Devin Nunes, on audio admits to pro actively wanting to obstruct the Mueller investigation.

Nunes is taking actions of valor and value that reflects his patriotism in protecting our great President Trump.
Well the rest of us have never seen so many Trump haters.

Haters who drool over every negative Trump thing they can find. They don't care if its true or not. Heaven forbid that it be false.

Doesn't matter what it is just so long as its against Trump.

You sir lead the way.

Hope you have a nice trip in your leaky blue boat. LOL
Any person in his or her right frame of mind, who is honest, has to know, that if the Republican majority House Intelligence committee closes down their own investigation, only to have folks like Jordan and Meadows make these outlandish requests for documents from Rosenstein, that totally contradicts the House closing its investigation. It makes no sense. If there was nothing there, then what are Jordan and Meadows doing? There is only one explanation for the request for documents, and that is to go after the investigators who are looking for the truth. The Right doesn't want the truth, because it implicates Trump. These people have abandoned their oath of office and are complicit with this criminal.
Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

Some folks are just too stupid.

And some folks are stupid enough to buy out of context clips from the raunchy madcow show. Even the out of context clips aren't really incriminating. But hey, it's a free country, enjoy the MSLSD trip to fantasy island. LMAO

If it wasn't true, then where are your own pit bulls countering that audio admission? Answer, they don't exist. Maddow for the last two years has exposed more Trump corruption, cover ups, conspiracies, obstruction, which, from a legal stand point, could lock up the entire Republican caucus.

LMAO, you can pretend he said something wrong, he didn't. You might want to stop consuming the swill raunchy's been feeding you.

But he did. He openly promoted the obstruction of this investigation in order to impeach Rosenstein, to get rid of Rosenstein. Did he mention to the crowd what Rosenstein had done wrong? No! And he won't because no wrong doing exists. I know you can't tell us.

That audio shows just how little his audience knows about impeachment. Even though we went through it in the 90s. They obviously didn't pay much attention in school when they were supposed to learn about it nor have they read the constitution which details how impeachment is supposed to happen.

nunes and mcmorris clearly said that impeachment has to start in the Senate. That's wrong. Impeachment starts in the House of Reps. They impeach or file charges the Senate is where the trial is held.

Even the rich donors in their party don't know how our government works. It's truly pathetic.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
That POS should be horse whipped These AH's supposedly protecting America instead protecting the moron in our WH
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.

Wow did you even listen to that audio?

He said they weren't going to impeach Rosenstein now. He said they would impeach him after then new supreme court judge was installed on the court. That it's more important to do that first. He then went on to say that the House must stay in the hands of the republicans or all the work they've done to stop the investigation and protect trump was for nothing and will go away. That they are the last people to stop the investigation.

He's openly admitting that he and republicans are doing all they can to stop the investigation. Which is obstruction of justice.

What you think and want means nothing. You don't make any decisions on this. Our justice department does.

You're in for a very rude awakening.
Nunes is taking actions of valor and value that reflects his patriotism in protecting our great President Trump.
Nunes should be shot for treason The leader of the slime that think about protecting the scum in the WH rather than America
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.
They want to impeach after the election. And why do they want to impeach him? Because that would halt Mueller. Why do they want to halt Mueller? Because Trump is guilty.

Why won't Trump interview with Mueller if he's innocent? Because he's not, which is why Nunes wants to obstruct justice by getting rid of Rosenstein.

You're example of how simple mind works. They want to impeach Rosenstein because he's not doing his job. They have plenty of reasons, they just can't do it because they have to appoint someone else, and that is at the moment impossible with current Senate.

If they (Congress) really want to halt Mueller, they could simply ask Trump to fire him. But no, even Republican Congressmen threatened if Trump fires him, they will impeach him. Rosenstein knows that and using it to do whatever he wants, and that is another reason why he should be impeached.

Mueller is the Inferior officer. He cannot demand interview with the President, simply because he doesn't have constitutional right to do so. If Trump is guilty, where are the charges and where is the indictment almost two years into investigation? Oh, you didn't know President cannot be indicted? According to DOJ and FBI rules and regulations, that is the clear case.

My advise to you is to "educate" yourself about the issue, because your "feelings" clearly don't determine what right or wrong is, or what is the law. Moron.
LMAO, you can pretend he said something wrong, he didn't. You might want to stop consuming the swill raunchy's been feeding you.

But he did. He openly promoted the obstruction of this investigation in order to impeach Rosenstein, to get rid of Rosenstein. Did he mention to the crowd what Rosenstein had done wrong? No! And he won't because no wrong doing exists. I know you can't tell us.

Poor little pencil necked pea brained regressive, EVERYONE knows Rosenstein has done wrong, by not complying with about a half dozen congressional subpoenas and missing compliance deadlines. Rosenstein is the one guilty of obstruction of a congressional investigation, that's the route Nunes should be pursuing.

You mean subpoenas to turn over sensitive information that Republicans can use against that very investigation that shouldn't have been turned over? If Republicans were so concerned about justice, why did they close down their own House intelligence investigation? Answer, they aren't interested in the truth or justice. They just want their hands on the evidence, so they can give it to Trump, to use in his defense. Rosenstein did his job, and history will prove me right.

You really are on that MS-LSD trip to fantasy island. Rosenstein turned over documents that had unnecessary redactions making fraudulent claims of national security concerns. The SOB needs to be thrown out of government and maybe worse.

You idiot, the redaction's are there for a purpose. You spoliate an investigation if you hand over key parts that can be used by those you are investigating, against the prosecutions case. How stupid does an AG have to be to do that, and how corrupt does Trump's party have to be to request such documents? Remember, the House Intelligence closed their investigation. Why would they need anything, if Trump had done nothing wrong? Answer, because he has. The request for information by Trump's goons only proves that Trump is guilty. And by blaming Rosenstein, it just cements that guilt. A person has to be border line retarded not to see the game Republicans are playing. And, on top of that, Nunes just told us what they are up to, and why. To obstruct this investigation.

You might want to get an adult to explain what "unnecessary" and "fraudulent" mean.

Trying to hide the cost of a conference table in only one example.

Grassley Seeks Removal of Remaining Redactions on Strzok-Page Texts | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Well the rest of us have never seen so many Trump haters.

Haters who drool over every negative Trump thing they can find. They don't care if its true or not. Heaven forbid that it be false.

Doesn't matter what it is just so long as its against Trump.

You sir lead the way.

Hope you have a nice trip in your leaky blue boat. LOL
Any person in his or her right frame of mind, who is honest, has to know, that if the Republican majority House Intelligence committee closes down their own investigation, only to have folks like Jordan and Meadows make these outlandish requests for documents from Rosenstein, that totally contradicts the House closing its investigation. It makes no sense. If there was nothing there, then what are Jordan and Meadows doing? There is only one explanation for the request for documents, and that is to go after the investigators who are looking for the truth. The Right doesn't want the truth, because it implicates Trump. These people have abandoned their oath of office and are complicit with this criminal.

"If there was nothing there, then what are Jordan and Meadows doing?"

If there is nothing there, than provide documents that Congress requested. The oversight is their constitutional duty. It seems that "obstruction of justice" here is done by Rosenstein.

Lefties keep saying that Rosenstein provided 800,000 documents. For you lefties, that's a big number, it doesn't matter if is a million or two. This is not about number of documents that matter, it's about requested documents Rosenstein did not provide.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
It’s quite believable – most on the right have nothing but contempt for the rule of law.
contempt for the 'rule of law'... lol kind O like this?

You mean the "mandatory reporter" on the left who didn't? Others get arrested for that.
I don't see the inherent problem here given the underlying context of innocence, (the tangible evidence that Nunes has) as Nunes sees no illegality on the part of the President. If, on the other hand, Nunes were to have evidence of guilt the statement recorded would be what y'all are making it out to be... Implicit is the understanding that Rosenstein is guilty of impeachable misconduct. Quite a difference based on context, truth & facts available.

Implicit is the assumption that Rosenstein is guilty of gross bias and political partiality which is grounds for firing (Article 2 section IV of the Constitution)

No this country is not being hurt, and by the way Gowdy you investigated Hillary going on 6 years now. Jim Jordan should be under an investigation of his own for neglecting to report abuse by the coach.

He is under investigation for this incedent! We will see where it leads.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

Wow, a smoking, nothingburger. LMAO

You would think so.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.

Wow did you even listen to that audio?

He said they weren't going to impeach Rosenstein now. He said they would impeach him after then new supreme court judge was installed on the court. That it's more important to do that first. He then went on to say that the House must stay in the hands of the republicans or all the work they've done to stop the investigation and protect trump was for nothing and will go away. That they are the last people to stop the investigation.

He's openly admitting that he and republicans are doing all they can to stop the investigation. Which is obstruction of justice.

What you think and want means nothing. You don't make any decisions on this. Our justice department does.

You're in for a very rude awakening.

That's your interpretation of what he's saying. Some things you quoted right, some things you added to back your point. How about you quote exactly what he said, word for word.
Let's get one thing straight 'WTP'; Rosenstein & Mueller are underlings in the Executive Branch chain of command. The head executive of the Executive Branch can at any time, for any reason pluck whatever documentation he wants from his subordinates. He can literally pluck them (their bodies) from behind their 'ivory towers' and cast them out of office, to boot. This is a game, a serious one, for garnering public support. That is the ONLY reason why Mueller, Rosenstein and others (and their 'documents') are left undisturbed. This is an impeachment issue and hinges on 'public opinion/sentiment', nothing more or less; & is more about hearts and minds than it is about tangible evidence. BTW, indictment... ROTFL, use your google box and get back to us on inditing a sitting US president...
Last edited:
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.

Wow did you even listen to that audio?

He said they weren't going to impeach Rosenstein now. He said they would impeach him after then new supreme court judge was installed on the court. That it's more important to do that first. He then went on to say that the House must stay in the hands of the republicans or all the work they've done to stop the investigation and protect trump was for nothing and will go away. That they are the last people to stop the investigation.

He's openly admitting that he and republicans are doing all they can to stop the investigation. Which is obstruction of justice.

What you think and want means nothing. You don't make any decisions on this. Our justice department does.

You're in for a very rude awakening.

That's your interpretation of what he's saying. Some things you quoted right, some things you added to back your point. How about you quote exactly what he said, word for word.

I actually used some of his exact words.

If you want to know all of his exact words go find it yourself. I'm not going to spoon feed the info to you for you to ignore it or call it fake news.

As I said, what you think means nothing. You don't make any of the decisions on this. Our DOJ does and I'm sure that Mueller already has that audio that was released the other night.

The truth is it doesn't matter what you think or want or don't want to know. What matters is our DOJ and the laws of our nation. You can deny reality all you want. That means nothing. What does mean something are our laws and Mueller who is probably added that to his investigation and I won't be surprised if sometime down the road, Mueller will want to talk to nunes. If i was nunes and mcmorris, I would be very nervous right now.

mcmorris barely squeaked through that primary on Tuesday. In a district that is so red it could have been purposely carved out for her to always win. And that was just the primary. She didn't even get 50% of the vote and there were no other republicans running in that primary. I won't be surprised if she loses her seat in November.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.
They want to impeach after the election. And why do they want to impeach him? Because that would halt Mueller. Why do they want to halt Mueller? Because Trump is guilty.

Why won't Trump interview with Mueller if he's innocent? Because he's not, which is why Nunes wants to obstruct justice by getting rid of Rosenstein.

You're example of how simple mind works. They want to impeach Rosenstein because he's not doing his job. They have plenty of reasons, they just can't do it because they have to appoint someone else, and that is at the moment impossible with current Senate.

If they (Congress) really want to halt Mueller, they could simply ask Trump to fire him. But no, even Republican Congressmen threatened if Trump fires him, they will impeach him. Rosenstein knows that and using it to do whatever he wants, and that is another reason why he should be impeached.

Mueller is the Inferior officer. He cannot demand interview with the President, simply because he doesn't have constitutional right to do so. If Trump is guilty, where are the charges and where is the indictment almost two years into investigation? Oh, you didn't know President cannot be indicted? According to DOJ and FBI rules and regulations, that is the clear case.

My advise to you is to "educate" yourself about the issue, because your "feelings" clearly don't determine what right or wrong is, or what is the law. Moron.
An Impeachment trap?? LOL What trap is there if the AH in the WH can tell the truth ?
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.

Wow did you even listen to that audio?

He said they weren't going to impeach Rosenstein now. He said they would impeach him after then new supreme court judge was installed on the court. That it's more important to do that first. He then went on to say that the House must stay in the hands of the republicans or all the work they've done to stop the investigation and protect trump was for nothing and will go away. That they are the last people to stop the investigation.

He's openly admitting that he and republicans are doing all they can to stop the investigation. Which is obstruction of justice.

What you think and want means nothing. You don't make any decisions on this. Our justice department does.

You're in for a very rude awakening.

That's your interpretation of what he's saying. Some things you quoted right, some things you added to back your point. How about you quote exactly what he said, word for word.

I actually used some of his exact words.

If you want to know all of his exact words go find it yourself. I'm not going to spoon feed the info to you for you to ignore it or call it fake news.

As I said, what you think means nothing. You don't make any of the decisions on this. Our DOJ does and I'm sure that Mueller already has that audio that was released the other night.

The truth is it doesn't matter what you think or want or don't want to know. What matters is our DOJ and the laws of our nation. You can deny reality all you want. That means nothing. What does mean something are our laws and Mueller who is probably added that to his investigation and I won't be surprised if sometime down the road, Mueller will want to talk to nunes. If i was nunes and mcmorris, I would be very nervous right now.

mcmorris barely squeaked through that primary on Tuesday. In a district that is so red it could have been purposely carved out for her to always win. And that was just the primary. She didn't even get 50% of the vote and there were no other republicans running in that primary. I won't be surprised if she loses her seat in November.
I would take great delite in shredding some of your above assertions and will look for this post this evening when I have the time to do so... F'n MORON!

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