dem showing, Texas GOP sets midterm record

There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.

In 2012, 1.2 million Republicans voted in primaries while 500,000 Democrats voted. That is a margin of 700,000. 1.5 million Republicans voted versus 1.2 million Democrats. A margin of 300,000. In Texas, Republicans may have a cushion however in swing states this may not be the case. This is still bad news for Republicans and good news for Democrats.

So tell me...How many seats do "Moral victories" gain in Congress?

It shows that Democrats are energized. Statewide in Texas it may not matter but in a swing state if that trend holds, Republicans are in trouble.
what showed it yesterday if they didn't vote?
I'm merely responding to the OP and the posts in the thread. how can it show democrats are energized if they didn't vote? you fks are all messed up as usual.
In 2012, 1.2 million Republicans voted in primaries while 500,000 Democrats voted. That is a margin of 700,000. 1.5 million Republicans voted versus 1.2 million Democrats. A margin of 300,000. In Texas, Republicans may have a cushion however in swing states this may not be the case. This is still bad news for Republicans and good news for Democrats.

So tell me...How many seats do "Moral victories" gain in Congress?

It shows that Democrats are energized. Statewide in Texas it may not matter but in a swing state if that trend holds, Republicans are in trouble.
what showed it yesterday if they didn't vote?
I'm merely responding to the OP and the posts in the thread. how can it show democrats are energized if they didn't vote? you fks are all messed up as usual.
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.
Wow! You mean ted cruz’ seat is safe? Bfd
Your buddies here were insisting until yesterday that it wasn’t.

Couple of thoughts here.

1. I hope we are making you spend time and money in places that used to be safe. You'll probably win this one but you will have to work for it this time. Same way Hillary thought PA, MI and WI were in the bag, you shouldn't think Ted's seat is safe.

2. In spite of his early cash advantage, Democratic Rep. Beto O'Rourke has been reminded plenty of times that he faces long odds of taking Sen. Ted Cruz's Senate seat from him. However he said he's listening to the people all across Texas and isn't taking anything for granted in the race for Senate.

"I'm running a grassroots campaign ... all across the state. We don't want to know what people outside of Texas say about our campaign. I want to listen to you ... you're a Texan, an American ... a human being is most important to me," O'Rourke told CBSN's Elaine Quijano in an interview Monday on "Red & Blue."

The 45-year-old Democratic Texas representative was first elected to the House in 2012 and officially became the first Democrat in Texas to file for the U.S. Senate race in late November 2017.

3. Between Jan. 1 and Feb. 14, O'Rourke raised $2.3 million while former GOP presidential candidate Cruz raised just $800,000, according to the Federal Election Commission.
O'Rourke added that his campaign is running without political action committees (PACs) and solely supported by the people he wants to represent.

He mentioned that the average contribution for the O'Rourke campaign is $25. "That the right way to win," he added.
View attachment 181068
So tell me...How many seats do "Moral victories" gain in Congress?

It shows that Democrats are energized. Statewide in Texas it may not matter but in a swing state if that trend holds, Republicans are in trouble.
what showed it yesterday if they didn't vote?
I'm merely responding to the OP and the posts in the thread. how can it show democrats are energized if they didn't vote? you fks are all messed up as usual.
that guy should stopping looking at Hitlery
View attachment 181068
So tell me...How many seats do "Moral victories" gain in Congress?

It shows that Democrats are energized. Statewide in Texas it may not matter but in a swing state if that trend holds, Republicans are in trouble.
what showed it yesterday if they didn't vote?
I'm merely responding to the OP and the posts in the thread. how can it show democrats are energized if they didn't vote? you fks are all messed up as usual.
from the OP link:

"At least 1 million people voted in Tuesday’s Democratic primary for Senate." so the outcome I said was accurate. I accept your apology.
Maybe you do not understand what a service is.

In this instance a service is something like police protection, fire protection, the military. These are all things that people get without paying for directly and regardless of how much you pay via taxes.

If you paid for that shot either out of pocket or via insurance then it was not a service.
see, that is my issue. if I have insurance, then I should never have any out of pocket expenses. that is a service. we don't get that. we pay deductables, we pay percentages. we should pay nothing. what a scam
I paid my premium and I still have to pay $20.00?
What’s up with that?

There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
not with the insurance we're offered.

Offered by whom?
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.

In 2012, 1.2 million Republicans voted in primaries while 500,000 Democrats voted. That is a margin of 700,000. 1.5 million Republicans voted versus 1.2 million Democrats. A margin of 300,000. In Texas, Republicans may have a cushion however in swing states this may not be the case. This is still bad news for Republicans and good news for Democrats.
One can't make this butthurt up at all.

One can't make up the fact that you are a idiot. Democrats are unlikely to win any statewide seats but they could win a few Congressional seats.
I merely asked, did someone say texas was turning blue yesterday or not? well actually purple.

If Republican turnout is up 7% and Democrat turnout up 240% that is cause for alarm. Also in the 3 Congressional seats that Democrats are targeting, Democrat turnout exceeded that of Republican turnout. It also continues the trend of increased Democrat turnout we saw in Virginia and New Jersey.
see, that is my issue. if I have insurance, then I should never have any out of pocket expenses. that is a service. we don't get that. we pay deductables, we pay percentages. we should pay nothing. what a scam
I paid my premium and I still have to pay $20.00?
What’s up with that?

There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
not with the insurance we're offered.

Offered by whom?

my company
Maybe you do not understand what a service is.

In this instance a service is something like police protection, fire protection, the military. These are all things that people get without paying for directly and regardless of how much you pay via taxes.

If you paid for that shot either out of pocket or via insurance then it was not a service.
see, that is my issue. if I have insurance, then I should never have any out of pocket expenses. that is a service. we don't get that. we pay deductables, we pay percentages. we should pay nothing. what a scam
I paid my premium and I still have to pay $20.00?
What’s up with that?

There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
I have great insurance; the co-pays make me laugh.

Then get even better insurance without them.
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.

In 2012, 1.2 million Republicans voted in primaries while 500,000 Democrats voted. That is a margin of 700,000. 1.5 million Republicans voted versus 1.2 million Democrats. A margin of 300,000. In Texas, Republicans may have a cushion however in swing states this may not be the case. This is still bad news for Republicans and good news for Democrats.
One can't make this butthurt up at all.

One can't make up the fact that you are a idiot. Democrats are unlikely to win any statewide seats but they could win a few Congressional seats.
I merely asked, did someone say texas was turning blue yesterday or not? well actually purple.

If Republican turnout is up 7% and Democrat turnout up 240% that is cause for alarm. Also in the 3 Congressional seats that Democrats are targeting, Democrat turnout exceeded that of Republican turnout. It also continues the trend of increased Democrat turnout we saw in Virginia and New Jersey.
but in texas it was GOP 1.5 million and dems was 1 million. again you don't understand math.
View attachment 181068
It shows that Democrats are energized. Statewide in Texas it may not matter but in a swing state if that trend holds, Republicans are in trouble.
what showed it yesterday if they didn't vote?
I'm merely responding to the OP and the posts in the thread. how can it show democrats are energized if they didn't vote? you fks are all messed up as usual.
from the OP link:

"At least 1 million people voted in Tuesday’s Democratic primary for Senate." so the outcome I said was accurate. I accept your apology.
It wasn’t a general race, dumb ass. It was a primary race to determine who from each party will run in the general election.
before we do that the government needs to remove the law forcing doctors and hospitals to treat people who cannot pay
I have no issue with that. just take the insurance out of it.

Before that can be done, the government has to remove the law forcing doctors and hospitals to treat people who cannot pay. It cannot work the other way around.
why not? there would be tons of doctors and nurses and many ways to treat the poor. Christian Charities for one. the organization the left hate.

Because if you think it is wrong for the government to make you pay for something you do not want, it is just as wrong to make someone provide a product/service that cannot be paid for.

If Christian Charities want to put an office in the hospital and agree to pay for something before it is done,then I am good with that.
the Christian Charities had services come to their facilities and people would come then.

They need to be there in the ER for when someone cannot pay so they can pay upfront or else the person in the ER leaves.
see, that is my issue. if I have insurance, then I should never have any out of pocket expenses. that is a service. we don't get that. we pay deductables, we pay percentages. we should pay nothing. what a scam
I paid my premium and I still have to pay $20.00?
What’s up with that?

There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
not with the insurance we're offered.

Offered by whom?

my company

If you are going to complain about what they offer, turn it down and go buy your own. I do not use the insurance via my employer.
I paid my premium and I still have to pay $20.00?
What’s up with that?

There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
not with the insurance we're offered.

Offered by whom?

my company

If you are going to complain about what they offer, turn it down and go buy your own. I do not use the insurance via my employer.
I don't trust them
There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
not with the insurance we're offered.

Offered by whom?

my company

If you are going to complain about what they offer, turn it down and go buy your own. I do not use the insurance via my employer.
I don't trust them

Then drop your insurance and save your money and pay everything out of pocket. Simple enough since there is no longer a mandate.
My opinion is the gun debate is going to drive the GOP back to the polls in some states. I've never held a gun let alone owned one, but one thing I have gleaned from listening to the supporters of the 2a, they take their Right extremely seriously. You make them feel there is a wave against them, well, there will be a wave against you.

Horrible time for any Dems in red states who were hoping to catch the GOP off guard and complacent. The Town Hall from CNN and constant promotion of anti-gun types even gyrated me somewhat, imagine was some good ol' country boy who hunts on the weekend thinks? He will drive his family and their babysitter to the voting booth himself.

If You're Gonna Run in Texas | Ted Cruz for Senate Statewide Radio Ad


I don't own a gun either. But, I am familiar with a common saying: "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers."

And, I know lots of people who mean it.

not with the insurance we're offered.

Offered by whom?

my company

If you are going to complain about what they offer, turn it down and go buy your own. I do not use the insurance via my employer.
I don't trust them

Then drop your insurance and save your money and pay everything out of pocket. Simple enough since there is no longer a mandate.
not until all insurance is gone. prices are based on insurance premiums.
Obamacare literally saved tens of thousands of lives and there are the testimonials to prove it.

Maybe that’s why the cult hates it so much.... because it actually helped people.
That and Obama’s name in it.
Google Obamacare testimonials.
Thanks for proving once again how uniformed you are.

There was a 60 Mins segment of just that. Lives that were saved due to The ACA.

You were probably watching Fox that night... and every night.
no way to prove it. all speculation and mirrors. fictitious.
So I guess a first hand testimonial isn’t proof.. esp with the the people’s doctors’s standing next to them. Lol
Too lazy to research it yourself? Of course you are
You don’t want the truth. You have any to wallow in your side’s RW propaganda.
how can there be a testimonial? how can someone know if they would have died if not for ACA?

The ACA did help people. However it clearly needed some reforms. Instead of trying to reform it, Republicans wanted to kick people off of it and pit Americans against each other.
Google Obamacare testimonials.
Thanks for proving once again how uniformed you are.

There was a 60 Mins segment of just that. Lives that were saved due to The ACA.

You were probably watching Fox that night... and every night.
no way to prove it. all speculation and mirrors. fictitious.
So I guess a first hand testimonial isn’t proof.. esp with the the people’s doctors’s standing next to them. Lol
Too lazy to research it yourself? Of course you are
You don’t want the truth. You have any to wallow in your side’s RW propaganda.
how can there be a testimonial? how can someone know if they would have died if not for ACA?

The ACA did help people. However it clearly needed some reforms. Instead of trying to reform it, Republicans wanted to kick people off of it and pit Americans against each other.
actually all they really wanted was an end to the mandate and that was accomplished.

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