DEVASTATING photo of Officer Wilson severe eye injury about to be released!

I know. Officer wilson doesn't have dark hair.

The fact that they've used not one but two false photos to try and claim a broken eye socket says to any intelligent person that the Ferguson police have nothing. If they had something, we would have seen it by now and they wouldn't use such obvious fake photos.

That photo is so bad that it's insulting that anyone would think a person was stupid enough to believe it.

Same with the so called mri scans of wilson's "broken eye socket" actually being an mri from the University of Iowa taken from google.

These people are very pathetic.
If you have to fake it, this picture is a better match.

I know. Officer wilson doesn't have dark hair.

The fact that they've used not one but two false photos to try and claim a broken eye socket says to any intelligent person that the Ferguson police have nothing. If they had something, we would have seen it by now and they wouldn't use such obvious fake photos.

That photo is so bad that it's insulting that anyone would think a person was stupid enough to believe it.

Same with the so called mri scans of wilson's "broken eye socket" actually being an mri from the University of Iowa taken from google.

These people are very pathetic.

I'd like to see sources that the FPD or County PD put any of that out.
Is this going to be like Lois Lerner all over again?

What will happen first... Lois Lerner being arrested or a photo of Officer Wilson's supposedly demolished eye?
Ok, so the critics are gonna have a field day with this one. And you'll see why in a moment.

The photographs of Officer Wilson's injury from the hospital are trickling out among law enforcement circles, and from my past, I have a source in a large LEO agency who showed it to me. WOW. Massive, severe eye injury.

When will the general public and media see this? Probably very soon. But it is crippling, since the Supreme Court in Graham vs Connor ruled police can use deadly prevent "death" or "great bodily injury", and great bodily injury is defined as "permanent disfigurement, OR loss of a limb, OR loss of function of a vital organ (like an EYE).

You cop hating assholes should eat shit once the truth comes out.

We have him on video walking around the dead body of the person he killed, pacing back and forth. He shows no sign of injury or distress whatsoever. I highly doubt there was any great bodily harm or life threatening injury. This is another Trayvon Martin case: Zimmerman did not have any great bodily harm or life threatening injury, but because he killed a black kid, the 'establishment' conservatives and rightwing went to any length to prove Trayvon deserved to die. A whole lot of BS. If Wilson's injury was so severe, why didn't they show it earlier? Why keep it a secret for so long?

Apparently, the alleged photo is not Wilson. There is no photo, there is no serious eye injury; it just rightwingers trying to find justification for shooting an unarmed teenager to death with 6 bullets. A lot of BS.
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Why start this thread without the photo?
Well, the OP is really sticking his neck out if the photo doesn't live up to his expectations.

Hey, this is America we're talking about, so get with the program. Here we fail upwards. When have you ever seen a pundit held accountable for making bad predictions or bad analysis. Look at Hilary, failing upwards for decades, same with Obama, look at Eric Cantor, he lost his election and failed into a million dollar job.
This isn't the debunked photo.

And to the other LE guys on here who said be careful, don't worry, it was an approved LE-only training source, nothing unlawfully leaked. The guy would NEVER let me get a copy, for obvious reasons. I just saw it though. Its bad.

Um, yeah.

Frankly, I don't see how it would be against the law to publish this if it were true.

Zimmerman had pictures of his "owies" up the week he shot poor Trayvon.
He cant go out anywhere. Hes basically in hiding.

They're delaying until winter to announce no charges, hoping the cold will dampen rioters.

Wishful thinking.

If the state doesn't charge this asshole, the Feds will.
The photographs of Officer Wilson's injury from the hospital are trickling out among law enforcement circles, and from my past, I have a source in a large LEO agency who showed it to me. WOW. Massive, severe eye injury.

Holder was desperate to get the Black voters to turn out in November.
He had dozens of agents talk to hundreds of people.
He couldn't turn up sweet fuck all against Wilson.
He knows the GJ will toss the case out.
What can Holder do to salvage at least a few Blacks votes? Go after the entire police force.
His problem will be when he asks the police chief for the stack of Blacks applicants who were turned down the chief will hand him a dozen applications.
"Where are all the other applications!" Chief: "You're looking at them".
"But how many Black applicants made it through training and are currently on the force?" Police chief: "Those would be the ones out on patrol now".

In a town in California last year police started wearing cameras. Guess what happened? In one year the number of 'complaints' against the cops went down 88%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA!

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