Despite Kavanaugh confirmation, House majority will flip to Democrats

The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.
So you're a liar...Rs here don't make predictions, Libs do...all day long.
And the Libs still about insanity.
The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.
So you're a liar...Rs here don't make predictions, Libs do...all day long.
And the Libs still about insanity.
Republicans make predictions here all the time. Stop playing dumb.
The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.
So you're a liar...Rs here don't make predictions, Libs do...all day long.
And the Libs still about insanity.
How embarrassed are you from 1 to 10? No predictions, huh?
The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.
So you're a liar...Rs here don't make predictions, Libs do...all day long.
And the Libs still about insanity.
How embarrassed are you from 1 to 10? No predictions, huh?
One R made a prediction and...?
You haven’t been here too long.
Ds started making 20 year predictions the day Trump won.
Here’s my prediction...
99.99999999% of voters vote party.
Unless one Party really fucks up.
The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.
So you're a liar...Rs here don't make predictions, Libs do...all day long.
And the Libs still about insanity.
How embarrassed are you from 1 to 10? No predictions, huh?
One R made a prediction and...?
You haven’t been here too long.
Ds started making 20 year predictions the day Trump won.
Since you posted zero predictions by Democrats, you can’t prove democrats make predictions.
And of you get off your lazy ass and actually search for Democrats' predictions, I'll match them.
The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.
So you're a liar...Rs here don't make predictions, Libs do...all day long.
And the Libs still about insanity.
How embarrassed are you from 1 to 10? No predictions, huh?
One R made a prediction and...?
You haven’t been here too long.
Ds started making 20 year predictions the day Trump won.
Since you posted zero predictions by Democrats, you can’t prove democrats make predictions.
And of you get off your lazy ass and actually search for Democrats' predictions, I'll match them.
Hang out for a'll see.
The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.
So you're a liar...Rs here don't make predictions, Libs do...all day long.
And the Libs still about insanity.
Republicans make predictions here all the time. Stop playing dumb.
So you have been here awhile! Stop playing like you are new.
Then it's a good thing that so many good things have already been done. Dems won't be unable to undo any of them because they won't have nearly enough votes to override Trump's vetoes.

However, if the Dems take back Congress, pass a tax-cut repeal, but fail to override Trump's veto, I hope liberals will set a good example and give back their tax cuts. In fact, I'm shocked that they're not doing that now.
The post starts "house majority will flip" and barely a sentence later confidence has dropped to "very likely". My guess is that the post should be titled "we are desperate to put a happy face on a crushing defeat even if it doesn't make sense".
I’m making a forecast that something will happen based on its high likelihood.
Republicans here make such predictions all the time despite the fact that nothing is 100% certain in life.

You mean like....

Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.
Only if democrats reach out to minority voters and get off this immigration Titanic issue. We are historically known for fuckin up sure bets. This Fienstien issue with Ford, the stupid old white bitch should have handed the information over to the FBI, request unanimity of Ford and had the investigation under way until the actual hearings were held. I mean, this droppin the ball shit that we do over and over and over again, has got to stop, else we might as well become a new party, because the democratic way just ain't working
Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.
They better. The current single party tyranny by the minority must be corrected.

. . . . back to the other single-party tyranny we just ran screaming from.

. . OR . . the two parties could come work together in unison for the good of the nation instead of just itself. Notice how the Left never bring that one up!
Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.

I'd have said you were right on target before the Democrats decided to put on this shameful display regarding Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation, now I think it's less likely (although I would guess they still have a better than 50% chance to flip the House).

All bets are off if Crime Family-D keeps up with the unhinged rhetoric regarding Kavanaugh and "Women have a right to be believed". I think large swaths of the "independent" electorate are getting tired of this divisive "everybody's a victim" bullshit coming from Democrats and it seems to have an energizing effect on the Republican lemming slice to get out and actually vote.

Personally I think the Democrats deserve to get their noses rubbed in the filth they created in the past month, if that happens maybe they'll think twice about doing something like that again.
Kavanaugh has only hurt Democrats.
Enough to keep the house majority?
Most likely.

The walkaway march will also probably cause the GOP to not lose many, if any, seats.
The what?
Pull your head out of DailyKOS.
There is going to be a march by Democrats, not psychotic Liberals, who are going to be voting R from now on until the Ds stop catering to the psychotic Liberals.
Can you tell me when is that March so I can look at the pictures of the crowd afterward?

You dont know how to use Google?

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