Devisive Supreme Court Judge

In addition to the most devisive President in history since Abraham Lincoln we now have a justice who has gone on record to advocate for minority power.

Sotomayor: 'I'm Very Optimistic About The Power of Minorities...' | Truth Revolt

Unfortunately....very few will see the implications of this....well let me try and spell it out---I see no problem with anyone advocating that minorities should be treated fairly and equally before the law....however when someone like a Supreme Ct. Judge or any other influential governmental official goes on record and says they will work to increase the power of one group of people over others and a minority group at that.....

Ummm.... where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

Oh wait, that's right -- she doesn't.

Reading is a lost art.
In addition to the most devisive President in history since Abraham Lincoln we now have a justice who has gone on record to advocate for minority power.

Sotomayor: 'I'm Very Optimistic About The Power of Minorities...' | Truth Revolt

Unfortunately....very few will see the implications of this....well let me try and spell it out---I see no problem with anyone advocating that minorities should be treated fairly and equally before the law....however when someone like a Supreme Ct. Judge or any other influential governmental official goes on record and says they will work to increase the power of one group of people over others and a minority group at that.....

Ummm.... where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

Oh wait, that's right -- she doesn't.

Reading is a lost art.

Being a shallow thinker and unable to grasp the implications of "On Monday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor stated that she believed that women and minorities had to crash the halls of power" in addition to being ignorant of her history and track record you of course see no problem with her.

Perhaps this will explain what needs to be understood:

Annenberg Classroom - Glossary terms - Majority-rule-and-minority-rights
Gingrich pointed to a line in Sotomayor's 2001 speech to a Hispanic group in Berkeley that has drawn fire.

...."I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life," Sotomayor said in that speech, describing how life experience can inform judicial opinions.

On Wednesday, Gingrich tweeted: "Imagine a judicial nominee said 'my experience as a white man makes me better than a latina woman.' new racism is no better than old racism."

Moments later, he followed up with the message: "White man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw."
In addition to the most devisive President in history since Abraham Lincoln we now have a justice who has gone on record to advocate for minority power.

Sotomayor: 'I'm Very Optimistic About The Power of Minorities...' | Truth Revolt

Unfortunately....very few will see the implications of this....well let me try and spell it out---I see no problem with anyone advocating that minorities should be treated fairly and equally before the law....however when someone like a Supreme Ct. Judge or any other influential governmental official goes on record and says they will work to increase the power of one group of people over others and a minority group at that.....

Ummm.... where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

Oh wait, that's right -- she doesn't.

Reading is a lost art.

Being a shallow thinker and unable to grasp the implications of "On Monday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor stated that she believed that women and minorities had to crash the halls of power" in addition to being ignorant of her history and track record you of course see no problem with her.

Perhaps this will explain what needs to be understood:

Annenberg Classroom - Glossary terms - Majority-rule-and-minority-rights

There's no quote in that link from Sotomayor, nor any reference to her.

Thanks for that timeout. How vaguely interesting. Now once again, where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

We have three more font sizes if this one doesn't sink in. Whatever it takes...
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Ummm.... where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

Oh wait, that's right -- she doesn't.

Reading is a lost art.

Being a shallow thinker and unable to grasp the implications of "On Monday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor stated that she believed that women and minorities had to crash the halls of power" in addition to being ignorant of her history and track record you of course see no problem with her.

Perhaps this will explain what needs to be understood:

Annenberg Classroom - Glossary terms - Majority-rule-and-minority-rights

There's no quote in that link from Sotomayor, nor any reference to her.

Thanks for that timeout. How vaguely interesting. Now once again, where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

We have three more font sizes if this one doesn't sink in. Whatever it takes...

You do not understand the implication of minority power....even worse you do not even understand the definition of power......................1pow·er noun, often attributive \ˈpau̇(-ə)r\

: the ability or right to control people or things

: political control of a country or area

: a person or organization that has a lot of control and influence over other people or organizations
So.... nothing.

Alrighty then, thanks for playing Pin the Tale on the Strawman. Hope it didn't hurt too much.
Could someone explain what this thread has to do with racial relations? What it mainly is about is a supreme court justice and her politics, the politics of power, and the poliltics of minority power.
Another statement in the link provided ....which has been overlooked------

A student questioned if she was optimistic about the future of the country. She stated, “I’m very optimistic about the power of minorities to change the dialogue in this country.”

In other words what the future of the country means to her is the ability of minorities to change things....aka o'btain and exert power'---in other words she is subordinating the well being and future of the majority to the success of a minority gaining power.....very obvious.
Still doesn't get it. Color me surprised.

Next font size it is then.
Again, where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

Read that again. Which of those words is bigger than the others? It's because they're crucial. Where does she say this? Where is it? Where it is? It is where?

Perhaps you should phone a friend to figure this out. Or poll the audience.

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....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....

Women and minorities in Congress aren't even close to the proportion of the percentage of the total population they represent.

If they were, there would be 52 black Representatives and 12 black Senators. There would be 218 female Representatives, and 51 female Senators.

I always get a kick out of the belief that only women can correctly represent women, only Latinos can correctly represent Latinos, only blacks can correctly represent blacks etc.

This is racism and sexism in their purest form. And my classmate Sonia '76 embraces them fully.

Why do you get a kick out of that? Do you get a kick out of the Irish, Jewish and Italians who do the same?
Still doesn't get it. Color me surprised.

Next font size it is then.
Again, where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

Read that again. Which of those words is bigger than the others? It's because they're crucial. Where does she say this? Where is it? Where it is? It is where?

Perhaps you should phone a friend to figure this out. Or poll the audience.


Ridiculous....the intent of her statement is quite obvious...only a dullard would have any difficulty understanding her intent............and most especially when one knows a little of her background.

Newt Gingrich pegged her along ago. Study up Chump.
At the most dangerous time in the entire history of America we have an affirmative action President and two affirmative action supreme court judges...........can anyone say....A Nation of Fools?

In her first broadcast interview, Justice Sonia Sotomayor told Scott Pelley how affirmative action affected her life leading up to her appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Affirmative action played a role in her admittance to Princeton, she admits, and she remembers it drawing the scrutiny of an adult at her Catholic school in the Bronx. "The first day I received in high school a card from Princeton telling me that it was possible that I was going to get in, I was stopped by the school nurse and asked why I was sent a possible and the number one and the number two in the class were not," she recalls. "Now I didn't know about affirmative action. But from the tone of her question I understood that she thought there was something wrong with them looking at me and not looking at those other two students," says Sotomayor.

And yet she sees nothing wrong with it ...because like most minorities she feels a sense of 'entitlement' because she is a minority.
Still doesn't get it. Color me surprised.

Next font size it is then.
Again, where exactly does she advocate the power of one group over others?

Read that again. Which of those words is bigger than the others? It's because they're crucial. Where does she say this? Where is it? Where it is? It is where?

Perhaps you should phone a friend to figure this out. Or poll the audience.


Ridiculous....the intent of her statement is quite obvious...only a dullard would have any difficulty understanding her intent............and most especially when one knows a little of her background.

Newt Gingrich pegged her along ago. Study up Chump.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. The old "Okay she didn't say it but I know what she really means" song and dance. :lmao:

Or as we say in graphic terms:

....but what has been happening at an increased pace since the sixties is the un-natural accrument of power by one particular minority especially out of all proportion to the percentage of the total population they represent....

Women and minorities in Congress aren't even close to the proportion of the percentage of the total population they represent.

If they were, there would be 52 black Representatives and 12 black Senators. There would be 218 female Representatives, and 51 female Senators.

I always get a kick out of the belief that only women can correctly represent women, only Latinos can correctly represent Latinos, only blacks can correctly represent blacks etc.

This is racism and sexism in their purest form. And my classmate Sonia '76 embraces them fully.

You don't understand anything.

Its why you back the republican party cheating in elections to keep democracy wounded in this country.

You don't believe in democracy
At the most dangerous time in the entire history of America we have an affirmative action President and two affirmative action supreme court judges...........can anyone say....A Nation of Fools?

In her first broadcast interview, Justice Sonia Sotomayor told Scott Pelley how affirmative action affected her life leading up to her appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Affirmative action played a role in her admittance to Princeton, she admits, and she remembers it drawing the scrutiny of an adult at her Catholic school in the Bronx. "The first day I received in high school a card from Princeton telling me that it was possible that I was going to get in, I was stopped by the school nurse and asked why I was sent a possible and the number one and the number two in the class were not," she recalls. "Now I didn't know about affirmative action. But from the tone of her question I understood that she thought there was something wrong with them looking at me and not looking at those other two students," says Sotomayor.

And yet she sees nothing wrong with it ...because like most minorities she feels a sense of 'entitlement' because she is a minority.
Bottom Line:

"Judge Sotomayor is a liberal judicial activist of the first order who thinks her own personal political agenda is more important that the law as written. She thinks that judges should dictate policy, and that one's sex, race, and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench.

She reads racial preferences and quotas into the Constitution, even to the point of dishonoring those who preserve our public safety"....

She has an extremely high rate of her decisions being reversed.....from Mother Jones Magazine
what part of the minority is going to be the majority do you not understand oh racist one?
the republican party is so full of hate of anyone not white they are commiting suicide
what part of the minority that will eventually be a majority doesnt always have to vote for one party dont you get lib dinosaur?

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