Despite What I've Said About DeSantis, He's Still My #2 Pick

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I know, I know, you guys are wondering why on earth I would vote for a RINO right? Well as much as it bothers me that he constantly dodges questions and turned his back on Trump, nobody with a brain can ignore the fact that he was still a great governor and he constantly fights the woke, but I'm still voting for Trump because I'm worried that he wouldn't have enough focus on everything else.

Still, I don't think that he would lift sanctions on Russia like Vivek Ramaswamy and hand out pardons for the Biden family. He's losing to both him and Trump big time in the polls though and Trump is going to be the nominee just stating my opinion that DeSantis is better than Ramaswamy and a WHOLE lot better than Biden.

He's just not a strong of candidate as Trump is and he should have waited his turn and I should have never wanted him to run for the upcoming election in the first place. That was a mistake.
The 2024 election isn't going to be accepted regardless which party "wins". There is no trust left in the system. Next year is going to be very interesting, especially if SCOTUS refuses to hear Trump's appeals or if they rule against him on the Constitutionality of disqualifying him with the 14th amendment. Interesting times, indeed.
If either Viv or DeSantis is still standing on Super Tuesday I'll pick one of them....Unless Youngkin decides to make a late run at it then I gotta support a fellow right-leaning Virginian. ;)
I have never cast a vote for Trump, and I never will.

DeSantis is the closest candidate to a Conservative out there at the moment and while I like the Viv and I own a copy of his book, "Woke, Inc", I wouldn't vote for him
I know, I know, you guys are wondering why on earth I would vote for a RINO right? Well as much as it bothers me that he constantly dodges questions and turned his back on Trump, nobody with a brain can ignore the fact that he was still a great governor and he constantly fights the woke, but I'm still voting for Trump because I'm worried that he wouldn't have enough focus on everything else.

Still, I don't think that he would lift sanctions on Russia like Vivek Ramaswamy and hand out pardons for the Biden family. He's losing to both him and Trump big time in the polls though and Trump is going to be the nominee just stating my opinion that DeSantis is better than Ramaswamy and a WHOLE lot better than Biden.

He's just not a strong of candidate as Trump is and he should have waited his turn and I should have never wanted him to run for the upcoming election in the first place. That was a mistake.
#2 on my list as well

People I refuse to vote for:

#1 Trump
#2 Desantis
#3 Pence
I know, I know, you guys are wondering why on earth I would vote for a RINO right? Well as much as it bothers me that he constantly dodges questions and turned his back on Trump, nobody with a brain can ignore the fact that he was still a great governor and he constantly fights the woke, but I'm still voting for Trump because I'm worried that he wouldn't have enough focus on everything else.

Still, I don't think that he would lift sanctions on Russia like Vivek Ramaswamy and hand out pardons for the Biden family. He's losing to both him and Trump big time in the polls though and Trump is going to be the nominee just stating my opinion that DeSantis is better than Ramaswamy and a WHOLE lot better than Biden.

He's just not a strong of candidate as Trump is and he should have waited his turn and I should have never wanted him to run for the upcoming election in the first place. That was a mistake.
Even if he had waited, he would still be a weirdo that people can't relate to. God blessed him with absolutely no political instincts
#2 on my list as well

People I refuse to vote for:

#1 Trump
#2 Desantis
#3 Pence
People who you say you refuse to vote for but will anyway

Anybody with an R by their name....

But they are millions more people who are waiting to vote against anyone with an R by their name
People who you say you refuse to vote for but will anyway

Anybody with an R by their name....

But they are millions more people who are waiting to vote against anyone with an R by their name
Not nearly as partisan as you are, sonny
Not nearly as partisan as you are, sonny
Has nothing to do with partisanship....

It has everything to do with policies...

One side is against cutting Social Security/Medicare, rolling back labor rights while giving corporations more tax breaks and power...rolling back Civil Rights while demonizing trans people...

The other side has to lie about cutting Social Security/Medicare because they know it's unpopular....they have to pretend to be for worker's right while doing nothing to show for it...pass more billionaire tax cuts while whining about the debt.....and feed you culture war bullshit to make you think hating gay people is a virtue

I think the first set of policies are far more popular with Americans than the latter
If either Viv or DeSantis is still standing on Super Tuesday I'll pick one of them....

Wouldn't you rather pick the candidate that is going to make the Bidens pay and not lift Sanctions against Russia? If you don't know what I'm talking about I can provide links.

People I refuse to vote for:

#1 Trump

Excuse me?
Wouldn't you rather pick the candidate that is going to make the Bidens pay and not lift Sanctions against Russia? If you don't know what I'm talking about I can provide links.
Nope, I can't stand to hardly hear Trump speak anymore and his juice is no longer worth the squeeze. It's all about him.

Don't get me wrong, I know he's being shit upon but even before the fist charge dropped I had made up my mind not to vote for him in the primary because I know what will happen to the down ticket if he wins the nomination.....It will be a fuckin' disaster.....Right-leaners can do better.

Sure, I'll vote for him in the general if he gets the nomination but I hope common sense starts to prevail way before then.
One side is against cutting Social Security/Medicare, rolling back labor rights while giving corporations more tax breaks and power...rolling back Civil Rights while demonizing trans people...

lol 'one side?' Your pedo Hero put big tax breaks for hedge funds and an 'accelerated depreciation' scam in his infrastructure bill, along with hundreds of millions for Bill Gate to build a battery plant in a Democratic district, and yet more handouts to wealthy people to buy EVs with. lol you're as big a tool as any Freeper/Gop fag.
Nope, I can't stand to hardly hear Trump speak anymore and his juice is no longer worth the squeeze. It's all about him.

Don't get me wrong, I know he's being shit upon but even before the fist charge dropped I had made up my mind not to vote for him in the primary because I know what will happen to the down ticket if he wins the nomination.....It will be a fuckin' disaster.....Right-leaners can do better.

So what if Trump talks about himself a lot? His personality shouldn't get in the way of what a great president that he was. Oh and btw, I'll take any of the three over Biden any day.
I can't help but note that Biden is conspicuously absent on your list! All of the people you would NEVER vote for are republicans!

I noticed that too, yet their posts seem to certainly claim that they are a Republican.

Oh I just found out that Auld Phart used to be that Hugo guy. I liked him alright but it's odd that now he doesn't mention Biden that he wouldn't vote for on his list.

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