Detroit was the biggest American city in 1950. now its 20th. good job, Dems! only the GOP can FIX IT

Greedy Unions....and the officials there in the city.....ruined the city...It will come back if we stay on Trump's course for bringing back our jobs...the elite don't care about jobs...the people do and so does this president...
tRumps course is what is happening to GM and ford. Closing plants and relocating abroad. Same for the Japanese car makers. They are also thinking about leaving just like carrier did.

No doubt you have a link regarding Japanese car makers leaving?
They will make the announcement in the next week or two.

So ya got squat?
Greedy Unions....and the officials there in the city.....ruined the city...It will come back if we stay on Trump's course for bringing back our jobs...the elite don't care about jobs...the people do and so does this president...
Adorable, in 2016. Now, pathetic.
View attachment 233404

You are a little weird buddy....
Why? Because I pinned your weakness with a picture?
I'm so sorry, but I don't believe Detroit was ever the biggest American city, it's almost always been New York, although for a bit before that it was Philadelphia, however the Erie Canal favored growth in NY over Phillie.

As usual - the OP is bullshit. The OP also fails to mention that the Detroit boom and bust hinged on the auto industry - which decentralized due to changing consumer desires.

Moving Out: Decentralization and the Decline of Urban Factories
Major automakers in the 70s and 80s took short term profits and failed to invest in modernizing their plants and developing infrastructure.

They refused to provide cars the market wanted and the void was filled by foreign automakers.

Unions fought to maintain current wage and benefit structures as automakers looked out for stockholders

When the market collapsed, the automakers bailed on Detroit. Leaving the workers behind
Greedy Unions....and the officials there in the city.....ruined the city...It will come back if we stay on Trump's course for bringing back our jobs...the elite don't care about jobs...the people do and so does this president...
Auto companies got arrogant as they lost command of the global market

Detroit paid the price
Yep... it's Generation Gap Time...

A fair number of folks around here aren't old enough to remember the crap Detroit was producing in the 70s and beyond...
But, in fairness to the OP, the OP has a point, about these Democrat-ruled Big City $hitholes...

In the CIty of Chicago Plantation, the South and West Sides are where the Slave Quarters Minority Worker-Bee Populations are...
Greedy Unions....and the officials there in the city.....ruined the city...It will come back if we stay on Trump's course for bringing back our jobs...the elite don't care about jobs...the people do and so does this president...
Auto companies got arrogant as they lost command of the global market

Detroit paid the price
Yep... it's Generation Gap Time...

A fair number of folks around here aren't old enough to remember the crap Detroit was producing in the 70s and beyond...
Come on...mandated government regulations and obscene Union demands killed Detroit.....
Greedy Unions....and the officials there in the city.....ruined the city...It will come back if we stay on Trump's course for bringing back our jobs...the elite don't care about jobs...the people do and so does this president...
Auto companies got arrogant as they lost command of the global market

Detroit paid the price
Yep... it's Generation Gap Time...

A fair number of folks around here aren't old enough to remember the crap Detroit was producing in the 70s and beyond...
Come on...mandated government regulations and obscene Union demands killed Detroit.....
Ford Pinto...

Chevy Vega...

Dodge Dart...

AMC Pacer...



Your Honor... the Defense rests.


You are correct about the impact of Clean Air regulations on an unimaginative and resentful Auto Autocracy...

These also played their part...

But the Auto Industry leadership intentionally began producing crap in large quantities and foreign manufacturers rushed in to fill the vacuum.

Industry leadership got overconfident, cocky and arrogant... and they got their asses kicked as Just Penance.

That series of disasters and that prolonged period of decline served to drive away most of what was left of the White Working Class in Detroit.

Once the White Folk were gone, the Big Money people and companies stopped giving a $hit, and left for greener pastures, too.
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But, in fairness to the OP, the OP has a point, about these Democrat-ruled Big City $hitholes...

In the CIty of Chicago Plantation, the South and West Sides are where the Slave Quarters Minority Worker-Bee Populations are...
Like all of these cities that are supposedly ruined by democrats, it is full of minorities that the racist GOP and it's racist voters discriminate against... See white flight.

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