Destroying the Rule of Law to Get Trump

If that is so, than provide documentation to prove your hearsay assertions!

It’s not hearsay. We literally have Trump saying it on record.
Can you identify actual Deep Staters or are they make believe?
Would seem you don't understand the term or concept.
Deep Staters are those career Guv'mint employees, especially at management levels who operate in the interest of preserving their careers and retirement benefits rather than serving the best interests of the Nation.
You. You support the deep state career government elites. They're your security blankie.
Can you identify any laws they didn’t follow?
Just because you don’t break the laws Trump demands doesn’t make you deep state
Would seem you don't understand the term or concept.
Deep Staters are those career Guv'mint employees, especially at management levels who operate in the interest of preserving their careers and retirement benefits rather than serving the best interests of the Nation.
You mean Career Civil Servants who are bound by the laws?
The ones who execute the Government regardless of political party
Fast forward 500 years. The Democratic Party (and some of the GOP’s old guard) have decided that Donald Trump is the devil, and in William Roper-esque fashion, they are willing to cut down every law in the United States to get to him.

It started in 2016 with the baseless accusations that President Trump had somehow “colluded” with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. The FBI lied multiple times to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to get federal warrants to spy on President Trump and his advisers. The Justice Department started a multiyear investigation, based upon “evidence” that they already knew was falsified “opposition research” commissioned and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign apparatus. Despite more than $30 million in taxpayer dollars spent, the “investigation” produced exactly nothing.

But President Trump’s enemies haven’t let up.

President Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives twice and acquitted twice.
BS, sorry about law enforcement and reality, dupe of swine.....
Comey and Clapper did not care they were bound by law. They thought they were above the law. There are many more like them and they are a plague on US.
Both were political appointees
You mean Career Civil Servants who are bound by the laws?
The ones who execute the Government regardless of political party
Get real chum head!
No one is above their personal bias and prejudice.
So-called "Career Civil Servants" for the most part are failures in the "For Profit Labor Market" which is why they opted for the security of Guv'mint jobs.
They execute the varied policies and regulations of the Agencies/Bureaucracies they are employed by based upon their own bias and interpretations of the regulations and directives they should be operating by. Doesn't mean they won't put their own "spin" and "interpretations" upon how they enforce, act upon, or engage in their "duties".

When the work day is done they remain citizens and will be politically active and vote on their own time and can't always ~ rarely be objective and not let their personal bias affect how they perform their jobs or interpret the polices they are to apply.

Are you really that dumb and stupid or is this just another of your frequent efforts at disinformation and being disingenuous ??? !!!

You are on public record here as a Leftist~Socialist/Communist hack and troll whom has no clear and independent mind of your own. Just another programmed and mindless propaganda cog of the Leftist anti-USA apparatchiks!
So-called "Career Civil Servants" for the most part are failures in the "For Profit Labor Market" which is why they opted for the security of Guv'mint jobs.

Career Civil Servants keep the Government running

Political Appointees are partisan and come and go as new administrations take over.

They are bound by existing rules, laws and procedures.
Not political patronage
Career Civil Servants keep the Government running

Political Appointees are partisan and come and go as new administrations take over.

They are bound by existing rules, laws and procedures.
Not political patronage
You are more stupid and dumb than I thought!
"Career Civil Servants" keep the Government running per the biased application of regulations and laws that fit their political bias; and preserve their vested interest in retirement and benefit at taxpayer expense.
That's why this country is in such a mess and a downward decline.
You are more stupid and dumb than I thought!
"Career Civil Servants" keep the Government running per the biased application of regulations and laws that fit their political bias; and preserve their vested interest in retirement and benefit at taxpayer expense.
That's why this country is in such a mess and a downward decline.

Actually, it is the partisan political appointees who are biased.

Career Civil Servants are bound by the Hatch Act from participating in politics

The reality is that Trump intends to replace career Civil Servants with appointees who are loyal to him not the Constitution
Career Civil Servants keep the Government running

Political Appointees are partisan and come and go as new administrations take over.

They are bound by existing rules, laws and procedures.
Not political patronage

During the Trump years, he and his admin. ran out the most experienced talent who were conservatives! Many of these people had been on the job for 30+ years! I'm really surprised things haven't finally crumbled at the Fed w/ the leeches left behind by Trump who are loyal to him! The real harm may have already started! Heaven knows Congress is a freakin' mess w/ near illiterates in charge! This new Speaker chosen is clueless and hasn't been in office long enough to know what he's doing! :heehee: :rolleyes::nono::eek::dunno:
You are more stupid and dumb than I thought!
"Career Civil Servants" keep the Government running per the biased application of regulations and laws that fit their political bias; and preserve their vested interest in retirement and benefit at taxpayer expense.
That's why this country is in such a mess and a downward decline.
It's a conspiracy!!!!!!!

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