Despite Kavanaugh confirmation, House majority will flip to Democrats

Most likely.

The walkaway march will also probably cause the GOP to not lose many, if any, seats.
The what?
Pull your head out of DailyKOS.
There is going to be a march by Democrats, not psychotic Liberals, who are going to be voting R from now on until the Ds stop catering to the psychotic Liberals.
Can you tell me when is that March so I can look at the pictures of the crowd afterward?
Ever hear of Google?
Does your free Internet allow Google searches?
Google "walkaway march".

By the way, have you been watching Trump's crowds in the last few days...
Thousands attended each one and I bet you would have a coronary if you tuned in.
Trump has a lot of followers. But Trump is not fake. The walkaway thing is.

You didnt even know what it was a minute ago and now you call it fake?
Being an open Republican or conservative is like wearing a scarlet letter these days. Just like in 2016. Democrats have drummed up so much hate that the polls do not reflect reality because people don't want to be labeled.
I believe it is a toss up and that is the fault of the lefts own actions. Between Russia and rape parties they have energized the right and a portion of the middle.

Democrats are their own worst enemies
Amen, God bless ‘em!
Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.

Only if Rightwingers get lax now that Kavanaugh is confirmed and fail to get off their lazy asses and go vote.
If Democrats retake the House, we can thank all the lazy DoNuffin Right wingers
I have tried to follow this possibility very closely.

Real Clear Politics shows a lean to the Democrats, but many or most of the polls they rely on are little more than propaganda wings of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

I just studied another one---Cook Political Report---and it looks like a toss-up, maybe even a slight lean for the Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi has started talking again, so thats a plus for the Republicans.

Yup just let he tell everyone that if they win the House she will raise taxes.

That should get the Dems elected doncha know. LOL
Being an open Republican or conservative is like wearing a scarlet letter these days. Just like in 2016. Democrats have drummed up so much hate that the polls do not reflect reality because people don't want to be labeled.
I believe it is a toss up and that is the fault of the lefts own actions. Between Russia and rape parties they have energized the right and a portion of the middle.

Democrats are their own worst enemies
Republicans are making inroads in Senate races. Your scarlet-letter theory is therefore junk.
My theory is spot on. People fear even the traditional use of signs and bumper stickers because you morons are so unhinged.
You tweaked your theory from poll responses to bumper sticker use.
You're obviously too fucking stupid to factor in the number of Trump voters who would not tell pollsters they were going to vote for Trump. Many said they were Hillary supporters which fucked up the poll results.
As for Trump bumper stickers many Trump supporters preferred not to have their vehicles 'keyed' by LIB jerk-offs.
I almost forgot.
You're on permanent ignore.
We don't need anymore LIB assholes here.
Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.
jerk offWx25ENg.gif
The House will likely flip, the Senate will likely stay in the hands of the GOP.
Thanks protesters ! :beer:

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