Despite strong Republican opposition, President Biden working to reduce drug prices

LOL Another link from a right-wing site? What happened? Couldn't find pharma companies links? :laughing0301:

Why is this so hard for you idiots to accept? Is it because Biden is proposing it? How is this different from Trump's administration trying to lower those same prices?

I'll tell you the difference - Trump tried to negotiate but came up empty. While, as usual, Biden got the job done.

So, spare me the hand-wringing. You idiots were all for it till you found out that Biden got there first and so now, you are all against it. guys kill off miracle drugs......let people who have no other help suffer....but as long as you get short term election are o.k. with that....
Voters and taxpayers and patients, even Republican ones, know that this will make these drugs both cheaper and more available, and save the government and programs like Medicare and Medicaid money. Voters strongly favor this plan and want to see it extended.

It is mostly only lunatics like those here at USMB who oppose and ridicule Medicare/Medicaid negotiating prices with the companies — hopefully extreme MAGAnut politicians will continue to oppose all such negotiations and pay at the voting booth for their capitulation to Big Pharma.

Private health insurance companies already try to negotiate prices but when this passes they will feel more emboldened in the future, as will big hospital networks, pharmacies, etc. Of course each drug is different and often is distributed differently. Big Pharma companies will likely re-intensify their lobbying efforts in the short run, but hopefully the tide is turning.

Meanwhile, research that goes on at universities will hopefully be re-oriented too, with medical researchers and entrepreneurs less obliged to capitulate and sign away patent rights to discoveries to the big pharma companies. Much depends on whether the public and smaller pharma companies and progressive politicians can keep the pressure on Big Pharma, and if there can be new life breathed into generic companies. Even patent law and related “Exclusivity Agreements” can be reconsidered where appropriate. I hope there is enough political will and at least a minimum of bipartisanship, so all issues can be dealt with intelligently.
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There are two issues involved here.

First, many Democrats are low or very low income and unable to afford the extremely high prices drug makers charge for life saving medications. These medications are necessary to their well being.

Second, the vast majority of Republicans are wealthy and have no issues paying the high prices required for their medications, and most of the elected ones depend on campaign contributions from the drug manufacturers and are loath to see those moneys reduced.

So, as usual, while President Biden works to benefit all Americans, the Republicans, as usual, are throwing up roadblocks to anything helping poorer Americans.
Um the link is about the govt dealing with drugs covered by Medicare…not all drugs

So drug prices for the poor and working folks will go up as the govts price will go down

Try again
I just love how you guys change your tune on the flip of a dime. First of all, you guys say that most Republicans are low educated buffoons who mindlessly follower their cult leader because they're too stupid to know any better and then you turn right around and call most Republicans the rich and the wealthy. Please make up your mind.

Secondly, you're a fool if you think Big Pharma won't raise their prices on all of the other thousands of meds to make up the difference for these 10 drugs. You are just low educated buffoons who follow their leader.

No, what they will do is come out the year after with a "new improved version" and raise its price.

This is a totally worthless move without making drug negotiations applicable for all drugs and having someone actually willing to do it.

And also, allow the poor to purchase less expensive drugs from other countries.
No, what they will do is come out the year after with a "new improved version" and raise its price.

This is a totally worthless move without making drug negotiations applicable for all drugs and having someone actually willing to do it.

And also, allow the poor to purchase less expensive drugs from other countries.
Yes, that is a very real possibility. I had a disease myself where they did just that. The medicine was very expensive per month and when it was time for a generic version to come out they up and did exactly what you said. They actually took the pill they had and stuck that very same pill inside a capsule and called it something else and the generic version never came out and patients were still stuck paying the high price. You could actually take the capsule apart and see inside that it was the very same pill they had before but without the capsule.
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The right’s unwarranted opposition to reducing drug prices is yet another example of Republicans’ contempt for sound, responsible governance.
And Mrs Jones you know better but pretend to just be a stupid sheeple.
Come on, nobody is this dumb.
Although Poopeypants has lowered the price of killer fentanyl in the country.
And Mrs Jones you know better but pretend to just be a stupid sheeple.
Come on, nobody is this dumb.
Although Poopeypants has lowered the price of killer fentanyl in the country.
Your party has contempt for people who are struggling to afford their medication. They made that clear with their votes
The right’s unwarranted opposition to reducing drug prices is yet another example of Republicans’ contempt for sound, responsible governance. guys don't understand, they artificially lower drug prices on 10 common drugs, and destroy all incentive to make new drugs in the future..........

Ben Shapiro had it right.....make Canada, and the rest of the world pay their fare share for our drugs.......they are free loading off of our country's innovation and creativity.
Last time I heard, Biden was looking to mandate that everyone needs to get the new COVID vaccine. Biden does nothing for the taxpayer.
Maybe the bottom line is that those following the MAGA solution are against any thing NEGOTIATED.
And are only interested in what they personally demand?

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