Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority and they are damned good at it

But they have grown cocky and think that their minority rule means the public supports them. They have grown continually aggressive in their unpopular agenda thinking their political manuevering will always save them

They will ultimately fall like the house of cards they are
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

Haha...that’s a lot of typing...yet, you said very little.
I’ll sum it all up for you simply and in few words...
Democrats love all that is immoral, indecent, unconstitutional, and unAmerican..they love lawlessness, they perpetuate criminality..they long for that anything goes, no boundaries free for all that is anything but American.
Republicans are finally, seriously pissed off...good, real Americans want their country back; they want morality and decency restored, they respect and honor the U.S. Constitution, U.S. culture/traditions, law and order.
Sorry bud...decency is on its way for you huh?
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

Haha...that’s a lot of typing...yet, you said very little.
I’ll sum it all up for you simply and in few words...
Democrats love all that is immoral, indecent, unconstitutional, and unAmerican..they love lawlessness, they perpetuate criminality..they long for that anything goes, no boundaries free for all that is anything but American.
Republicans are finally, seriously pissed off...good, real Americans want their country back; they want morality and decency restored, they respect and honor the U.S. Constitution, U.S. culture/traditions, law and order.
Sorry bud...decency is on its way for you huh?

then lets keep it simple -

Trump is a realty tv host trying to run the country like a reality tv show.

end of stroy
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

Haha...that’s a lot of typing...yet, you said very little.
I’ll sum it all up for you simply and in few words...
Democrats love all that is immoral, indecent, unconstitutional, and unAmerican..they love lawlessness, they perpetuate criminality..they long for that anything goes, no boundaries free for all that is anything but American.
Republicans are finally, seriously pissed off...good, real Americans want their country back; they want morality and decency restored, they respect and honor the U.S. Constitution, U.S. culture/traditions, law and order.
Sorry bud...decency is on its way for you huh?

then lets keep it simple -

Trump is a realty tv host trying to run the country like a reality tv show.

end of stroy

Shit, if that’s truly the case...I’ll bet when Trump is done in 2024 we’ll elect another “reality tv host” to continue kicking ass.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority and they are damned good at it

But they have grown cocky and think that their minority rule means the public supports them. They have grown continually aggressive in their unpopular agenda thinking their political manuevering will always save them

They will ultimately fall like the house of cards they are

You want cockiness? How about taking the white male working class voter for granted? And then, when they did not vote for you this time, call them racist or deplorable.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority and they are damned good at it

But they have grown cocky and think that their minority rule means the public supports them. They have grown continually aggressive in their unpopular agenda thinking their political manuevering will always save them

They will ultimately fall like the house of cards they are

“Unpopular agenda”?
“Minority rule”?
30 states and 2,623 counties = MAJORITY
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

The Left nominated advice from the political left has some sort of special cachet?

Y'all lost the election to the best gas station sushi in Alabama, but you still lost.
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
Our newspaper is liberal leaning, so this op ed didn't surprise me a couple of days ago. UNTIL I got to the bottom and read that it was written by a conservative !
Being a moderate, I yearn for "normal," too. I think the crazier things get in the WH with cabinet scandals and Stormy and schizo foreign relations and scuttlebutt on the daily tantrums, the more people will be thinking this way, too. It's worth reading the whole op ed, even if you're a conservative. This is just an excerpt:

Republicans grossly misjudged the political landscape if they think the GOP tax cut can buy the loyalty of Republican moderates, white women, married women and college graduates who held their noses to vote for Trump in 2016. These voters are the ones likely to tell pollsters they are embarrassed to have Trump as president, consider him dishonest and unfit, fret about getting into a fighting or a trade war, and worry not that their taxes are too high but that college tuition is too costly. These are the voters who play by the rules, know they need experience for high-level jobs and follow social norms in their neighborhoods and in their workplaces. They do not insult work colleagues, compulsively lie or think they’re on the precipice of losing their place in American society. They are strivers, not grievance-mongers and conspiracy theorists looking for excuses for their plight. They regard Trump as boorish, irresponsible, loopy and even dangerous.

Republicans lose even when they win
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority and they are damned good at it

But they have grown cocky and think that their minority rule means the public supports them. They have grown continually aggressive in their unpopular agenda thinking their political manuevering will always save them

They will ultimately fall like the house of cards they are

You want cockiness? How about taking the white male working class voter for granted? And then, when they did not vote for you this time, call them racist or deplorable.

The Republican white male base is getting old
They are turning away the youth vote and are losing among women
Add the minority vote that they have lost forever and their demographics are shot
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
Our newspaper is liberal leaning, so this op ed didn't surprise me a couple of days ago. UNTIL I got to the bottom and read that it was written by a conservative !
Being a moderate, I yearn for "normal," too. I think the crazier things get in the WH with cabinet scandals and Stormy and schizo foreign relations and scuttlebutt on the daily tantrums, the more people will be thinking this way, too. It's worth reading the whole op ed, even if you're a conservative. This is just an excerpt:

Republicans grossly misjudged the political landscape if they think the GOP tax cut can buy the loyalty of Republican moderates, white women, married women and college graduates who held their noses to vote for Trump in 2016. These voters are the ones likely to tell pollsters they are embarrassed to have Trump as president, consider him dishonest and unfit, fret about getting into a fighting or a trade war, and worry not that their taxes are too high but that college tuition is too costly. These are the voters who play by the rules, know they need experience for high-level jobs and follow social norms in their neighborhoods and in their workplaces. They do not insult work colleagues, compulsively lie or think they’re on the precipice of losing their place in American society. They are strivers, not grievance-mongers and conspiracy theorists looking for excuses for their plight. They regard Trump as boorish, irresponsible, loopy and even dangerous.

Republicans lose even when they win
What's so humorous, jwoodie?
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority and they are damned good at it

But they have grown cocky and think that their minority rule means the public supports them. They have grown continually aggressive in their unpopular agenda thinking their political manuevering will always save them

They will ultimately fall like the house of cards they are

“Unpopular agenda”?
“Minority rule”?
30 states and 2,623 counties = MAJORITY

Interesting point
In the overwhelming majority of states they lose the popular vote. If you consider a county with 40,000 voters the same as a county with 1,000,000 voters you can convince yourself that the people support you
Republicans grossly misjudged the political landscape if they think the GOP tax cut can buy the loyalty of Republican moderates, white women, married women and college graduates who held their noses to vote for Trump in 2016. These voters are the ones likely to tell pollsters they are embarrassed to have Trump as president, consider him dishonest and unfit, fret about getting into a fighting or a trade war, and worry not that their taxes are too high but that college tuition is too costly. These are the voters who play by the rules, know they need experience for high-level jobs and follow social norms in their neighborhoods and in their workplaces. They do not insult work colleagues, compulsively lie or think they’re on the precipice of losing their place in American society. They are strivers, not grievance-mongers and conspiracy theorists looking for excuses for their plight. They regard Trump as boorish, irresponsible, loopy and even dangerous.

This is not only delusional thinking, it is tinged with the underlying racism of the Left: Apparently, only Republican moderates, white women, married women and college graduates can be expected to play by the rules, know they need experience for high-level jobs, follow social norms and not insult work colleagues. They are also strivers, not grievance mongers.

Obviously not your typical Democrat voter.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority and they are damned good at it

But they have grown cocky and think that their minority rule means the public supports them. They have grown continually aggressive in their unpopular agenda thinking their political manuevering will always save them

They will ultimately fall like the house of cards they are

You want cockiness? How about taking the white male working class voter for granted? And then, when they did not vote for you this time, call them racist or deplorable.

The Republican white male base is getting old
They are turning away the youth vote and are losing among women
Add the minority vote that they have lost forever and their demographics are shot

By your analysis and assumed validated trends, the 2016 Election should have been Hillary in a landslide. How do you explain more women and minorities voting for Trump than they did Obama opponents? Hillary knew she did not capture women vote so much so she blamed them for listening to their husbands.
Republicans grossly misjudged the political landscape if they think the GOP tax cut can buy the loyalty of Republican moderates, white women, married women and college graduates who held their noses to vote for Trump in 2016. These voters are the ones likely to tell pollsters they are embarrassed to have Trump as president, consider him dishonest and unfit, fret about getting into a fighting or a trade war, and worry not that their taxes are too high but that college tuition is too costly. These are the voters who play by the rules, know they need experience for high-level jobs and follow social norms in their neighborhoods and in their workplaces. They do not insult work colleagues, compulsively lie or think they’re on the precipice of losing their place in American society. They are strivers, not grievance-mongers and conspiracy theorists looking for excuses for their plight. They regard Trump as boorish, irresponsible, loopy and even dangerous.

This is not only delusional thinking, it is tinged with the underlying racism of the Left: Apparently, only Republican moderates, white women, married women and college graduates can be expected to play by the rules, know they need experience for high-level jobs, follow social norms and not insult work colleagues. They are also strivers, not grievance mongers.

Obviously not your typical Democrat voter.
? I didn't read it that way at all, but perhaps you didn't read the whole op ed. I don't know where underlying racism has ANYTHING to do with it, and it was written by a Republican conservative, so not sure where the Democrat thing comes from either.
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

Haha...that’s a lot of typing...yet, you said very little.
I’ll sum it all up for you simply and in few words...
Democrats love all that is immoral, indecent, unconstitutional, and unAmerican..they love lawlessness, they perpetuate criminality..they long for that anything goes, no boundaries free for all that is anything but American.
Republicans are finally, seriously pissed off...good, real Americans want their country back; they want morality and decency restored, they respect and honor the U.S. Constitution, U.S. culture/traditions, law and order.
Sorry bud...decency is on its way for you huh?

then lets keep it simple -

Trump is a realty tv host trying to run the country like a reality tv show.

end of stroy
And being very successful!

As I’ve said before; we couldn’t have elected a better president. :)
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

Haha...that’s a lot of typing...yet, you said very little.
I’ll sum it all up for you simply and in few words...
Democrats love all that is immoral, indecent, unconstitutional, and unAmerican..they love lawlessness, they perpetuate criminality..they long for that anything goes, no boundaries free for all that is anything but American.
Republicans are finally, seriously pissed off...good, real Americans want their country back; they want morality and decency restored, they respect and honor the U.S. Constitution, U.S. culture/traditions, law and order.
Sorry bud...decency is on its way for you huh?

then lets keep it simple -

Trump is a realty tv host trying to run the country like a reality tv show.

end of stroy

Shit, if that’s truly the case...I’ll bet when Trump is done in 2024 we’ll elect another “reality tv host” to continue kicking ass.

"SHIT" ???

if Trumps looking for something soft in 2020 he may as well shit in his hand.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority and they are damned good at it

But they have grown cocky and think that their minority rule means the public supports them. They have grown continually aggressive in their unpopular agenda thinking their political manuevering will always save them

They will ultimately fall like the house of cards they are

“Unpopular agenda”?
“Minority rule”?
30 states and 2,623 counties = MAJORITY

Interesting point
In the overwhelming majority of states they lose the popular vote. If you consider a county with 40,000 voters the same as a county with 1,000,000 voters you can convince yourself that the people support you
State offices are based on the popular vote. WTF are you talking about?
“With [Trump’s] victory, Republicans held more power than they have had in nearly a century. Conservatives had control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, and held a majority of the country's governorships. Conservatives also now have a majority on the Supreme Court, in no small part because of Trump's election.

But beyond politics…the average American conservative feels bombarded daily with disrespect.
At the core of the problem for many American conservatives is a feeling that the culture war has been irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents.”

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Conservatives might want to reflect on the possibility that the disrespect they experience is warranted.

The right’s hostility toward those gay and transgender, their contempt for the privacy rights of women, and their unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration merits disrespect.

And the problem isn’t solely with the social right – conservative economic policy predicated on failed, wrongheaded ‘trickle down’ dogma and a militarist, interventionist foreign policy paradigm should likewise not garner conservatives respect.

Indeed, conservatives are at odds with a majority of the American people on issues such as the right of same-sex couples to marry, reproductive rights, decriminalization of marijuana, and immigration reform.

It’s not so much a matter of conservatives having “irrevocably lost to their ideological opponents”; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
fact that the American people wish to live in a diverse, inclusive society that celebrates dissent and expressions of individual liberty, where government seeks to protect that diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
/----/ That is just your biased, fake polls of 350 random adults telling you that.

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