Devin Nunes, on audio admits to pro actively wanting to obstruct the Mueller investigation.

When the shit hits the fan, and it will, all you cons would say lie , lie and lie. I mean Trump can shoot someone in broad daylight and you guys would back him. I bet you like your retirement accounts, don't be surprised if they start dwindling down, or it might be quick, and you guys will jump out of buildings.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO


Nah. Some folks just want it to be true so badly they will believe anything that seems to fit that bill.

Hope they aren't holding their breath for anything cause there will be a lot of funerals. LOL

Yep, any day now. LMAO


The Circumscribed Ethics Investigation Into Devin Nunes
Just remember all of you cons, when there is a Dem Potus, its will be ok for pay to play, and affairs will be of no issue, he might even be gay, or a lesbian,

and he can or she can lie all he wants and cut everyone down.

After Trump all is fair and ok.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO

If it wasn't true, then where are your own pit bulls countering that audio admission? Answer, they don't exist. Maddow for the last two years has exposed more Trump corruption, cover ups, conspiracies, obstruction, which, from a legal stand point, could lock up the entire Republican caucus.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO


Nah. Some folks just want it to be true so badly they will believe anything that seems to fit that bill.

Hope they aren't holding their breath for anything cause there will be a lot of funerals. LOL

Yep, any day now. LMAO

Another coward who is paralyzed because the audio got to the truth, and there is nothing you can do about it.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO

If it wasn't true, then where are your own pit bulls countering that audio admission? Answer, they don't exist. Maddow for the last two years has exposed more Trump corruption, cover ups, conspiracies, obstruction, which, from a legal stand point, could lock up the entire Republican caucus.

LMAO, you can pretend he said something wrong, he didn't. You might want to stop consuming the swill raunchy's been feeding you.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO


Nah. Some folks just want it to be true so badly they will believe anything that seems to fit that bill.

Hope they aren't holding their breath for anything cause there will be a lot of funerals. LOL

Yep, any day now. LMAO

Another coward who is paralyzed because the audio got to the truth, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Hey dumb ass, I don't just sit around waiting for some pencil neck
pea brined regressive to come up with an uninspired response. I'll get to ya when I decide to get to ya.

TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
Fake news.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO

If it wasn't true, then where are your own pit bulls countering that audio admission? Answer, they don't exist. Maddow for the last two years has exposed more Trump corruption, cover ups, conspiracies, obstruction, which, from a legal stand point, could lock up the entire Republican caucus.

LMAO, you can pretend he said something wrong, he didn't. You might want to stop consuming the swill raunchy's been feeding you.

Audio is your friend. Nunes obstructed justice. Is Nunes working for the people or Trump?A peek behind the curtain in the Republicans' War on Justice

Nunes is supposed to keep a check on the president, not to be his butt boy. The audio clearly is telling us all that he is working "for" Trump, not a "check" on Trump.

These folks are zombies for Trump.
Last edited:
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
Fake news.
Audio is not "fake news", and you have not provided evidence of such. Get busy!
Devin Numbnuts is just a useful idiot for Trump and his Russian allies. What a disgrace.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO

If it wasn't true, then where are your own pit bulls countering that audio admission? Answer, they don't exist. Maddow for the last two years has exposed more Trump corruption, cover ups, conspiracies, obstruction, which, from a legal stand point, could lock up the entire Republican caucus.

LMAO, you can pretend he said something wrong, he didn't. You might want to stop consuming the swill raunchy's been feeding you.

But he did. He openly promoted the obstruction of this investigation in order to impeach Rosenstein, to get rid of Rosenstein. Did he mention to the crowd what Rosenstein had done wrong? No! And he won't because no wrong doing exists. I know you can't tell us.
Avoiding an investigation rooted in nothing can’t be obstruction. You can’t obstruct something that doesn’t exist.
According to who? You? Loll! Talk your way out of 35 indictments connected to the Trump /Russia investigation. Talk your way out of the Trump Tower meeting or the multiple obstruction charges. One of them being to fabricate a story on Air Force One about adoptions, where they got caught lying about it. What about the different payoffs to women for affairs that violated campaign finance laws? What about violations to the Emoluments clause where he and his family are enriching themselves at tax payer expense. What about Trump's bogus charities?

If you think something doesn't exist, you are a straight dumb ass.
Avoiding an investigation rooted in nothing can’t be obstruction. You can’t obstruct something that doesn’t exist.
According to who? You? Loll! Talk your way out of 35 indictments connected to the Trump /Russia investigation. Talk your way out of the Trump Tower meeting or the multiple obstruction charges. One of them being to fabricate a story on Air Force One about adoptions, where they got caught lying about it. What about the different payoffs to women for affairs that violated campaign finance laws? What about violations to the Emoluments clause where he and his family are enriching themselves at tax payer expense. What about Trump's bogus charities?

If you think something doesn't exist, you are a straight dumb ass.
They’re all witch hunt bs. This is about leftist marxists refusing to accept election loss.
Go back home to the USSR.

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