Destroying the Rule of Law to Get Trump

He’s the joint chief. There isn’t anymore chain of command.
Then he lets the president know he's not going to follow the order and takes whatever fallout comes his way as the result. Either he resigns, gets kicked out of office in disgrace or the other generals rally around him and let the president know they're going to defy him. They force a Constitutional showdown over the authority of the Commander in Chief and it gets resolved in the SC. THAT'S how you handle a situation like that, NOT by going to the country you're afraid we're about to start a shooting war with to warn them the bombers are inbound.
If there was no command to attack China then there was nothing to subvert.
That's not a credible argument that there WAS such a command.
Let’s take this simply. What were the first charges that Trump faced? Wasn’t it the Documents? Did he have the Documents? Did he lie about the Documents?

It isn’t subverting the rule of law. It is enforcing the law.
Did you actually read the decision you linked to? Mostly it was that the plaintiffs made claims without proof. Or made the case in the wrong venue. Since Obama had been sworn in the correct Venue would have been D.C. but they filed in California. When you file a lawsuit it has to be where the defendant is.

I could continue. But it is not really relevant. At all. But I’m not surprised. The RW loves comparing apples and horse apples and swearing they are just the same.

Yeah I read it, what the plaintiffs couldn't show was person harm, which is required to have standing. The current plaintiffs can't either. Case dismissed.

Then he lets the president know he's not going to follow the order and takes whatever fallout comes his way as the result. Either he resigns, gets kicked out of office in disgrace or the other generals rally around him and let the president know they're going to defy him. They force a Constitutional showdown over the authority of the Commander in Chief and it gets resolved in the SC. THAT'S how you handle a situation like that, NOT by going to the country you're afraid we're about to start a shooting war with to warn them the bombers are inbound.

That's not a credible argument that there WAS such a command.
There were no orders so no problem.
Actually, the message is…….If you think the laws don’t apply to you, you are sadly mistaken
The laws definitely apply to peons like me. The question is do they apply to the Clintons, the Biiden Family, the Pelosi family and other high ranking Democrats and their families.

Why are we still waiting for the list of people who flew on Epstein’‘s plane? We need the list of people who visited his island. If they engaged in sexual acts with underaged girls they need to face prosecution.
Yeah I read it, what the plaintiffs couldn't show was person harm, which is required to have standing. The current plaintiffs can't either. Case dismissed.


Several other differences. The Obama suit was after he had been sworn in. The Plaintiffs wanted to have him removed by court action. That isn’t allowed by the Constitution. Once sworn in the only way for removal is either by Impeachment or by the 25th Amendment.

In a few threads I’ve mentioned that somewhere there is the worst lawyer in the nation. The Obama suit was filed by the worst lawyer. Ever. Of all time.

I could go on. But to case dismissed.

In this case the suit is based by Colorado voters intent on forcing the Secretary of State to uphold and obey Colorado and US Constitutional law.

Contrast that with Michigan, where the Supreme Court of that State said there was no remedy or authority in Michigan state law to do what was asked. Much as the Obama decision stated. Even if the Plaintiffs were absolutely correct, Michigan has no right to exclude anyone from the ballot, even if they are Constitutionally prohibited from serving in the office. In other words, a Political Party in Michigan can put a foreign national who is 18 on the ballot for President. Even though that person is prohibited by the Constitution from being President.

Colorado by contrast, does have laws which allow disqualified candidates to be removed. A landmark case was decided by the Appeals Court, Justice Gorsuch, who was appointed to the Supreme Court by Trump.

Each state has different laws. One of the things that is protected by the Constitution.

The Supremes will have to decide if Colorado’s decisions are proper based upon Colorado and US Law. And to decide if the decisions were factual.
You have to wonder why the left do what they do, where Trump is concerned.

Surely the left go after Republicans anyway they can, but where Trump is concerned, they outright lie, all the time. It's corruption at the expense of reason and country, and feeds a dumbing down. Sometimes I think a reason for the left's distortions is because Trump's so clean. They're desperate. Bingo.

Is it because Trump presents himself as USA first, considering our govts. foreign interests and collusion? Probably.

Is it the fact Trump says what he's thinking, thus speaks out against what's wrong with less care than what's politically correct? Bingo.

Is it because Trump's outside the establishment? Likely.

Perhaps jealousy and envy by the powerful, because Trump resonates with so many? Sure.
Several other differences. The Obama suit was after he had been sworn in. The Plaintiffs wanted to have him removed by court action. That isn’t allowed by the Constitution. Once sworn in the only way for removal is either by Impeachment or by the 25th Amendment.

In a few threads I’ve mentioned that somewhere there is the worst lawyer in the nation. The Obama suit was filed by the worst lawyer. Ever. Of all time.

I could go on. But to case dismissed.

In this case the suit is based by Colorado voters intent on forcing the Secretary of State to uphold and obey Colorado and US Constitutional law.

Contrast that with Michigan, where the Supreme Court of that State said there was no remedy or authority in Michigan state law to do what was asked. Much as the Obama decision stated. Even if the Plaintiffs were absolutely correct, Michigan has no right to exclude anyone from the ballot, even if they are Constitutionally prohibited from serving in the office. In other words, a Political Party in Michigan can put a foreign national who is 18 on the ballot for President. Even though that person is prohibited by the Constitution from being President.

Colorado by contrast, does have laws which allow disqualified candidates to be removed. A landmark case was decided by the Appeals Court, Justice Gorsuch, who was appointed to the Supreme Court by Trump.

Each state has different laws. One of the things that is protected by the Constitution.

The Supremes will have to decide if Colorado’s decisions are proper based upon Colorado and US Law. And to decide if the decisions were factual.

None of that resolves the standing issue. Or States lack the authority to enforce federal law. Or the fact that the FBI stated there was no insurrection. Or the fact that the only people who used the word insurrection to describe the J6 riot had political motives to do so. Technically that ignorant black commiecrat that pulled the fire alarm to delay a vote, could be charged with insurrection or sedition, if you go by the letter of the law. All he got for delaying that vote was a slap on the wrist. Yet people who did much less than that on J6 got jail time. GO FIGURE!


None of that resolves the standing issue. Or States lack the authority to enforce federal law. Or the fact that the FBI stated there was no insurrection. Or the fact that the only people who used the word insurrection to describe the J6 riot had political motives to do so. Technically that ignorant black commiecrat that pulled the fire alarm to delay a vote, could be charged with insurrection or sedition, if you go by the letter of the law. All he got for delaying that vote was a slap on the wrist. Yet people who did much less than that on J6 got jail time. GO FIGURE!



Now you are reacting emotionally. Not discussing the merits of the cases. And like most RW types you start throwing smoke to obscure the issues.

The details always matter. And while the FBI can make any statement they want, in the end the Courts are what defines and applies laws. It is how we have always done it.

The Miranda warning was defined and mandated by the Courts as one example. Applying the laws and the rights under the Constitution to everyday life.

So in the case of Colorado. The laws of Colorado not only permit, but require the Secretary of State to remove ineligible candidates from the ballot. That’s the law.

So a trial was held. Trumps lawyers were there. And the trial court found that there was an insurrection. And Trump participated. But the trial court claimed they couldn’t apply the 14th because the office of President was not listed. The Appeals Court was asked to overturn the findings. The Appeals court agreed with the district Court. And the Colorado Supreme Court was brought in

The Colorado Supreme Court carefully explained their reasoning.

The Cato Org said it was well written and considered judicial decision. And Cato has never spoken ill of a Republican.

Delve into the details of the decision. It’s hard to argue they did it politically.
No matter how many times you repeat it, history tells us they fixed what Republicans fk'd up! Clinton actually created a Surplus w/ the Nat'l Debt going down! Obama passed Nat'l Healthcare & brought the deficits down! Biden's record is still in progress, but unemployment is still under 4%, gas prices down, no recession or inflation spikes, & recovering from Trump's incompetent handling of Covid-19 P@ndemic! Either find a new song to sing or give it up! You're embarrassing yourself, but if a Trump supporter, you probably don't GAF! Lying is like a day at the beach for your type! :rolleyes: :stir::nono::dunno:
History per the Regressive, Deadbeats, parasites, and other Leftist Libturds whom seek to freeload off of working, productive, wealth creating Americans.

Sorry Charlie, your type of social deadwood our nation can do without.
Emigrate to some other filed socialist nation.
Blinders on I see! I guess no one died Jan 6th on the steps of Congress! I supposed it was a picnic that got out of hand as those animals $#!t on the Congressional floor & destroyed offices! Such losers, but we deserve it! We're getting dumber in the States! Women set themselves back 50 years going for Trump over Hillary so we deserve how fk'd up the country has become! :heehee: :rolleyes::stir::nono:
Only ONE whom died was a female protestor murdered by D.C. cop! :mad:
Let’s take this simply. What were the first charges that Trump faced? Wasn’t it the Documents? Did he have the Documents? Did he lie about the Documents?

It isn’t subverting the rule of law. It is enforcing the law.
Lib please, Joe Biden ILLEGALLY had classified docs spread all up and down the east coast. Classified docs off-sight he was not legally entitled to have. Blatantly broke the law. That was entirely Dem washed.
You mean like top secret documents, checks to pay off porn stars, testimony of fake electors…..
His "top secret documents" versus those of Obama and Biden.
Show where payments to "porn stars" were illegal (as compared to being one of Epstein's party buddies).
Show that testimony ...
You mean Career Civil Servants who are bound by the laws?
The ones who execute the Government regardless of political party
Given the depth and diversity of Guv'mint regulations, "career civil servants" have lots of latitude to use or abuse those they wish per their personal biases. The are citizens and do vote, so it's stupid to think their political leanings won't affect their job actions and performances.

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