Devil's Night: An ISIS-Media Test


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Sep 22, 2013
This anti-terrorism consumerism-idealism parable is a Dracula fan-fic inspired by the pedestrian festivities of Halloween (the annual festival of masquerade and general multiculturalism aesthetics).



Vlad was a Romanian prince (and a vampire!) and decided to travel to NYC for Halloween 2017 and walk around dressed in a Count Dracula costume. Vlad carried a pumpkin-bag filled with Halloween chocolates coated with a potent hallucinogen. Vlad would 'gift' these 'magic chocolates' to young men and women walking around NYC in the evenings through the month of October, leading up to Halloween Eve. However, Vlad wondered what the festivities would be on Devil's Night (the annual night of ritual mischief that falls on the night before Halloween Eve). You see, New Yorkers were 'on-edge' ever since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 shocked everyone's sensibilities about 'urban traffic.'

Vlad surmised that ISIS (the terrorist organization in the Middle East) was planning a devastating attack on a symbolic NYC target on Devil's Night. Since Vlad had a 'Halloween scheme' of his own (one that would remind Americans of the value of Samhain), he wanted to make sure anything ISIS was planning would not 'interfere' with his own 'democratic agenda.' Vlad decided that he would do something to distract attention away from any pedestrian angst caused by ISIS threats on Devil's Night. Vlad would go to Times Square in NYC on Devil's Night (still dressed as Count Dracula) carrying flares and shoot them while speaking the message through a megaphone, "These flares signify an American defiance of censorship...for I am the real Dracula!" Ethnic minorities would be inspired by Vlad's interest in using the media to stir up democracy-dissection sentiments during the Halloween season.

Vlad's Devil's Night concoction worked, and when ISIS attacked the United Nations building in NYC on Devil's Night, CNN reporters were equally-intrigued by Vlad's strange megaphone-message in Times Square. President Trump said to the nation, "The ISIS attack on the UN building and Prince Vlad's free-speech megaphone-address at Times Square both served to remind us that no pedestrian security is ensured in this new age of high-speed traffic, though Vlad succeeded in reminding us that free-speech rhetoric is never 'commonplace' to media-focused Americans!" Vlad decided to return to Romania and write poems about Halloween to submit to the citizen-contribution section of the Transylvania Gazette, though neither he nor America forgot about that free-speech flare on Devil's Night 2017 in Times Square. Hollywood film-maker Woody Allen (a comedic analyst of general pedestrian sociology) scrambled to pen a new censorship-themed film about Vlad's Times Square deed titled Dracula-451. It would make Vlad a 'cholesterol-culture celebrity.'



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