Despite Kavanaugh confirmation, House majority will flip to Democrats

Being an open Republican or conservative is like wearing a scarlet letter these days. Just like in 2016. Democrats have drummed up so much hate that the polls do not reflect reality because people don't want to be labeled.
I believe it is a toss up and that is the fault of the lefts own actions. Between Russia and rape parties they have energized the right and a portion of the middle.

Democrats are their own worst enemies
Republicans are making inroads in Senate races. Your scarlet-letter theory is therefore junk.
My theory is spot on. People fear even the traditional use of signs and bumper stickers because you morons are so unhinged.
You tweaked your theory from poll responses to bumper sticker use.
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
I have tried to follow this possibility very closely.

Real Clear Politics shows a lean to the Democrats, but many or most of the polls they rely on are little more than propaganda wings of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

I just studied another one---Cook Political Report---and it looks like a toss-up, maybe even a slight lean for the Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi has started talking again, so thats a plus for the Republicans.
I am copy and pasting this from the Cook website:
At the moment, Democrats are substantial favorites for House control and could pick up anywhere from 20 to 40 seats.

I don't subscribe, so there may be some opinion I can't see. But, on the part open to non-subscribers, it shows:


192 for Democrat/Socialists

196 for Republicans

Then they have Toss Ups and I find for Republican held seats:

4 scored as Even

2 scored as Democrat/Socialists ahead

23 Republicans ahead.

196 plus 23 is 219 or a 2 seat Majority for Republicans. And, I think it said a couple of the Democrat held seats in Minnesota are a slight lean to Republicans.

Just reporting the facts as I read them.

Maybe the voters will forget in a few weeks how badly the Democrat/Socialists behaved (Made asses out of themselves) during the Supreme Court hearings. Then again, maybe the polls don't yet reflect that disgusting behavior.

No use boasting either way just now----we will know soon enough.
Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.
Being an open Republican or conservative is like wearing a scarlet letter these days. Just like in 2016. Democrats have drummed up so much hate that the polls do not reflect reality because people don't want to be labeled.
I believe it is a toss up and that is the fault of the lefts own actions. Between Russia and rape parties they have energized the right and a portion of the middle.

Democrats are their own worst enemies
Republicans are making inroads in Senate races. Your scarlet-letter theory is therefore junk.
My theory is spot on. People fear even the traditional use of signs and bumper stickers because you morons are so unhinged.
You tweaked your theory from poll responses to bumper sticker use.
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Real Clear Politics shows a lean to the Democrats, but many or most of the polls they rely on are little more than propaganda wings of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

Except when they show Trump over 50%, right?

As I believe I have pointed out to your Dumb-Ass before, Rasmussen was one of the most reliable polls in the 2016 Elections, so I rely on it almost exclusively. It shows Trump with a 51% favorability rating on its last poll. Real Clear Politics relys mostly on OTHER POLLS, as I said.

Reading comprehension is your friend. Embrace it.
Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.

So what are you basing this on? Tea leaves? A "feeling"? Wishful thinking?

You know what they say: Wish with one hand and crap in the other, and see which one fills up first.
I have tried to follow this possibility very closely.

Real Clear Politics shows a lean to the Democrats, but many or most of the polls they rely on are little more than propaganda wings of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

I just studied another one---Cook Political Report---and it looks like a toss-up, maybe even a slight lean for the Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi has started talking again, so thats a plus for the Republicans.
I am copy and pasting this from the Cook website:
At the moment, Democrats are substantial favorites for House control and could pick up anywhere from 20 to 40 seats.

I don't subscribe, so there may be some opinion I can't see. But, on the part open to non-subscribers, it shows:


192 for Democrat/Socialists

196 for Republicans

Then they have Toss Ups and I find for Republican held seats:

4 scored as Even

2 scored as Democrat/Socialists ahead

23 Republicans ahead.

196 plus 23 is 219 or a 2 seat Majority for Republicans. And, I think it said a couple of the Democrat held seats in Minnesota are a slight lean to Republicans.

Just reporting the facts as I read them.

Maybe the voters will forget in a few weeks how badly the Democrat/Socialists behaved (Made asses out of themselves) during the Supreme Court hearings. Then again, maybe the polls don't yet reflect that disgusting behavior.

No use boasting either way just now----we will know soon enough.
"I don't see a fucking landslide here. I don't see it at all"

Cenk of the Young Turks, 2016 election night.
Republicans are making inroads in Senate races. Your scarlet-letter theory is therefore junk.
My theory is spot on. People fear even the traditional use of signs and bumper stickers because you morons are so unhinged.
You tweaked your theory from poll responses to bumper sticker use.
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
My theory is spot on. People fear even the traditional use of signs and bumper stickers because you morons are so unhinged.
You tweaked your theory from poll responses to bumper sticker use.
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
It was based on POLLS that were faulty stupidfuck. How many times or ways do I have to explain this to you?
Real Clear Politics shows a lean to the Democrats, but many or most of the polls they rely on are little more than propaganda wings of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

Except when they show Trump over 50%, right?

As I believe I have pointed out to your Dumb-Ass before, Rasmussen was one of the most reliable polls in the 2016 Elections, so I rely on it almost exclusively. It shows Trump with a 51% favorability rating on its last poll. Real Clear Politics relys mostly on OTHER POLLS, as I said.

Reading comprehension is your friend. Embrace it.
Rasmussen predicted a 2% popular vote victory for Hillary Clinton. Are you saying that Donald Trump was full of shit when he said he won the popular vote because illegals voted?
Democrats will very likely gain a majority in the House.

Usually the party that holds the presidency, loses many seats and the House during midterms.

Ahhh, but Trump is not a "usually" kind of President. Everything he's done in the last two years has defied the the norm.

That's why the Democrats keep losing their collective asses: The haven't seemed to be able to progress past the old tactics that won them elections against those old-school Republicans.

Trump is nothing like his predecessors: He's not playing by the same rules they were, and the left can't seem to figure that out. They're still using the same smear tactics they've been employing since the 1920's, but they're not working any more.
You tweaked your theory from poll responses to bumper sticker use.
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
It was based on POLLS that were faulty stupidfuck. How many times or ways do I have to explain this to you?
You tweaked your theory from poll responses to bumper sticker use.
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
It was based on POLLS that were faulty stupidfuck. How many times or ways do I have to explain this to you?
False. The 93% forecast was based on several factors, not only polls.
What is true is that the big dangers to the Ds and Rs are not picked up by polling:

How narrowly sanctuary status unconstitutionality will be decided?

How much will the Ds be hurt and implicated in the Witch Hunt declassifications?

Perp walks will be a huge problem for the Ds in both houses.
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
It was based on POLLS that were faulty stupidfuck. How many times or ways do I have to explain this to you?
No I didn't ya idiot. My theory is that many who support the right don't publicly display that support because you nuts are so vindictive. Matters not if it is a poll or a yard sign, the result is the same..... Republican support is underestimated
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
It was based on POLLS that were faulty stupidfuck. How many times or ways do I have to explain this to you?
False. The 93% forecast was based on several factors, not only polls.

Keep going loser.
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
It was based on POLLS that were faulty stupidfuck. How many times or ways do I have to explain this to you?
You appear to take issue with those who predict Republican loses based on bumper stickers and yard signs. But no such predictions exist. You seem to be confused. Your odd analysis may or may not be the result of alcohol consumption.
My odd analysis is based on Hillarys predicted landslide and 93% chance of victory.

You are clearly lacking the necessary reason and logic skills for this discussion.

You are dismissed for the fool you are...
Said analysis was not based on bumper stickers.
It was based on POLLS that were faulty stupidfuck. How many times or ways do I have to explain this to you?
False. The 93% forecast was based on several factors, not only polls.

Keep going loser.
By the way, you now switched from bumper stickers to polls.
But previously you said that your scarlet letter hypothesis referred to public displays.
You are better than me at proving you’re confused.
Real Clear Politics shows a lean to the Democrats, but many or most of the polls they rely on are little more than propaganda wings of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

Except when they show Trump over 50%, right?

As I believe I have pointed out to your Dumb-Ass before, Rasmussen was one of the most reliable polls in the 2016 Elections, so I rely on it almost exclusively. It shows Trump with a 51% favorability rating on its last poll. Real Clear Politics relys mostly on OTHER POLLS, as I said.

Reading comprehension is your friend. Embrace it.
Rasmussen predicted a 2% popular vote victory for Hillary Clinton. Are you saying that Donald Trump was full of shit when he said he won the popular vote because illegals voted?

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

"The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters."
Real Clear Politics shows a lean to the Democrats, but many or most of the polls they rely on are little more than propaganda wings of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

Except when they show Trump over 50%, right?

As I believe I have pointed out to your Dumb-Ass before, Rasmussen was one of the most reliable polls in the 2016 Elections, so I rely on it almost exclusively. It shows Trump with a 51% favorability rating on its last poll. Real Clear Politics relys mostly on OTHER POLLS, as I said.

Reading comprehension is your friend. Embrace it.
Rasmussen predicted a 2% popular vote victory for Hillary Clinton. Are you saying that Donald Trump was full of shit when he said he won the popular vote because illegals voted?

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

"The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters."
Rasmussen is afraid of making Congress polls though.

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