Devisive Supreme Court Judge


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
In addition to the most devisive President in history since Abraham Lincoln we now have a justice who has gone on record to advocate for minority power.

Sotomayor: 'I'm Very Optimistic About The Power of Minorities...' | Truth Revolt

Unfortunately....very few will see the implications of this....well let me try and spell it out---I see no problem with anyone advocating that minorities should be treated fairly and equally before the law....however when someone like a Supreme Ct. Judge or any other influential governmental official goes on record and says they will work to increase the power of one group of people over others and a minority group at is nothing short of is pure discrimination....we have seen Obama do this already....we live in a supposed democracy where the majority rules....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....they have been able to do this because there are a lot of people aka liberals who want to destroy the America we have all known and loved...they want to make it into something that goes against things America has always stood for.....aka truth, justice and the American Way.
ummm, the women outnumber us, and that's not counting all the minorities.

she's talking about a minority actually having more power than the maj in society ... which may or may not be a good thing.
....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....

Women and minorities in Congress aren't even close to the proportion of the percentage of the total population they represent.

If they were, there would be 52 black Representatives and 12 black Senators. There would be 218 female Representatives, and 51 female Senators.
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In addition to the most devisive President in history since Abraham Lincoln we now have a justice who has gone on record to advocate for minority power.

Sotomayor: 'I'm Very Optimistic About The Power of Minorities...' | Truth Revolt

Unfortunately....very few will see the implications of this....well let me try and spell it out---I see no problem with anyone advocating that minorities should be treated fairly and equally before the law....however when someone like a Supreme Ct. Judge or any other influential governmental official goes on record and says they will work to increase the power of one group of people over others and a minority group at is nothing short of is pure discrimination....we have seen Obama do this already....we live in a supposed democracy where the majority rules....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....they have been able to do this because there are a lot of people aka liberals who want to destroy the America we have all known and loved...they want to make it into something that goes against things America has always stood for.....aka truth, justice and the American Way.

This is what was actually said:
UW Provost Ana Mari Cauce asked the questions, which had been submitted earlier by students. Sotomayor surprised the audience by asking each questioner to stand up and be recognized before she gave her answer, making the interview seem less formal and more personal.

Dressed in a crimson jacket, cream-colored blouse and black skirt, Sotomayor was hobbling a little from what she described as a knee injury.

She told students to sample lots of different fields, but to settle on the work they found most meaningful.

“The work you do the best is the work you love,” she said. “The greatest contribution you can make is figuring out what you think is important to you, what kind of work will satisfy you, what kind of work will make you feel meaningful, what kind of work will make a contribution to improving something that you think is significant.”

She told students to develop a community of good friends but also seek out people from different backgrounds and take classes in unfamiliar subjects.

Sotomayor said she regretted not asking more questions of her college friends while she was still in school, which would have helped her understand more about their lives.

One student asked what barriers still needed to be broken to improve the representation of women and minorities in government.

“Money,” Sotomayor said to laughter. “No, seriously. Look at what’s happening in politics. What’s talking the loudest is money.” For more minorities and women to gain more of a foothold in government decisions, “we’re going to have to work the political system at the highest level,” she said.

The first Latina to be appointed to the Supreme Court, Sotomayor talked of the hurt she felt during her confirmation hearings, when skeptics questioned whether she was smart enough to be a Supreme Court justice. And she also described an incident from her childhood, when the father of one of her friends used a racial epithet to describe Puerto Ricans while she was in the room.

“I don’t let others judge me — I judge me,” Sotomayor said.

Of the others, she said, “frankly, to hell with them.”

Sotomayor told the students that it was important to “find someone in your life who unconditionally loves you,” and that her grandmother was that person. “What gave me my drive is my mother,” she added.

What are you optimistic about? one student wanted to know. Said Sotomayor: “I’m very optimistic about the power of minorities to change the dialogue in this country.”

At the end of the talk, Sotomayor offered to pose for group pictures with students, prompting Cauce to say, “You really are Sonia from the Bronx.”

Now that it has been put back into context, do you still feel afraid?
....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....

Women and minorities in Congress aren't even close to the proportion of the percentage of the total population they represent.

If they were, there would be 52 black Representatives and 12 black Senators. There would be 218 female Representatives, and 51 female Senators.

I always get a kick out of the belief that only women can correctly represent women, only Latinos can correctly represent Latinos, only blacks can correctly represent blacks etc.

This is racism and sexism in their purest form. And my classmate Sonia '76 embraces them fully.
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In addition to the most devisive President in history since Abraham Lincoln we now have a justice who has gone on record to advocate for minority power.

Sotomayor: 'I'm Very Optimistic About The Power of Minorities...' | Truth Revolt

Unfortunately....very few will see the implications of this....well let me try and spell it out---I see no problem with anyone advocating that minorities should be treated fairly and equally before the law....however when someone like a Supreme Ct. Judge or any other influential governmental official goes on record and says they will work to increase the power of one group of people over others and a minority group at is nothing short of is pure discrimination....we have seen Obama do this already....we live in a supposed democracy where the majority rules....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....they have been able to do this because there are a lot of people aka liberals who want to destroy the America we have all known and loved...they want to make it into something that goes against things America has always stood for.....aka truth, justice and the American Way.

Are you talking about Israel?

AIPAC’s Extremism

Howard Kohr says: don't be even-handed, be "honest"
by Justin Raimondo, May 27, 2011

Coverage of the recent AIPAC conference naturally gave the lion’s share of attention to President Obama’s speech, in which he did his best to placate the most powerful lobby in Washington. The speech, in itself, was a yawner, in that nothing really new was said: the news value was that the President felt compelled to make it. Far more interesting, in terms of content, however – and far less reported on – was AIPAC director Howard Kohr’s peroration, in which he gave the conference attendees what they came there for: red meat. Reddest of all – an argument against US evenhandedness in managing the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. "

What are you optimistic about? one student wanted to know. Said Sotomayor: “I’m very optimistic about the power of minorities to change the dialogue in this country.”

Leave it up to white people to make this statement a scary one. WATCH OUT!
What are you optimistic about? one student wanted to know. Said Sotomayor: “I’m very optimistic about the power of minorities to change the dialogue in this country.”

Leave it up to white people to make this statement a scary one. WATCH OUT!

It was scary before white people ever came anywhere near it.
....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....

Women and minorities in Congress aren't even close to the proportion of the percentage of the total population they represent.

If they were, there would be 52 black Representatives and 12 black Senators. There would be 218 female Representatives, and 51 female Senators.
How about the breakout inclusive of Hispanics?

I believe that they have supplanted blacks as the largest non-white ethnic group in America.
"Truth, justice, and the American way."

The last thing we need is a Supreme Ct. Judge acting as some sort of social engineer out to change our society or transform it into something that appeals to her social agenda.

The Supreme Ct. and its justices needs to stick with legal matters and interpetation of law....yet we see them consistently fail even in that....the recent debacle over the legitimacy of obama to be our President was something that cried out for a decision by the Supreme Court...they opted out....lacking the courage to deal with it....instead they offered the lame excuse..."well all that is a political matter...for the people to decide"......utter bullshite.

What the Supreme Ct. has degenerated into is a political court dominated by political appointees (with little judicial experience of capabilities) which is on track to pursue a particular pc political agenda-- detrimental unfortunately to the majority plain words..........."Minority Rule" where we are headed and forget about democracy.

Devvy Kidd -- The U.S. Supreme Court should be impeached
Teabaggers are a minority. Teabaggers want minority rule, just not for "minorities".
Everyone who even watches the local nightly news understands all too well how over-represented the mexican and negro involvement in the drug trade is yet this idiotic bimbo wants to come down on a prosecutor for telling the truth? Outrageous.....this sort of judge could only happen in a Nation of Fools....any wonder we are on the fast track to a 3rd world nation?

Sotomayor slams controversial remarks by prosecutor ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....

Women and minorities in Congress aren't even close to the proportion of the percentage of the total population they represent.

If they were, there would be 52 black Representatives and 12 black Senators. There would be 218 female Representatives, and 51 female Senators.

I always get a kick out of the belief that only women can correctly represent women, only Latinos can correctly represent Latinos, only blacks can correctly represent blacks etc.

This is racism and sexism in their purest form. And my classmate Sonia '76 embraces them fully.
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Teabaggers are a minority. Teabaggers want minority rule, just not for "minorities".

Yet another leftist fanatic who, when he's losing a debate, starts lying about his opponents, and thinking about lewd sex acts and people's genitals.

Have you sought help?

But, you didn't even blink an eye with this, didja?

In November, ThinkProgress interviewed Justice Alito as he entered the annual fundraising gala for the American Spectator, attended by then-RNC Chairman Michael Steele and top Republican donors. Alito told us that his attendance to the fundraiser was “not important.” However, as we noted, Alito was the main draw for donors when he headlined the same event in 2008. The American Spectator is nominally a magazine; in the 90s, it served as a slush fund for wealthy donors to pay opponents of President Clinton, and recently, it organized a lobby group called the “Conservative Action Project” to orchestrate opposition to President Obama.

– In 2009, while the Supreme Court heard arguments regarding the Citizens United case, Justice Thomas was featured at the annual fundraiser for the Heritage Foundation — and sat at a table for donors with investment banker Thomas Saunders and Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC). After the Citizens United decision, Heritage created a new nonprofit called “Heritage Action” to run attack ads against Democrats.

– In 2009, while the Supreme Court heard arguments regarding the Citizens United case, Justice Alito headlined a fundraiser for the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) — the same corporate front that funded the rise of Republican dirty trickster James O’Keefe and anti-masturbation activist Christine O’Donnell. According to the sponsorship levels for the event, Alito helped ISI raise $70,000 or more from law firms like Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP. ISI is run partially by lobbyist James Burnley, who also is on the board of FreedomWorks.

– Last year, Justice Thomas helped headline a fundraiser for the National Association of Broadcasters, a lobby group representing News Corp, Cox Media Group, and other media companies. The event raised hundreds of thousands for NAB’s charity from a host of corporate sponsors, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, PhRMA, and CBS Corp.

Notably, litigants in the Citizens United decision were also attendees of the Koch meeting. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which attended the Koch meeting, filed a Citizens United brief in support of unlimited corporate spending in elections. The Institute for Justice, founded by Charles Koch, and the Cato Institute, also founded by Charles Koch, filed briefs in support for overturning campaign finance laws. A number of the other groups filing briefs in the Citizens United decision, including the Center for Competitive Politics, are run by Koch meeting participants like Eric O’Keefe.

Earlier this month, we tried to speak to David Koch about the impact of Citizens United and his influence. After hearing the question, he ended the interview.

Group Requests DOJ To Investigate Scalia and Thomas Involvement With Koch Corporate Fundraisers | ThinkProgress
Another example of Sotomayor's bias is the fact that Sotomayor ruled against the white firefighter — Ricci and other white firefighters — just on the basis that she thought women and minorities should be given a preference because of their skin color and because of the history of discrimination in the past. The law was totally disregarded.

Now this is the sort of nonsense that is seen way tooooo often and even pc republicans go along with the this sort of crap is being seen by more and more white people for what it is.....white people are waking up and it is due to a large extent because of the internet....because now the liberal media does not control the news.....the mainstream media has been spiking stories of black on white crime and reverse racism for they can no longer keep this outrage quiet....and if the Republicans can come up with a candidate that makes it clear to the White Working Class that he understands this and is truly for the White Working Class...he will get the votes needed to restore make America Great once again.

Otherwise we are headed for the dustbin of history aka third world status.

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