Devin Nunes, on audio admits to pro actively wanting to obstruct the Mueller investigation.

TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
I heard this yesterday, so it's not secret.
I also didn't hear a word or anything that supports this fraud's (Rachel Maddow) claims.
Heard what from where and who?

"You didn't hear anything" because there is no one who can dispute what Maddow said with any documentary evidence, because the audio tells us everything we need to know, not what Maddow said. Maddow isn't claiming, she's reporting. The audio tells us everything.

I watched her show when she first announced it.

All she basically did was play the audio briefly commented.

It doesn't matter what Maddow said.

What matters is what nunes and rogers said and it's all over that audio recording.
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TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
I heard this yesterday, so it's not secret.
I also didn't hear a word or anything that supports this fraud's (Rachel Maddow) claims.
Heard what from where and who?

"You didn't hear anything" because there is no one who can dispute what Maddow said with any documentary evidence, because the audio tells us everything we need to know, not what Maddow said. Maddow isn't claiming, she's reporting. The audio tells us everything.

I watched her show when she first announced it.

All she basically did was play the audio briefly commented.

It doesn't matter what Maddow said.

What matters is what nunes and rogers said and it's all over that audio recording.
If Trump apologists can't hear the audio, they better invest in some hearing aids. What is Nunes doing protecting Trump? That "IS NOT HIS JOB". Devin Nunes’ Fire Rosenstein strategy part Nixon, part Wyclef Jean
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
I heard this yesterday, so it's not secret.
I also didn't hear a word or anything that supports this fraud's (Rachel Maddow) claims.
Heard what from where and who?

"You didn't hear anything" because there is no one who can dispute what Maddow said with any documentary evidence, because the audio tells us everything we need to know, not what Maddow said. Maddow isn't claiming, she's reporting. The audio tells us everything.

I watched her show when she first announced it.

All she basically did was play the audio briefly commented.

It doesn't matter what Maddow said.

What matters is what nunes and rogers said and it's all over that audio recording.
If Trump apologists can't hear the audio, they better invest in some hearing aids. What is Nunes doing protecting Trump? That "IS NOT HIS JOB". Devin Nunes’ Fire Rosenstein strategy part Nixon, part Wyclef Jean
Actually he's a Republican....and he's trying to talk about stuff that has to do with politics.
He figures it's better to get a new justice in office rather than going after a criminal assistant director of the FBI who is involved in a conspiracy to throw Trump out of office.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.
They want to impeach after the election. And why do they want to impeach him? Because that would halt Mueller. Why do they want to halt Mueller? Because Trump is guilty.

Why won't Trump interview with Mueller if he's innocent? Because he's not, which is why Nunes wants to obstruct justice by getting rid of Rosenstein.

You're example of how simple mind works. They want to impeach Rosenstein because he's not doing his job. They have plenty of reasons, they just can't do it because they have to appoint someone else, and that is at the moment impossible with current Senate.

If they (Congress) really want to halt Mueller, they could simply ask Trump to fire him. But no, even Republican Congressmen threatened if Trump fires him, they will impeach him. Rosenstein knows that and using it to do whatever he wants, and that is another reason why he should be impeached.

Mueller is the Inferior officer. He cannot demand interview with the President, simply because he doesn't have constitutional right to do so. If Trump is guilty, where are the charges and where is the indictment almost two years into investigation? Oh, you didn't know President cannot be indicted? According to DOJ and FBI rules and regulations, that is the clear case.

My advise to you is to "educate" yourself about the issue, because your "feelings" clearly don't determine what right or wrong is, or what is the law. Moron.
An Impeachment trap?? LOL What trap is there if the AH in the WH can tell the truth ?

Mueller has no authority to interview the president. The question is, why he wants to interview him at all, what's the purpose? He wont find anything that he doesn't know already.

Comparing to MSM, Democrat snowflakes, intelligence agencies, DOJ... It seems that Trump is the only one who is actually telling the truth.
*In case you do not know what basic law is ...stupid indictment is not proof, nor a conviction. We would all be happy to send you to Russia WTP so that you can present half of those accusations to the Russians!
We already have five guilty pleas included in the 35 indictments, and Manafort is next. Then come Manafort and Russia.

We also have more indictments on the way.

Also, Trump is not innocent, or else Trump's butt boys and girls wouldn't be actively discussing the impeachment of Rosenstein.

"Get the aspirin ready"? Lol! I popped open another bottle of Champagne. I do it every time the truth is exposed. Which is almost every day.

How about you pop the link where Nunes says Trump is guilty.
If Nunes didn't already Know Trump was guilty, he wouldn't be trying to impeach Rosenstein. There can be only one motive for impeaching Rosenstein. And I never said "Nunes said Trump is guilty". You invented that. What Nunes did was to make an example about collusion and he related it to Trump, thereby being afraid of Trump's legal jeopardy. We all know what he was trying to say, he just didn't say it. And you can stop making up lies now. We know the drill.
We will call out their lies and corruption every single day.
The United States will shut down this fraudulent Mueller Rosenstein "Russia probe"!
More lies! What is fraudulent about it?

Oh yea, I almost forgot, what is fraudulent about 35 indictments and more on the way?

How many indictments on "Russian collusion" exactly?
Mueller’s map: What 35 indictments and pleas tell us
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.

What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.
They want to impeach after the election. And why do they want to impeach him? Because that would halt Mueller. Why do they want to halt Mueller? Because Trump is guilty.

Why won't Trump interview with Mueller if he's innocent? Because he's not, which is why Nunes wants to obstruct justice by getting rid of Rosenstein.

You're example of how simple mind works. They want to impeach Rosenstein because he's not doing his job. They have plenty of reasons, they just can't do it because they have to appoint someone else, and that is at the moment impossible with current Senate.

If they (Congress) really want to halt Mueller, they could simply ask Trump to fire him. But no, even Republican Congressmen threatened if Trump fires him, they will impeach him. Rosenstein knows that and using it to do whatever he wants, and that is another reason why he should be impeached.

Mueller is the Inferior officer. He cannot demand interview with the President, simply because he doesn't have constitutional right to do so. If Trump is guilty, where are the charges and where is the indictment almost two years into investigation? Oh, you didn't know President cannot be indicted? According to DOJ and FBI rules and regulations, that is the clear case.

My advise to you is to "educate" yourself about the issue, because your "feelings" clearly don't determine what right or wrong is, or what is the law. Moron.
An Impeachment trap?? LOL What trap is there if the AH in the WH can tell the truth ?

Mueller has no authority to interview the president. The question is, why he wants to interview him at all, what's the purpose? He wont find anything that he doesn't know already.

Comparing to MSM, Democrat snowflakes, intelligence agencies, DOJ... It seems that Trump is the only one who is actually telling the truth.
4000 confirmed lies by Trump, and he's telling the truth. Boss, is there anything left of what you are smoking?
"Get the aspirin ready"? Lol! I popped open another bottle of Champagne. I do it every time the truth is exposed. Which is almost every day.

How about you pop the link where Nunes says Trump is guilty.
If Nunes didn't already Know Trump was guilty, he wouldn't be trying to impeach Rosenstein. There can be only one motive for impeaching Rosenstein. And I never said "Nunes said Trump is guilty". You invented that. What Nunes did was to make an example about collusion and he related it to Trump, thereby being afraid of Trump's legal jeopardy. We all know what he was trying to say, he just didn't say it. And you can stop making up lies now. We know the drill.

You said it. Than you implied it on Nunes, as he's "obstructing the justice" because Trump is guilty.
We will call out their lies and corruption every single day.
The United States will shut down this fraudulent Mueller Rosenstein "Russia probe"!
More lies! What is fraudulent about it?

Oh yea, I almost forgot, what is fraudulent about 35 indictments and more on the way?

How many indictments on "Russian collusion" exactly?
Mueller’s map: What 35 indictments and pleas tell us

How many, exactly, on "Russian collusion"?
What a load of crap.

Nowhere he's saying he wants to obstruct the justice.

And he clearly says why they're not going for impeachment of Rosenstein, but no, you have to "translate" it to us.

Other than that, this OP is typical leftist faggotry.
They want to impeach after the election. And why do they want to impeach him? Because that would halt Mueller. Why do they want to halt Mueller? Because Trump is guilty.

Why won't Trump interview with Mueller if he's innocent? Because he's not, which is why Nunes wants to obstruct justice by getting rid of Rosenstein.

You're example of how simple mind works. They want to impeach Rosenstein because he's not doing his job. They have plenty of reasons, they just can't do it because they have to appoint someone else, and that is at the moment impossible with current Senate.

If they (Congress) really want to halt Mueller, they could simply ask Trump to fire him. But no, even Republican Congressmen threatened if Trump fires him, they will impeach him. Rosenstein knows that and using it to do whatever he wants, and that is another reason why he should be impeached.

Mueller is the Inferior officer. He cannot demand interview with the President, simply because he doesn't have constitutional right to do so. If Trump is guilty, where are the charges and where is the indictment almost two years into investigation? Oh, you didn't know President cannot be indicted? According to DOJ and FBI rules and regulations, that is the clear case.

My advise to you is to "educate" yourself about the issue, because your "feelings" clearly don't determine what right or wrong is, or what is the law. Moron.
An Impeachment trap?? LOL What trap is there if the AH in the WH can tell the truth ?

Mueller has no authority to interview the president. The question is, why he wants to interview him at all, what's the purpose? He wont find anything that he doesn't know already.

Comparing to MSM, Democrat snowflakes, intelligence agencies, DOJ... It seems that Trump is the only one who is actually telling the truth.
4000 confirmed lies by Trump, and he's telling the truth. Boss, is there anything left of what you are smoking?

Confirmed by whom?
"Get the aspirin ready"? Lol! I popped open another bottle of Champagne. I do it every time the truth is exposed. Which is almost every day.

How about you pop the link where Nunes says Trump is guilty.
If Nunes didn't already Know Trump was guilty, he wouldn't be trying to impeach Rosenstein. There can be only one motive for impeaching Rosenstein. And I never said "Nunes said Trump is guilty". You invented that. What Nunes did was to make an example about collusion and he related it to Trump, thereby being afraid of Trump's legal jeopardy. We all know what he was trying to say, he just didn't say it. And you can stop making up lies now. We know the drill.
Liar. Another scum bag liberal goes down in flames. You are trash.
TRMS Exclusive: Devin Nunes speaks candidly at fundraiser

This is unbelievable for one, that a top Republican, Devin Nunes on the intelligence committee would actively seek to obstruct justice.

Here we have a guy in the Republican party with other top Republicans in their caucus actively pursuing the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein, to obstruct justice in that investigation. That's right! They aren't pursuing impeachment of Rosenstein based on something he has done wrong. They are wanting to impeach Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. And they have him on tape telling the world that's what they want to do. Let me say this again, so it sinks in. Nunes and other Republicans are actively and criminally trying to obstruct a criminal investigation, and we have them on tape admitting to it.

Folks, if you ever wanted to know where our tax dollars are going, now you know. That money is used as a vehicle to conduct illegal activity to obstruct our political system, in a criminal investigation, by getting rid of the top law enforcement official in that investigation. The rule of law has been 100% totally hijacked by Nunes and his butt boys. But at least we all know with 100% accuracy now.

This is bigley folks.

Voting Blue is the only way we get our country back from these coward Right-wing criminals.
I heard this yesterday, so it's not secret.
I also didn't hear a word or anything that supports this fraud's (Rachel Maddow) claims.
Heard what from where and who?

"You didn't hear anything" because there is no one who can dispute what Maddow said with any documentary evidence, because the audio tells us everything we need to know, not what Maddow said. Maddow isn't claiming, she's reporting. The audio tells us everything.
Post the audio. Bitch, I own you.
Last edited:
"Get the aspirin ready"? Lol! I popped open another bottle of Champagne. I do it every time the truth is exposed. Which is almost every day.

How about you pop the link where Nunes says Trump is guilty.
If Nunes didn't already Know Trump was guilty, he wouldn't be trying to impeach Rosenstein. There can be only one motive for impeaching Rosenstein. And I never said "Nunes said Trump is guilty". You invented that. What Nunes did was to make an example about collusion and he related it to Trump, thereby being afraid of Trump's legal jeopardy. We all know what he was trying to say, he just didn't say it. And you can stop making up lies now. We know the drill.
Liar. Another scum bag liberal goes down in flames. You are trash.
Only trash around these parts are ah butt kissers of the pos in our WH ,,,We won't let you tear America down
  • Thanks
Reactions: WTP
"Get the aspirin ready"? Lol! I popped open another bottle of Champagne. I do it every time the truth is exposed. Which is almost every day.

How about you pop the link where Nunes says Trump is guilty.
If Nunes didn't already Know Trump was guilty, he wouldn't be trying to impeach Rosenstein. There can be only one motive for impeaching Rosenstein. And I never said "Nunes said Trump is guilty". You invented that. What Nunes did was to make an example about collusion and he related it to Trump, thereby being afraid of Trump's legal jeopardy. We all know what he was trying to say, he just didn't say it. And you can stop making up lies now. We know the drill.

You said it. Than you implied it on Nunes, as he's "obstructing the justice" because Trump is guilty.
Trump is guilty and it's been proven. As for Nunes, the audio speaks for itself. You people don't get it. Nunes is protecting Trump. That is not his job. He took an oath to protect us, and the rule of law. And he's doing neither one. Protecting Trump against an investigation from which the evidence is clear against him, is obstructing justice by impeding a criminal investigation against Trump. It can't be an clearer than that.

The audio owns you.
Last edited:
Trump is guilty and it's been proven. As for Nunes, the audio speaks for itself. You people don't get it. Nunes is protecting Trump. That is not his job. He took an oath to protect us, and the rule of law. And he's doing neither one. Protecting Trump against an investigation from which the evidence is clear against him, is obstructing justice by impeding a criminal investigation against Trump. It can't be an clearer than that.

It seems your switch is stuck on stupid. You do realize that repeating things over and over doesn't make them true. Well, maybe in your head does...

Let's start with simple question, dimwit.

What Trump is guilty of, exactly?

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