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DeVos to make getting away with campus rape easy again

Not to worry. They *might* / could have been guilty, eh OldLady?

SUICIDAL Tendencies Of Falsely Accused College Males
JANUARY 16, 2017

Parents of innocent accused sons are often crying inside for years as they try to help their young sons heal after they are treated cruelly and unjustly by Title IX. Title IX hearings are not about seeking truth when a sex accusation is made. Title IX is about cruelty towards the minority gender on campuses. Males.

New lawsuits appear weekly from accused males who have been bullied, abused and denied due process by Title IX. And thanks to Obama’s 2011 DCL, Title IX is very successful in expelling/suspending/denying an education to hundreds of males.

Once accused, males are isolated from their friends, and told they cannot speak to anyone at the school about the accusation.

As a result, these young 17-24 year old males are emotional wrecks for years, lending to suicidal thoughts, hospitalization or both.

I hear from these males and their parents, and below is a sampling of their suffering. Because this information is so personal, I’ve simplified the stories by removing details to protect identities.


My son suffers from panic attacks regularly.

My son has PTSD.

My son confessed to me that suicide crossed his mind more than once.

My son was suicidal but fortunately not successful thanks to friends.

My friend’s son was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and he is still in therapy.

My son is too distressed to talk to me.

My son’s spirit was damaged. I worried he might go down a black hole of depression. He barely ate or slept for months.

My son was deeply depressed for a long time and he still can’t discuss his experience with us.

My son committed suicide. Later on his accuser wanted to meet with me. She told me she was sorry for accusing my son. She was trying make another guy jealous.

The whole thing is a profoundly isolating experience.

I felt I was in a black hole.

Two years ago a my son committed suicide. His accuser later recanted.

My son was put on suicide watch at Occidental College. His friends were scared that he might hurt himself when he was removed from his dorm room and put in isolation. His friends called the suicide watch line, and for 24 hours my son had guards outside his room.

It’s been three years since my son was falsely accused, but he recently told me how dark his days had been, and how dark they still are at times. He also told me he considered killing himself during those dark days three years ago, and my husband and I never knew.

During my son’s Title IX hearing we told the college we were very afraid that our son would take his own life.

A lawyer told me that he takes phone calls 24/7 from college males who are suicidal as a result of being falsely accused.


The emotional toll of a false accusation on families and their son is immense. The psychological trauma is unbearable for these young college males, and thankfully many do not commit suicide, but the wounds are deep and permanent. The scars that these innocent men carry are intensely private and we must help them heal by offering a hand up, by preserving the presumption of innocence, and by demanding due process. If we do not, America is to blame.

False Accusations and the Denial Of Mens Emotional Pain

-Alice True

Personal Stories by Falsely Accused
Based on that reply two things come to mind. The first is you don't let amateurs process a crime scene. There's a reason they make so much of that yellow tape. It's to keep idiots like school people from messing it up. Again, the school has no business investigating anything!

Second, you're correct. Laws don't protect you from a crime. You do. So you must be all for concealed carry on campus.

And as rape is an exceptionally difficult crime to properly investigate and prosecute, this is particularly also a crime which ought not be left to the unqualified to attempt to do so. More so than with most other sorts of crimes, this crime really needs to be investigated by proper legal authorities that have the necessary skill, knowledge, and authority to do so properly, and any determinate of guilt really needs to take place in a legitimate court of law. There is no other way to properly protect the rights of all involved.
I don't understand why campus authorities are involved at all. Why aren't sexual assaults on campus handled by the police the same way as they are everywhere else?

Are on campus murders handles by campus security and the college administration as well?
Campus officials don't want the police to be involved because a lot of violent crime reports on campus is not good for enrollment.
Yep, everyone deserves to be pushed thorough a kangaroo court without due process, I mean, fuck the Constitution and actual evidence, RIGHT?

You freaking drama queens really crack me up.

Two questions on the above.......

1. have you heard of anyone going to prison on the charge of rape WITHOUT a court due-process?
Someone may be expelled from a school, but going to jail without due process???

2. We have certainly employed "due process" in investigating Hillary for Whitewater and Benghazi...YET, according to you nitwits, that is NOT enough......

So, sometimes you folks like the due process and sometimes it is YOU morons who want to lynch someone based on biases.

Did you notice schools aren't allowed to consider police reports in their kangaroo courts? It all boils down to one persons word against another. Not what I call justice, when a persons reputation can be ruined for the rest of their lives. There have been too many proven false allegations not to leave these investigations in the hands of the police.

Also, I tell ya what, put the evidence of what Comey found and the bitches obstruction and false statements in front of a grand jury with an unbiased prosecutor and I'll accept their decision. Not doing so proves there are different standards for the rich and powerful.


Your inability to discuss anything without bringing Hillary Clinton into it borders on obsession. Hillary Clinton is not the center of the universe - though apparently she's the center of your universe. Try, just try to discuss issues without bringing her into it!

I agree with the first paragraph of your statement, but the second is just plain off topic, and off the wall.

The second paragraph was a response to the other posters second paragraph. But if you don't like people pointing out regressive hypocrisy, stop being hypocritical.


I apologize. I didn't read the post that you were replying to. I'm just sick of hearing about Clinton. She's a political 'has been'.

You might want to clue her in on that fact, I think she's contemplating a third run. But I'd just like to see her face real justice.

If you take a look at the article linked in the OP, it explains that the Obama policy required investigation by the college which provides a preponderance of evidence. The policy does not anywhere even imply that a student accused of rape is booted out solely on an accusation. The charge is investigated and must meet the standard of "more likely than not." If the colleges are not conducting their investigations properly, maybe they need to up their game. Since the accused is not given a criminal conviction by the college or labelled a "sex offender," I don't understand why using the "preponderance of evidence" standard is causing such a shit fit here.

I have seen stalkers and abusers get away with their bullshit over and over while the "laws" do nothing. The laws are to punish, not to protect.
Because preponderance of evidence is the lowest standard of evidence and is hardly a conclusive enough basis on which to destroy someone's future! Particularly when handled by people who should not be dealing with such matters.
How would you like it if your son was kicked out of college on the basis that the college decided their was 1% more likelihood that he raped someone than that he didn't! NOT ACCEPTABLE!

preponderance of the evidence

...For example: At the end of civil case A v. B, 51% of the evidence favors A. Thus, A has a preponderance of the evidence, A has met their burden of proof, and A will win the case.

preponderance of the evidence
If you take a look at the article linked in the OP, it explains that the Obama policy required investigation by the college which provides a preponderance of evidence. The policy does not anywhere even imply that a student accused of rape is booted out solely on an accusation. The charge is investigated and must meet the standard of "more likely than not." If the colleges are not conducting their investigations properly, maybe they need to up their game. Since the accused is not given a criminal conviction by the college or labelled a "sex offender," I don't understand why using the "preponderance of evidence" standard is causing such a shit fit here.

I have seen stalkers and abusers get away with their bullshit over and over while the "laws" do nothing. The laws are to punish, not to protect.
In criminal trials the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt. Your claim that more than an accusation is required is belied by the history of such cases were an accusation is all they had.
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You know that isn't due process. When he has a trial by jury and is convicted, then the university can kick him out.

or they can just kick him out for violating the university's policies. That works, too.

Hmmm, no they won't, because they can't risk the liability of being sued by the unjustly accused. Several universities have already been sued. They will also have the Dept of Justice down on their ass.

the thing is, they know it's cheaper to fight those lawsuits then it is to lose a lawsuit filed by a girl who gets raped by a frat boy they did nothing about.

And everyone knows Trump's clown show isn't going to be around long enough for anyone to care about it.
Well we can't have a little thing like no evidence stop our vigilante justice. That whole innocent until proven guilty thing needs reversed. Kangaroo law is going to be fun.

Oh, quit your whining. No university is going to take the liablity of keeping a rapist on campus. Their insurance companies would kill them.

Go soak your head. I asked a question that still hasn't been answered by you or BriPat.
I agree that no young man should be "railroaded" by a rape allegation. If the current policies do that, they should be changed. If these changes allow colleges to go back to their previous shenanigans of hiding and covering up rape on campus in order to protect their reputations, that is another kettle of fish.

Exactly. The problem here isn't that these poor young men are being "railroaded", it was that too many universities were covering up rapes and a rape culture on campus because they didn't want their reputations soiled.
Actually no, you said precisely the opposite. You said young men should be railroaded and have their entire lives ruined because someone accused them of rape with no corroborating evidence.

It doesn't matter what I would want in the case of my daughter. What matters is what the school policy is.

Well, actually it should.

SO here's an alternative. Make every university post it's rape accusations statistics. If there were 160 accused rapists on campus and only 3 were thrown out, let parents know that before they send their daughters off to Werapem U.

If there were only 10 rape accusations and all ten of the little bastards were thrown out because, hey, they made an example of the rapists and the rest of the Frat Boys all act like Mormons around the girls, that works, too.

You see, the thing is, it's not just the individual rapes that are the problem, it's rape culture. It's the culture that, hey, if she got drunk at a frat party, she needs to pull a train. That's what needs to come to an end.

Make an example of a few people, that shit comes to an end, really quickly.
And as rape is an exceptionally difficult crime to properly investigate and prosecute, this is particularly also a crime which ought not be left to the unqualified to attempt to do so. More so than with most other sorts of crimes, this crime really needs to be investigated by proper legal authorities that have the necessary skill, knowledge, and authority to do so properly, and any determinate of guilt really needs to take place in a legitimate court of law. There is no other way to properly protect the rights of all involved.

Only 3% of rapists see the inside of a jail cell. I would say the police kind of suck at investigating it.
Maybe men and women should just attend different colleges.

That's honestly a better idea than, "Well, she said it, so he must be guilty", that Joe seems to be promoting.
You know that isn't due process. When he has a trial by jury and is convicted, then the university can kick him out.

or they can just kick him out for violating the university's policies. That works, too.

Which still leaves the problem of not having met a reasonable burden of proving that the accused actually did anything to violate the university's policies. This would put the university in a position of being guilty of having violated the contract with that student, and of committing fraud against that student as well as libel.
And as rape is an exceptionally difficult crime to properly investigate and prosecute, this is particularly also a crime which ought not be left to the unqualified to attempt to do so. More so than with most other sorts of crimes, this crime really needs to be investigated by proper legal authorities that have the necessary skill, knowledge, and authority to do so properly, and any determinate of guilt really needs to take place in a legitimate court of law. There is no other way to properly protect the rights of all involved.

Only 3% of rapists see the inside of a jail cell. I would say the police kind of suck at investigating it.

As I said, it's a particularly difficult crime to investigate and prosecute it. If those most qualified to do so are only able to have so low a success rate, then what value is there in handing the task to someone who is much less qualified to do so?
Which still leaves the problem of not having met a reasonable burden of proving that the accused actually did anything to violate the university's policies. This would put the university in a position of being guilty of having violated the contract with that student, and of committing fraud against that student as well as libel.

It's only libel if it's public. Usually they are shown off the premises.

Again, the wronged party here is the girls who are being raped, not the guys doing the raping.
Which still leaves the problem of not having met a reasonable burden of proving that the accused actually did anything to violate the university's policies. This would put the university in a position of being guilty of having violated the contract with that student, and of committing fraud against that student as well as libel.

It's only libel if it's public. Usually they are shown off the premises.

Again, the wronged party here is the girls who are being raped, not the guys doing the raping.

A person falsely-accused of a crime that he did not commit, and punished without proper due process, has certainly been wronged to at least the same degree as a victim of a genuine instance of the crime of which he has been falsely accused.
As I said, it's a particularly difficult crime to investigate and prosecute it. If those most qualified to do so are only able to have so low a success rate, then what value is there in handing the task to someone who is much less qualified to do so?

Ending Rape Culture. That's the value.

You will never end the “rape culture” by falsely accusing and punishing men who never actually committed rape. All that this will ever accomplish is to worsen the problem, by undermining the credibility and seriousness given to genuine cases of rape. It's the classic “Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf!’” problem.
Which still leaves the problem of not having met a reasonable burden of proving that the accused actually did anything to violate the university's policies. This would put the university in a position of being guilty of having violated the contract with that student, and of committing fraud against that student as well as libel.

It's only libel if it's public. Usually they are shown off the premises.

Again, the wronged party here is the girls who are being raped, not the guys doing the raping.
You have to prove that's what happened dumbass.

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