Despite Sweden's strict gun laws, hand grenades are easily obtainable

Nope. It's the law of probabilities. If something happens once, it's an occurrence.

If the same thing happens twice, it's a coincidence.

If the same thing happens three times, it's an anomaly.

If the same thing happens four times, its a pattern.

If the same thing happens five times, it's a surety.

For sure Sweden has a problem with scumbag immigrants. How else would Swedish nationals have access to a destructive device that can only be found in a war zone? Are there any war zones near Sweden? None that I know of. Are there any Swedish nationals participating in any wars that we know of? Nope.

Are there an abundance of non-Swedish immigrants residing in Sweden? Yes.

There's your problem. If you can't see that, you're as blind as Little Stevie Wonder.

From your own link, Moron.

There is very little evidence that the migrants are to blame for a rise in violent crime.

"The people who are causing problems for us today, the vast majority of them are born in Sweden, and that's not a notion of migration. That's an issue of integration and an issue of social inclusion," said Justice Minister Morgan Johansson, a centre-left Social Democrat.

"One per cent of the population in our Swedish prisons are Syrians. One percent are from Afghanistan."
Sweden is over run with muslims.
Nope. It's the law of probabilities. If something happens once, it's an occurrence.

If the same thing happens twice, it's a coincidence.

If the same thing happens three times, it's an anomaly.

If the same thing happens four times, its a pattern.

If the same thing happens five times, it's a surety.

For sure Sweden has a problem with scumbag immigrants. How else would Swedish nationals have access to a destructive device that can only be found in a war zone? Are there any war zones near Sweden? None that I know of. Are there any Swedish nationals participating in any wars that we know of? Nope.

Are there an abundance of non-Swedish immigrants residing in Sweden? Yes.

There's your problem. If you can't see that, you're as blind as Little Stevie Wonder.

From your own link, Moron.

There is very little evidence that the migrants are to blame for a rise in violent crime.

"The people who are causing problems for us today, the vast majority of them are born in Sweden, and that's not a notion of migration. That's an issue of integration and an issue of social inclusion," said Justice Minister Morgan Johansson, a centre-left Social Democrat.

"One per cent of the population in our Swedish prisons are Syrians. One percent are from Afghanistan."

I don't agree with everything in the article. I do believe that not only migrants are to blame, but that "vast majority" as well. Just because they were born in Sweden doesn't mean that their parent weren't immigrants. That also doesn't mean that they don't speak their parents native language, or that they don't practice the same religion, which would be Islam.
You are obsessed, brainwashed functional moron. These are refugees from a war zone and our about as dangerous has kittens.
Very few of the so-called "refugees" flooding into Europe and, in somewhat lesser measure, the U.S., are actual refugees seeking protection. The vast majority of these people are military-age males posing as refugees but who in fact are economic migrants looking for a good place to flop and enjoy free everything. They come from a wide variety of places in the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. Very few of them are Syrian and it is likely that a substantial percentage of them are ISIS and Taliban-affiliated terrorists or potential terrorists.

If you need a clearer picture of what I'm talking about go to YouTube and call up video's of Europe's migrant crisis.
try reading something and stop parroting GOP BS, Super Dupe.
Nope. It's the law of probabilities. If something happens once, it's an occurrence.

If the same thing happens twice, it's a coincidence.

If the same thing happens three times, it's an anomaly.

If the same thing happens four times, its a pattern.

If the same thing happens five times, it's a surety.

For sure Sweden has a problem with scumbag immigrants. How else would Swedish nationals have access to a destructive device that can only be found in a war zone? Are there any war zones near Sweden? None that I know of. Are there any Swedish nationals participating in any wars that we know of? Nope.

Are there an abundance of non-Swedish immigrants residing in Sweden? Yes.

There's your problem. If you can't see that, you're as blind as Little Stevie Wonder.

From your own link, Moron.

There is very little evidence that the migrants are to blame for a rise in violent crime.

"The people who are causing problems for us today, the vast majority of them are born in Sweden, and that's not a notion of migration. That's an issue of integration and an issue of social inclusion," said Justice Minister Morgan Johansson, a centre-left Social Democrat.

"One per cent of the population in our Swedish prisons are Syrians. One percent are from Afghanistan."

I don't agree with everything in the article. I do believe that not only migrants are to blame, but that "vast majority" as well. Just because they were born in Sweden doesn't mean that their parent weren't immigrants. That also doesn't mean that they don't speak their parents native language, or that they don't practice the same religion, which would be Islam.
Too bad you have no evidence. Unbelievable, super dupe.
It's amazing how these trolls cannot be in a topic without insulting everyone who disagrees with them.
I don't agree with everything in the article. I do believe that not only migrants are to blame, but that "vast majority" as well. Just because they were born in Sweden doesn't mean that their parent weren't immigrants. That also doesn't mean that they don't speak their parents native language, or that they don't practice the same religion, which would be Islam.

Good grief....
It's amazing how these trolls cannot be in a topic without insulting everyone who disagrees with them.

It's amazing how the Cletus's pull stats out of their arse, and when called on it, cry like the little Petals they are. Guess that's what happens when your source of Fake News is from the Twit in Chief, the Orange Buffoon...
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It's amazing how these trolls cannot be in a topic without insulting everyone who disagrees with them.

It's amazing how the Cletus's pull stats out of their arse, and when called on it, cry like the little Petals they are. Guess that's what happens when you source of Fake News is from the Twit in Chief, the Orange Buffoon...
Can you possibly translate that into a coherent post?
Sweden reminds of the rich kid who goes and lives in the hood for the experience.

These are the top 10 happiest countries in the world

And every one of those countries I would live in over the US any day of the week (except maybe Switzerland - too expensive, and Iceland - too cold!)

I noticed both NZ and Oz were in the top ten.

I don't think I'd want to live in the Baltics. Truth is I've found that the warmer the climate, the nicer people are.
I noticed both NZ and Oz were in the top ten.

I don't think I'd want to live in the Baltics. Truth is I've found that the warmer the climate, the nicer people are.

Roger. I don't know if I agree with that.
The us only sucks because of the Pander to the rich GOP and the Dupes who believe Healthcare daycare vacations parental leave taxing the rich, cheap college and training, living wage, intelligent gun laws Etc are communism. Brainwashed functional morons....

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