Detroit Tigers 161 Games from UNdefeated!

Didn't they take one of our best pitchers? Dont they have one of the best pitching starting 4 pitchers or something like that? I thought they were the ines to watch. Who pitched max sherzer? I hope he wins 9 games for leaving Detroit. Please tell me he pitched!

:lol: They got Scherzer and yep, he LOST their opener....doo dah doo dah...

The Gnats also have Doug Fister who was a rock in the Detroit rotation after we got him from Seattle. He's a free agent after this year as are a couple other Gnat about a short window.
The Nats were also minus 3 of their top 5 hitters today. We'll win 95+. And maybe in October, with a little luck, we'll get to see how our rotation does against your Tigers. :thup:
Thanks for basically falling 2 games behind on day 1. Us 1 win you one loss. Losses add up. You hate to start the season on a bad note. Its why you usually start your ace. Sherzer isnt a leader. I hope he doesnt throw a temper tantrum. Oh didn't we tell you about his fits? Lol he's yours now.
Didn't they take one of our best pitchers? Dont they have one of the best pitching starting 4 pitchers or something like that? I thought they were the ines to watch. Who pitched max sherzer? I hope he wins 9 games for leaving Detroit. Please tell me he pitched!

:lol: They got Scherzer and yep, he LOST their opener....doo dah doo dah...

The Gnats also have Doug Fister who was a rock in the Detroit rotation after we got him from Seattle. He's a free agent after this year as are a couple other Gnat about a short window.
The Nats were also minus 3 of their top 5 hitters today. We'll win 95+. And maybe in October, with a little luck, we'll get to see how our rotation does against your Tigers. :thup:
Thanks for basically falling 2 games behind on day 1. Us 1 win you one loss. Losses add up. You hate to start the season on a bad note. Its why you usually start your ace. Sherzer isnt a leader. I hope he doesnt throw a temper tantrum. Oh didn't we tell you about his fits? Lol he's yours now.
What about a great closer? I want that Asian on Boston's team.

Nathan is getting $10M to close....Soria in the wings if the old man can't strap like he used to....after that we got 4 guys who throw in the mid-90's....not always where they want it to go but it gets there (and sometimes lands in the seats) pretty fast. Bullpen is the achilles heel but hey, you can't have an all-star at every position. I'll take our 2-8 hitters over any other...we'll club most teams into submission.
My Nats are well on their way to 161-1 :laugh:

Did Scherzer get beat? $210M....whew.....I believe we got Max's best years.
He notched a 0.00 ERA today and pitched through 8 innings. All 3 runs were on our resident early season error machine, Ian Desmond. Scherzer was as pissed as I've ever seen any pitcher. :laugh:

But yeah that contract is biiiiig. We just need him to stay good for the rest of our window opening.
He did pitch? And he lost? Not as easy to win games when you dont have guys like Cabrera batting in runs for you.
You are my new arch nemesis :mad::mad::mad:


With your cities luck max will get rg3ed.
My Nats are well on their way to 161-1 :laugh:

Did Scherzer get beat? $210M....whew.....I believe we got Max's best years.
He notched a 0.00 ERA today and pitched through 8 innings. All 3 runs were on our resident early season error machine, Ian Desmond. Scherzer was as pissed as I've ever seen any pitcher. :laugh:

But yeah that contract is biiiiig. We just need him to stay good for the rest of our window opening.
He did pitch? And he lost? Not as easy to win games when you dont have guys like Cabrera batting in runs for you.
You are my new arch nemesis :mad::mad::mad:


With your cities luck max will get rg3ed.
RG3's luck so far has been batter than 0 - 16. :badgrin:
Do you know how frustrating it is for max to pitch so well and not get the win? Its what slumps are made out of.
I'm sorry Mrs jackson whohhhh I am for real never meant to make ya daughter cry I apologize a trillion times.
thats really impressive beating the

Did they beat them in that shithole stadium Comerico Park?

Tiger stadium rulz over that piece of shit stinkhole they play in now.

Ah, a Cubs can always spot them by the scar tissue on their wrists.

well the Cubs are my favorite team in the NATIONAL league no doubt,an organization that cares about preserving history unlike the A hole owner of the Tigers and their crosstown rival the white sox A holes,yes the Cubs are my favorite in the national league but my favorite is the Royals naturally since I have lived here in KC my whole life.

best ballpark in the country bar none with the water fountains to look at between innings.:thup:

matter of fact thats was the ONLY thing that kept me going every year to watch them the last 25 years where they only had one winning season in that timeframe was being such a lucky bastard to be able to go out and look at the most beautiful ballpark in the country.:banana:

my Royals as I am sure you are aware,were the fortunate ones to play in old tiger stadium the COOL ballpark before the evil assholes tore it down.I was there for that last game.i got the proof to prove it with my shirt i purchased THE LAST RUMBLE ON TRUMBLE.
STILL UNDEFEATED! Worry about jinxing them?....not me....well, maybe a little.

6-0 after sweeping the Injuns...on to Pittsburgh....156 games to go.
STILL UNDEFEATED! Worry about jinxing them?....not me....well, maybe a little.

6-0 after sweeping the Injuns...on to Pittsburgh....156 games to go.
This is unbelievable. Cabrera is on fire. We are witnessing greatness.

Why do other owners pay such huge contracts? Like Max or prince or arod or andomiken sue? It never seems to pay off.

What I would pay a lot for is an ace closer. Are we OK there? So far seems to be working. Bless you boys!
thats really impressive beating the

Did they beat them in that shithole stadium Comerico Park?

Tiger stadium rulz over that piece of shit stinkhole they play in now.

Ah, a Cubs can always spot them by the scar tissue on their wrists.

well the Cubs are my favorite team in the NATIONAL league no doubt,an organization that cares about preserving history unlike the A hole owner of the Tigers and their crosstown rival the white sox A holes,yes the Cubs are my favorite in the national league but my favorite is the Royals naturally since I have lived here in KC my whole life.

best ballpark in the country bar none with the water fountains to look at between innings.:thup:

matter of fact thats was the ONLY thing that kept me going every year to watch them the last 25 years where they only had one winning season in that timeframe was being such a lucky bastard to be able to go out and look at the most beautiful ballpark in the country.:banana:

my Royals as I am sure you are aware,were the fortunate ones to play in old tiger stadium the COOL ballpark before the evil assholes tore it down.I was there for that last game.i got the proof to prove it with my shirt i purchased THE LAST RUMBLE ON TRUMBLE.
You were there for the last game? I was at one of the last games. It might have been the last I forgot. Fireworks after the game. It was hot. Went with my coworkers.

I heard the cubs organization should be embarrassed the stadium is under renovation and they should have got it done in the off season and they dont have enough bathrooms took 2 hours to pee people were pissing in the place between the stadium and food. Where you walk out to go get food. Theyre going to put ports potties out. I wouldnt go until they finish construction. And I'd want a discount if I had season tickets. The cubs will never win and the royals have been irrelevant since George Brett. Lol
thats really impressive beating the

Did they beat them in that shithole stadium Comerico Park?

Tiger stadium rulz over that piece of shit stinkhole they play in now.

Ah, a Cubs can always spot them by the scar tissue on their wrists.

well the Cubs are my favorite team in the NATIONAL league no doubt,an organization that cares about preserving history unlike the A hole owner of the Tigers and their crosstown rival the white sox A holes,yes the Cubs are my favorite in the national league but my favorite is the Royals naturally since I have lived here in KC my whole life.

best ballpark in the country bar none with the water fountains to look at between innings.:thup:

matter of fact thats was the ONLY thing that kept me going every year to watch them the last 25 years where they only had one winning season in that timeframe was being such a lucky bastard to be able to go out and look at the most beautiful ballpark in the country.:banana:

my Royals as I am sure you are aware,were the fortunate ones to play in old tiger stadium the COOL ballpark before the evil assholes tore it down.I was there for that last game.i got the proof to prove it with my shirt i purchased THE LAST RUMBLE ON TRUMBLE.

If KC's stadium is as nice as you say its a shame the product they put in it is so lousy. Your fans come to see our players not your own. Ha! Jk.
thats really impressive beating the

Did they beat them in that shithole stadium Comerico Park?

Tiger stadium rulz over that piece of shit stinkhole they play in now.

Ah, a Cubs can always spot them by the scar tissue on their wrists.

well the Cubs are my favorite team in the NATIONAL league no doubt,an organization that cares about preserving history unlike the A hole owner of the Tigers and their crosstown rival the white sox A holes,yes the Cubs are my favorite in the national league but my favorite is the Royals naturally since I have lived here in KC my whole life.

best ballpark in the country bar none with the water fountains to look at between innings.:thup:

matter of fact thats was the ONLY thing that kept me going every year to watch them the last 25 years where they only had one winning season in that timeframe was being such a lucky bastard to be able to go out and look at the most beautiful ballpark in the country.:banana:

my Royals as I am sure you are aware,were the fortunate ones to play in old tiger stadium the COOL ballpark before the evil assholes tore it down.I was there for that last game.i got the proof to prove it with my shirt i purchased THE LAST RUMBLE ON TRUMBLE.
You were there for the last game? I was at one of the last games. It might have been the last I forgot. Fireworks after the game. It was hot. Went with my coworkers.

I heard the cubs organization should be embarrassed the stadium is under renovation and they should have got it done in the off season and they dont have enough bathrooms took 2 hours to pee people were pissing in the place between the stadium and food. Where you walk out to go get food. Theyre going to put ports potties out. I wouldnt go until they finish construction. And I'd want a discount if I had season tickets. The cubs will never win and the royals have been irrelevant since George Brett. Lol

This is a long post so bear with me here.

Well not for the VERY last game just to be accurate.It was the first of the last three game series there I saw.I still cant believe how lucky I was that they decided their last three games there would be against my Royals.

I didnt care who it was,I wanted to see the ballpark live before they got rid of it.The Royals being the last team to play them there just made it all the more sweeter and more special. Towards the end of the game,they marched out the police riding on horses.I was surprised since you would think they would only do that for the VERY last game there.I took pictures of the stadium. I also saw old yankee stadium before they tore it done as well.

Yeah I heard that about the Cubs renovating their stadium.they have the bleachers closed in the outfield for the renovations.suppose to be done after this month. 2 hours? damn.

I'll remember that when I travel up there next month in may when they play the Royals.I been waiting for the Cubs and Royals to play for the longest time.The last time they played was way back when cheater sammy sosa was playing and it was here in KC.I got a flag with the Royals and Cubs emblems on them. I was so glad they scheduled the Royals to travel there instead of them coming here again since I have always wanted to see a game there at Wrigley.:banana:

Yeah I tend to agree that the Cubs will never win.The day they make it back to the world series we'll both be long gone from this planet by

You would think anyways.However miracles do happen.I honestly never thought the Royals would ever make it back to the world series again,not in my lifetime anyways, so miracles do indeed happen.

Honest.Im very serious.I thought the day they made it back to the world series would be when i was long gone and not around anymore.:biggrin:

I guarantee that IS the case with the Chiefs though thankfully.:biggrin: I said 20 years ago that the Royals would make it back to the world series before the Chiefs ever made it back to the superbowl and this was when they were the joke of major league baseball. I had no idea back then when i spoke those words though that I would turn out to be a prophet.

I hate the Chiefs.always root for the team that plays them to win every week unless its the cowboys or that phony fraud team that is playing in st louis for one more year.Only time I EVER liked the Chiefs was when Joe Montana was here.

Had no choice but to like them back then since I always loved watching him when he was a niner. He will always be my most favorite QB to ever play the game.He sure was fun to watch.Even in his twilight years with the Chiefs.That was THEIR last chance to make it back to the superbowl in my lifetime.that I

With the Royals,I honestly believed they never would make it back to the world series again as long as they had their current idiot owner David Glass who I refer to as David ASS.:biggrin: He has always been cheap with a payroll that was always at the bottom of the league.For the last 20 years or so,the Royals were in reality,a farm club.a minor league team that developed all their players for other major league clubs.

for so long every time one of their players came out of their farm system and got good,they gave him away to another team.they were a minor league team developing their players for other clubs never keeping them past five years once they got into the big leagues.

My only hope of having a player come out of their farm system and retire a Royal like the good old days is with Alex Gordon but I wont hold my breath.

the days of players like George Brett, Cal Ripken,and your Tiger greats Alan Trammel and Lou Whittaker playing their entire careers with one team are long over with.thats pretty much the ONLY reason i still go to games out here is just to look at the water fountains.cant get excited about a team when you know they will be gone after five years or so.

Thats why I lost interest in baseball and only occassionally watch the playoffs.same with football.I still watch it but I dont get excited about sundays anymore since players dont stay with one team anymore.

Thats the only reason why the Royals made it to the world series this past season is because David Ass FINALLY changed his ways and started keeping his players and stopped being an ass and dug into his pockets to spend money on free agents.

James Shields was his best free agent pickup ever.They lost him of course but they got a lot of great arms still especially in the bullpen to keep it going.Once the Royals have the lead,its almost always game over for the opponent.our bullpen is practically unhittable.

matter of fact when the A'S were in town towards the end of the year last year,they told one of the local sportswriters here that interviewed some of the hitters that the Royals bullpen was nothing like they had seen all year long or ever seen before.:banana:

Thats why they should be a good team to be reckond with for years to come because all their good players other than Gordon,are all locked up with long term contracts.

You know the baseball hall of fame is such a freaking joke.How is it that great players your tigers Alan Trammel and Lou Whitaker and Frank White of the Royals are NOT in the hall of fame yet that overrated idiot manager the Royals used to have Whitey Herzog IS in the hall? thats fucked.

Herzog wasnt a good manager.The Royals got to the playoffs against the yankees all those years DESPITE him not because of him.He just inherited a talented promising team that was on the rise with the Royals and they made him look good.same with the cardinals.

He always made decisions that would blow the final playoff game against the Yankees everytime. The proof is in the pudding he was an idiot.I always said if the Royals would just get rid of Whitey Herzog,they could beat the Yankees and make it to the world series.well they finally did get rid of him and thats when they finally beat the Yankees and finally made it to their first world series.that was all they needed to do was get rid of the white rat.:biggrin:
thats really impressive beating the

Did they beat them in that shithole stadium Comerico Park?

Tiger stadium rulz over that piece of shit stinkhole they play in now.

Ah, a Cubs can always spot them by the scar tissue on their wrists.

well the Cubs are my favorite team in the NATIONAL league no doubt,an organization that cares about preserving history unlike the A hole owner of the Tigers and their crosstown rival the white sox A holes,yes the Cubs are my favorite in the national league but my favorite is the Royals naturally since I have lived here in KC my whole life.

best ballpark in the country bar none with the water fountains to look at between innings.:thup:

matter of fact thats was the ONLY thing that kept me going every year to watch them the last 25 years where they only had one winning season in that timeframe was being such a lucky bastard to be able to go out and look at the most beautiful ballpark in the country.:banana:

my Royals as I am sure you are aware,were the fortunate ones to play in old tiger stadium the COOL ballpark before the evil assholes tore it down.I was there for that last game.i got the proof to prove it with my shirt i purchased THE LAST RUMBLE ON TRUMBLE.

If KC's stadium is as nice as you say its a shame the product they put in it is so lousy. Your fans come to see our players not your own. Ha! Jk.

Well if you were talking five years ago or even three years ago that would be true,thats been true for pretty much the past 25 years or so the fact the Royals for all those years in reality were just a minor league team developing players for MAJOR league ballclubs because of their owner David ASS being so cheap.

Ewing Kauffman no doubt was rolling over in his grave for so many years watching how he ran that franchise into the ground.

Like i said,for the past 25 years or so I just went out to the games ONLY to watch the water fountains in the outfield before the game started.screw the game.the highlight for me was watching the water fountains between they are quite a fun site to watch ESPECIALLY at night when they are lit up.:thup::banana:

Finally though this year i have a team to get excited about with most the players coming back this year. The Tigers and Royals are both 6-0 so looks like we will be battling each other for the division title again this year.

Matter of fact,here is the proof in the pudding that Royals stadium is the most beautiful ballpark in the country. when your Tigers were here once,Sparky Anderson even said so.He was asked to rank his top five favorite ballparks that he enjoyed playing in the the most from both the american and national leagues and Royals stadium came in at number one.:banana::thup: and remember,Anderson managed in BOTH leagues so he had seen them all.

so sealybobo,bullkurtz,have you been to a game here by chance? you got to do so if you havent.
thats really impressive beating the

Did they beat them in that shithole stadium Comerico Park?

Tiger stadium rulz over that piece of shit stinkhole they play in now.

Ah, a Cubs can always spot them by the scar tissue on their wrists.

well the Cubs are my favorite team in the NATIONAL league no doubt,an organization that cares about preserving history unlike the A hole owner of the Tigers and their crosstown rival the white sox A holes,yes the Cubs are my favorite in the national league but my favorite is the Royals naturally since I have lived here in KC my whole life.

best ballpark in the country bar none with the water fountains to look at between innings.:thup:

matter of fact thats was the ONLY thing that kept me going every year to watch them the last 25 years where they only had one winning season in that timeframe was being such a lucky bastard to be able to go out and look at the most beautiful ballpark in the country.:banana:

my Royals as I am sure you are aware,were the fortunate ones to play in old tiger stadium the COOL ballpark before the evil assholes tore it down.I was there for that last game.i got the proof to prove it with my shirt i purchased THE LAST RUMBLE ON TRUMBLE.

If KC's stadium is as nice as you say its a shame the product they put in it is so lousy. Your fans come to see our players not your own. Ha! Jk.

Well if you were talking five years ago or even three years ago that would be true,thats been true for pretty much the past 25 years or so the fact the Royals for all those years in reality were just a minor league team developing players for MAJOR league ballclubs because of their owner David ASS being so cheap.

Ewing Kauffman no doubt was rolling over in his grave for so many years watching how he ran that franchise into the ground.

Like i said,for the past 25 years or so I just went out to the games ONLY to watch the water fountains in the outfield before the game started.screw the game.the highlight for me was watching the water fountains between they are quite a fun site to watch ESPECIALLY at night when they are lit up.:thup::banana:

Finally though this year i have a team to get excited about with most the players coming back this year. The Tigers and Royals are both 6-0 so looks like we will be battling each other for the division title again this year.

Matter of fact,here is the proof in the pudding that Royals stadium is the most beautiful ballpark in the country. when your Tigers were here once,Sparky Anderson even said so.He was asked to rank his top five favorite ballparks that he enjoyed playing in the the most from both the american and national leagues and Royals stadium came in at number one.:banana::thup: and remember,Anderson managed in BOTH leagues so he had seen them all.

so sealybobo,bullkurtz,have you been to a game here by chance? you got to do so if you havent.

I have not....they switched back to a grass field didn't they?
thats really impressive beating the

Did they beat them in that shithole stadium Comerico Park?

Tiger stadium rulz over that piece of shit stinkhole they play in now.

Ah, a Cubs can always spot them by the scar tissue on their wrists.

well the Cubs are my favorite team in the NATIONAL league no doubt,an organization that cares about preserving history unlike the A hole owner of the Tigers and their crosstown rival the white sox A holes,yes the Cubs are my favorite in the national league but my favorite is the Royals naturally since I have lived here in KC my whole life.

best ballpark in the country bar none with the water fountains to look at between innings.:thup:

matter of fact thats was the ONLY thing that kept me going every year to watch them the last 25 years where they only had one winning season in that timeframe was being such a lucky bastard to be able to go out and look at the most beautiful ballpark in the country.:banana:

my Royals as I am sure you are aware,were the fortunate ones to play in old tiger stadium the COOL ballpark before the evil assholes tore it down.I was there for that last game.i got the proof to prove it with my shirt i purchased THE LAST RUMBLE ON TRUMBLE.
You were there for the last game? I was at one of the last games. It might have been the last I forgot. Fireworks after the game. It was hot. Went with my coworkers.

I heard the cubs organization should be embarrassed the stadium is under renovation and they should have got it done in the off season and they dont have enough bathrooms took 2 hours to pee people were pissing in the place between the stadium and food. Where you walk out to go get food. Theyre going to put ports potties out. I wouldnt go until they finish construction. And I'd want a discount if I had season tickets. The cubs will never win and the royals have been irrelevant since George Brett. Lol

This is a long post so bear with me here.

Well not for the VERY last game just to be accurate.It was the first of the last three game series there I saw.I still cant believe how lucky I was that they decided their last three games there would be against my Royals.

I didnt care who it was,I wanted to see the ballpark live before they got rid of it.The Royals being the last team to play them there just made it all the more sweeter and more special. Towards the end of the game,they marched out the police riding on horses.I was surprised since you would think they would only do that for the VERY last game there.I took pictures of the stadium. I also saw old yankee stadium before they tore it done as well.

Yeah I heard that about the Cubs renovating their stadium.they have the bleachers closed in the outfield for the renovations.suppose to be done after this month. 2 hours? damn.

I'll remember that when I travel up there next month in may when they play the Royals.I been waiting for the Cubs and Royals to play for the longest time.The last time they played was way back when cheater sammy sosa was playing and it was here in KC.I got a flag with the Royals and Cubs emblems on them. I was so glad they scheduled the Royals to travel there instead of them coming here again since I have always wanted to see a game there at Wrigley.:banana:

Yeah I tend to agree that the Cubs will never win.The day they make it back to the world series we'll both be long gone from this planet by

You would think anyways.However miracles do happen.I honestly never thought the Royals would ever make it back to the world series again,not in my lifetime anyways, so miracles do indeed happen.

Honest.Im very serious.I thought the day they made it back to the world series would be when i was long gone and not around anymore.:biggrin:

I guarantee that IS the case with the Chiefs though thankfully.:biggrin: I said 20 years ago that the Royals would make it back to the world series before the Chiefs ever made it back to the superbowl and this was when they were the joke of major league baseball. I had no idea back then when i spoke those words though that I would turn out to be a prophet.

I hate the Chiefs.always root for the team that plays them to win every week unless its the cowboys or that phony fraud team that is playing in st louis for one more year.Only time I EVER liked the Chiefs was when Joe Montana was here.

Had no choice but to like them back then since I always loved watching him when he was a niner. He will always be my most favorite QB to ever play the game.He sure was fun to watch.Even in his twilight years with the Chiefs.That was THEIR last chance to make it back to the superbowl in my lifetime.that I

With the Royals,I honestly believed they never would make it back to the world series again as long as they had their current idiot owner David Glass who I refer to as David ASS.:biggrin: He has always been cheap with a payroll that was always at the bottom of the league.For the last 20 years or so,the Royals were in reality,a farm club.a minor league team that developed all their players for other major league clubs.

for so long every time one of their players came out of their farm system and got good,they gave him away to another team.they were a minor league team developing their players for other clubs never keeping them past five years once they got into the big leagues.

My only hope of having a player come out of their farm system and retire a Royal like the good old days is with Alex Gordon but I wont hold my breath.

the days of players like George Brett, Cal Ripken,and your Tiger greats Alan Trammel and Lou Whittaker playing their entire careers with one team are long over with.thats pretty much the ONLY reason i still go to games out here is just to look at the water fountains.cant get excited about a team when you know they will be gone after five years or so.

Thats why I lost interest in baseball and only occassionally watch the playoffs.same with football.I still watch it but I dont get excited about sundays anymore since players dont stay with one team anymore.

Thats the only reason why the Royals made it to the world series this past season is because David Ass FINALLY changed his ways and started keeping his players and stopped being an ass and dug into his pockets to spend money on free agents.

James Shields was his best free agent pickup ever.They lost him of course but they got a lot of great arms still especially in the bullpen to keep it going.Once the Royals have the lead,its almost always game over for the opponent.our bullpen is practically unhittable.

matter of fact when the A'S were in town towards the end of the year last year,they told one of the local sportswriters here that interviewed some of the hitters that the Royals bullpen was nothing like they had seen all year long or ever seen before.:banana:

Thats why they should be a good team to be reckond with for years to come because all their good players other than Gordon,are all locked up with long term contracts.

You know the baseball hall of fame is such a freaking joke.How is it that great players your tigers Alan Trammel and Lou Whitaker and Frank White of the Royals are NOT in the hall of fame yet that overrated idiot manager the Royals used to have Whitey Herzog IS in the hall? thats fucked.

Herzog wasnt a good manager.The Royals got to the playoffs against the yankees all those years DESPITE him not because of him.He just inherited a talented promising team that was on the rise with the Royals and they made him look good.same with the cardinals.

He always made decisions that would blow the final playoff game against the Yankees everytime. The proof is in the pudding he was an idiot.I always said if the Royals would just get rid of Whitey Herzog,they could beat the Yankees and make it to the world series.well they finally did get rid of him and thats when they finally beat the Yankees and finally made it to their first world series.that was all they needed to do was get rid of the white rat.:biggrin:
You can't believe your team will never win in your life. If I believed that how could I watch the lions play every Sunday?

I only care about hockey in the playoffs and even then I dont actually watch. If someone gives me tickets I go down and sell them for $100 each. Can't believe people pay that to watch a hockey game.

You just gotta hope your teams will turn it around next year or until they prove otherwise maybe this year.

I think the pistons are about ready to start making the playoffs next year. Can't wait.

I remember after the tigers won in the 80s and who would have thought roughly 30 years later no more championships. But weve been competitive for ten years. Would you prefer 1 ring and 30 sucky years or 10 years 4 division titles and 2 world series but no win?

If you've never seen a championship you probably say a ring.

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