Destroying Our Kids. It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Medical research has confirmed that the body’s endocannabinoid system is a finely regulated and highly complex system which is involved in the detailed regulation of essentially all body systems including the brain and cardiovascular systems and stem cell niches.

Studies have shown that the rate of use of cannabis by expecting mothers closely parallels that in the wider community. In fact given the long half-life of cannabis in tissues even were a maternal habitual smoker to stop when she discovered her pregnancy, her infant would continue to be exposed to her on-board cannabinoid load for several months afterwards during critical periods of organogenesis. And other studies show that the father’s cannabis use is even more damaging than the mothers’ 2.

Whilst much research has focused on the effects of endocannabinoids in the adult brain relatively little research has looked at the impact of these same effects in the developing brain of the fetus and neonate.

Known Cannabis Teratogenicity Needs to be Carefully Considered

Deep State loves a generation they can easily control.
Research on Cannabis has been banned for a long time due to it being classed as a schedule 1 drug. As long as the idiots at the FDA maintain that determination, don't expect much research to be done on any of it's potentials for harm or good.
Medical research has confirmed that the body’s endocannabinoid system is a finely regulated and highly complex system which is involved in the detailed regulation of essentially all body systems including the brain and cardiovascular systems and stem cell niches.

Studies have shown that the rate of use of cannabis by expecting mothers closely parallels that in the wider community. In fact given the long half-life of cannabis in tissues even were a maternal habitual smoker to stop when she discovered her pregnancy, her infant would continue to be exposed to her on-board cannabinoid load for several months afterwards during critical periods of organogenesis. And other studies show that the father’s cannabis use is even more damaging than the mothers’ 2.

Whilst much research has focused on the effects of endocannabinoids in the adult brain relatively little research has looked at the impact of these same effects in the developing brain of the fetus and neonate.

Known Cannabis Teratogenicity Needs to be Carefully Considered

Deep State loves a generation they can easily control.

So the Deep State is trying to use Cannabis to control us by fighting it's legalization against popular demand that it be legalized?

How fucking devious of them!!!

They called it "Operation I Double Dog Dare You!"

Medical research has confirmed that the body’s endocannabinoid system is a finely regulated and highly complex system which is involved in the detailed regulation of essentially all body systems including the brain and cardiovascular systems and stem cell niches.

Studies have shown that the rate of use of cannabis by expecting mothers closely parallels that in the wider community. In fact given the long half-life of cannabis in tissues even were a maternal habitual smoker to stop when she discovered her pregnancy, her infant would continue to be exposed to her on-board cannabinoid load for several months afterwards during critical periods of organogenesis. And other studies show that the father’s cannabis use is even more damaging than the mothers’ 2.

Whilst much research has focused on the effects of endocannabinoids in the adult brain relatively little research has looked at the impact of these same effects in the developing brain of the fetus and neonate.

Known Cannabis Teratogenicity Needs to be Carefully Considered

Deep State loves a generation they can easily control.

Well the state runs liquor stores, but Dims keep losing elections, even a drunk knows better than to vote Dim, so it's on to other drugs now.

Incidentally, alcohol is the drug that is the #1 killer in the US, something to be proud of Progs.

Just think of all the reduced carbon emissions.

But again, it's not enough, it's never enough, which is why you need things like abortion to help reduce more carbon footprints, where more blacks have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade than born.
Medical research has confirmed that the body’s endocannabinoid system is a finely regulated and highly complex system which is involved in the detailed regulation of essentially all body systems including the brain and cardiovascular systems and stem cell niches.

Studies have shown that the rate of use of cannabis by expecting mothers closely parallels that in the wider community. In fact given the long half-life of cannabis in tissues even were a maternal habitual smoker to stop when she discovered her pregnancy, her infant would continue to be exposed to her on-board cannabinoid load for several months afterwards during critical periods of organogenesis. And other studies show that the father’s cannabis use is even more damaging than the mothers’ 2.

Whilst much research has focused on the effects of endocannabinoids in the adult brain relatively little research has looked at the impact of these same effects in the developing brain of the fetus and neonate.

Known Cannabis Teratogenicity Needs to be Carefully Considered

Deep State loves a generation they can easily control.

Well the state runs liquor stores, but Dims keep losing elections, even a drunk knows better than to vote Dim, so it's on to other drugs now.

Incidentally, alcohol is the drug that is the #1 killer in the US, something to be proud of Progs.

Just think of all the reduced carbon emissions.

But again, it's not enough, it's never enough, which is why you need things like abortion to help reduce more carbon footprints, where more blacks have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade than born.

Wow. You worked in Democrats, abortion, blacks, drugs, Roe v Wade, and carbon emissions into such a short post. If you could have somehow gotten the wall and Mueller in there you would have gotten a gold star from Alex Jones..
Research on Cannabis has been banned for a long time due to it being classed as a schedule 1 drug. As long as the idiots at the FDA maintain that determination, don't expect much research to be done on any of it's potentials for harm or good.
So let’s experiment on babies!

Are you stupid or just evil?

And FYI - Fake News. Several approved drugs with the benefits of Cannabis on the market. But you don’t get high, so you ignore it.
Well the state runs liquor stores, but Dims keep losing elections, even a drunk knows better than to vote Dim, so it's on to other drugs now.

Incidentally, alcohol is the drug that is the #1 killer in the US, something to be proud of Progs.

Just think of all the reduced carbon emissions.

But again, it's not enough, it's never enough, which is why you need things like abortion to help reduce more carbon footprints, where more blacks have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade than born.

Wow, you packed a whole lot of crazy in there.

We tried banning alcohol. It didn't work.


Here's the thing... when liberals try to reduce things that are bad for you, you clowns on the right whine about "Nanny State" and "Freedom" and other shit. When they realize that bans on things just don't work, you whine about how permissive they are and how it's a plot to accomplish... well, something.
So let’s experiment on babies!

Are you stupid or just evil?

And FYI - Fake News. Several approved drugs with the benefits of Cannabis on the market. But you don’t get high, so you ignore it.

Except no one has recommended experimenting on babies.

And frakly, I wish you fucking wingnuts would show as much concern about "babies" after they are born than you do before they are born. You know, like stop trying to cut school lunches and after school programs to pay for tax cuts for millionaires... That probably has more of an effect on his development than whether or not his mom smoked weed years before he was conceived.
So let’s experiment on babies!

Are you stupid or just evil?

And FYI - Fake News. Several approved drugs with the benefits of Cannabis on the market. But you don’t get high, so you ignore it.

Except no one has recommended experimenting on babies.

And frakly, I wish you fucking wingnuts would show as much concern about "babies" after they are born than you do before they are born. You know, like stop trying to cut school lunches and after school programs to pay for tax cuts for millionaires... That probably has more of an effect on his development than whether or not his mom smoked weed years before he was conceived.

Funny thing about that, Joseph is that since 63 percent of all illegals are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy? Just imagine how much money would be freed up if the American taxpayer wasn't footing the bill for all those anchor babies and all the "perks" that come with it and INSTEAD using that for the ones whose families helped to build this country as their sweat equity moved this paper scrip we call Federal Reserve notes?

So, ready to admit that you were wrong about me being gainfully employed????
Hold on, Stewbum Dale is about to lecture us again..


Funny thing about that, Joseph is that since 63 percent of all illegals are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy? Just imagine how much money would be freed up if the American taxpayer wasn't footing the bill for all those anchor babies and all the "perks" that come with it and INSTEAD using that for the ones whose families helped to build this country as their sweat equity moved this paper scrip we call Federal Reserve notes?

Yup, it's all part of the Lizard People plan...

But the reality is, the pittance we spend on assistance programs is more than made up for the value of the cheap labor provided....

You could end the "undocumented problem" in five minutes. Go after the rich people who hire them, from the Rich Yuppie bitch who doesn't want to change her own spawn's diapers, to the asshole who hires a truckload of them for an afternoon because that project wasn't as easy as HGTV made it look. But we won't do that...
Hold on, Stewbum Dale is about to lecture us again..

View attachment 233716

Funny thing about that, Joseph is that since 63 percent of all illegals are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy? Just imagine how much money would be freed up if the American taxpayer wasn't footing the bill for all those anchor babies and all the "perks" that come with it and INSTEAD using that for the ones whose families helped to build this country as their sweat equity moved this paper scrip we call Federal Reserve notes?

Yup, it's all part of the Lizard People plan...

But the reality is, the pittance we spend on assistance programs is more than made up for the value of the cheap labor provided....

You could end the "undocumented problem" in five minutes. Go after the rich people who hire them, from the Rich Yuppie bitch who doesn't want to change her own spawn's diapers, to the asshole who hires a truckload of them for an afternoon because that project wasn't as easy as HGTV made it look. But we won't do that...

Lizard people???? Is that what you are calling the banking oligarchs that extend credit by monetizing Promissory notes? I think of them as more like parasites. Why not stop allowing them into the country to begin with along with the illegal drugs that they "mule" in and stop the remittances? Take away the incentive like freebies and subsidized housing, food stamps, free medical care and they will "self-deport"....they got here on their own, they can leave on their own when the welfare spigot is shut off.

Of course those like you want to seem them given amnesty because they are the next targeted underclass of the demcrat communist party. When you steal from Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on votes for

Now, about you admitting error about me being gainfully employed..........gonna stay stubborn????

Lizard people???? Is that what you are calling the banking oligarchs that extend credit by monetizing Promissory notes? I think of them as more like parasites. Why not stop allowing them into the country to begin with along with the illegal drugs that they "mule" in and stop the remittances? Take away the incentive like freebies and subsidized housing, food stamps, free medical care and they will "self-deport"....they got here on their own, they can leave on their own when the welfare spigot is shut off.

again, since Americans want those drugs and that cheap labor, it ain't gonna happen...

Now, I worked at a company where they used undocumented workers for their scrub work... until a bigger company bought them out and they had to replace them with "citizens", who all turned out to be meth heads, scared the shit out of the office ladies and didn't show up day after payday because they were all out getting high.

Well, at least they didnt' rant about the Deep State or something...
Research on Cannabis has been banned for a long time due to it being classed as a schedule 1 drug. As long as the idiots at the FDA maintain that determination, don't expect much research to be done on any of it's potentials for harm or good.
So let’s experiment on babies!

Are you stupid or just evil?

And FYI - Fake News. Several approved drugs with the benefits of Cannabis on the market. But you don’t get high, so you ignore it.

What a dumb remark.
Well the state runs liquor stores, but Dims keep losing elections, even a drunk knows better than to vote Dim, so it's on to other drugs now.

Incidentally, alcohol is the drug that is the #1 killer in the US, something to be proud of Progs.

Just think of all the reduced carbon emissions.

But again, it's not enough, it's never enough, which is why you need things like abortion to help reduce more carbon footprints, where more blacks have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade than born.

Wow, you packed a whole lot of crazy in there.

We tried banning alcohol. It didn't work.

View attachment 233711

Here's the thing... when liberals try to reduce things that are bad for you, you clowns on the right whine about "Nanny State" and "Freedom" and other shit. When they realize that bans on things just don't work, you whine about how permissive they are and how it's a plot to accomplish... well, something.

Banning drugs does not work? Tell that to places like Singapore. It works of you have the political will, but not so much if you don't. Places like Singapore proves that it can work. I'm not arguing one way or the other about banning alcohol here, just proving a point is all.

As for whether we should ban alcohol, it is one thing to say that it is bad for you but allow you to do it, verses saying you can do it and then selling it to you directly like the state does. After all, people like yourself obtain their morality from the state and think that since the state is selling it to them, it must be OK.

Meanwhile, you want to ban guns but not alcohol even though alcohol kills far more people? So the ban on guns will work but not alcohol?

What are you smok'in?
Banning drugs does not work? Tell that to places like Singapore. It works of you have the political will, but not so much if you don't. Places like Singapore proves that it can work. I'm not arguing one way or the other about banning alcohol here, just proving a point is all.

I wouldn't want to live in a police state like Singapore and neither would you.

We've tried the tough approach on drugs. We've tripled the number of people in prison and haven't put a dent in the problem.

Time to try something smarter.

As for whether we should ban alcohol, it is one thing to say that it is bad for you but allow you to do it, verses saying you can do it and then selling it to you directly like the state does. After all, people like yourself obtain their morality from the state and think that since the state is selling it to them, it must be OK.

When did I obtain my morality from "the state"? True, I don't look for morality from an imaginary sky fairy or a book written by Bronze Age savages most of you never bothered to read.

Last time I checked, the liquor stores werent' run by the government. Now you can argue they make good money on taxes on that and other vices... and it's a good point... it's always easier to tax a vice.

But frankly, when I drink, I drink because I enjoy it, not because the state told me to.

Meanwhile, you want to ban guns but not alcohol even though alcohol kills far more people? So the ban on guns will work but not alcohol?

Bans on guns will work because the UK, France, Germany, Japan, and a list of other countries banned guns and it worked. We made one attempt to ban alcohol through the foolish use of constitutional amendment, and it failed, miserably.
Medical research has confirmed that the body’s endocannabinoid system is a finely regulated and highly complex system which is involved in the detailed regulation of essentially all body systems including the brain and cardiovascular systems and stem cell niches.

Studies have shown that the rate of use of cannabis by expecting mothers closely parallels that in the wider community. In fact given the long half-life of cannabis in tissues even were a maternal habitual smoker to stop when she discovered her pregnancy, her infant would continue to be exposed to her on-board cannabinoid load for several months afterwards during critical periods of organogenesis. And other studies show that the father’s cannabis use is even more damaging than the mothers’ 2.

Whilst much research has focused on the effects of endocannabinoids in the adult brain relatively little research has looked at the impact of these same effects in the developing brain of the fetus and neonate.

Known Cannabis Teratogenicity Needs to be Carefully Considered

Deep State loves a generation they can easily control.

So the Deep State is trying to use Cannabis to control us by fighting it's legalization against popular demand that it be legalized?

How fucking devious of them!!!

They called it "Operation I Double Dog Dare You!"

View attachment 233703
Weatherman falls for anything!
Medical research has confirmed that the body’s endocannabinoid system is a finely regulated and highly complex system which is involved in the detailed regulation of essentially all body systems including the brain and cardiovascular systems and stem cell niches.

Studies have shown that the rate of use of cannabis by expecting mothers closely parallels that in the wider community. In fact given the long half-life of cannabis in tissues even were a maternal habitual smoker to stop when she discovered her pregnancy, her infant would continue to be exposed to her on-board cannabinoid load for several months afterwards during critical periods of organogenesis. And other studies show that the father’s cannabis use is even more damaging than the mothers’ 2.

Whilst much research has focused on the effects of endocannabinoids in the adult brain relatively little research has looked at the impact of these same effects in the developing brain of the fetus and neonate.

Known Cannabis Teratogenicity Needs to be Carefully Considered

Deep State loves a generation they can easily control.

Well the state runs liquor stores, but Dims keep losing elections, even a drunk knows better than to vote Dim, so it's on to other drugs now.

Incidentally, alcohol is the drug that is the #1 killer in the US, something to be proud of Progs.

Just think of all the reduced carbon emissions.

But again, it's not enough, it's never enough, which is why you need things like abortion to help reduce more carbon footprints, where more blacks have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade than born.

Wow. You worked in Democrats, abortion, blacks, drugs, Roe v Wade, and carbon emissions into such a short post. If you could have somehow gotten the wall and Mueller in there you would have gotten a gold star from Alex Jones..
Votto thinks it was the "Dims" who lost 40 seats in the House this November. Who`s the idiot here? :) :) :)
Banning drugs does not work? Tell that to places like Singapore. It works of you have the political will, but not so much if you don't. Places like Singapore proves that it can work. I'm not arguing one way or the other about banning alcohol here, just proving a point is all.

I wouldn't want to live in a police state like Singapore and neither would you.

We've tried the tough approach on drugs. We've tripled the number of people in prison and haven't put a dent in the problem.

Time to try something smarter.

As for whether we should ban alcohol, it is one thing to say that it is bad for you but allow you to do it, verses saying you can do it and then selling it to you directly like the state does. After all, people like yourself obtain their morality from the state and think that since the state is selling it to them, it must be OK.

When did I obtain my morality from "the state"? True, I don't look for morality from an imaginary sky fairy or a book written by Bronze Age savages most of you never bothered to read.

Last time I checked, the liquor stores werent' run by the government. Now you can argue they make good money on taxes on that and other vices... and it's a good point... it's always easier to tax a vice.

But frankly, when I drink, I drink because I enjoy it, not because the state told me to.

Meanwhile, you want to ban guns but not alcohol even though alcohol kills far more people? So the ban on guns will work but not alcohol?

Bans on guns will work because the UK, France, Germany, Japan, and a list of other countries banned guns and it worked. We made one attempt to ban alcohol through the foolish use of constitutional amendment, and it failed, miserably.

Your logic is still flawed. You think that a ban on guns should work, yet a ban on alcohol cannot and will not?

How can one work but the other not?

Secondly, you have never heard of state run liquor stores? Really?

I was wrong in saying that you adopt the morality of the state. After all, anything that the GOP stands for you oppose, and if they make laws, like on immigration, you just ignore them. What I really meant to say is that your morality comes from Left wing talking points.

Oh, and with around 200 people dying a day from drug over doses, is legalizing it the answer? We legalized alcohol and now it kills more people than any other drug, so that seems to be the wrong answer, doesn't it?

Of course, you don't even want to secure the border where most of this comes from.
Your logic is still flawed. You think that a ban on guns should work, yet a ban on alcohol cannot and will not?

Yes, I think a ban on firearms would work because other countries have BANNED them.

This isn't complicated, buddy.

I was wrong in saying that you adopt the morality of the state. After all, anything that the GOP stands for you oppose, and if they make laws, like on immigration, you just ignore them. What I really meant to say is that your morality comes from Left wing talking points.

Actually, my morality comes from what I think is right. And if it happens to piss of right wing tight-asses, so much the better.

Oh, and with around 200 people dying a day from drug over doses, is legalizing it the answer? We legalized alcohol and now it kills more people than any other drug, so that seems to be the wrong answer, doesn't it?

The problem is, we treat addiction as a legal problem, instead of a medical problem. A lot of those overdoses are from legally prescribed and controlled drugs that came from a doctor.

Of course, you don't even want to secure the border where most of this comes from.

No, I just don't consider the border to be the problem. Most drug addicts are using either legally manufactured opioids or home grown pot or home made meth...

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