

Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Most of the media say Donald Trump is bad. If Donald Trump is bad how did he get elected in 2016? Does that mean all the people who voted for him are bad? Why are they trying to take away the freedom of speech of Trump voters? Is freedom of speech bad? It was bad in the former Soviet Union and East Germany and it was called disinformaton or Dezinformatsia. I remember this from a high school course in about 1962. The course was called Comparative Government.

When you get on a website and you emotionally focus on a tiny frequency of a signal broadcasted by the status quo-Trump's personality, are you not whoring yourself to dispensed central Dezinformatsia? Could you be doing this subconciously? Are you fearful of not "going with the crowd?" See? "I say Trump is bad because the government says he is bad and the government is good according to the government". " "If the governmant is good and Trump threatens the government, then Trump must be bad".

You know, I am glad I paid attention in that class from 1962.
Another "I can't understand why everyone doesn't love Trump like I do" threads.

There are people across the political spectrum who believe that Trump's temperament and behavioral/psychological problems mean that he should not be President. It's not necessarily about the issues and policies, it's about fitness to occupy the office. And it's about who we are as a country. It's about the type of person we want leading and representing America.

And again, it's across the political spectrum. Including his former staff and his former cabinet members. You don't have to agree, but if you're going to bring it up, you could at least honestly try to accurately understand.
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Most of the media say Donald Trump is bad. If Donald Trump is bad how did he get elected in 2016?

That is where the "cult" comes in. By trying to discredit all his supporters, they try to discredit Trump because he is the "outsider" candidate who isn't part of their system, yet just won't go away, like flypaper.
Democrats are dreamers. They run on the dreams and hope someone would figure out how to make it happen. "His heart is in the right place," is their motto. Actual cause and effect is ignored. They believe to win at any cost because they believe their cause is just, and they're desperate. The conspiracy to call Hunter's laptop was a Russian Conspiracy, proven true at the end. They keep saying /Fox News lies, even though in the end they're right. They control what the masses know by controlling the media. Furthermore, they need to be beaten badly in order for them to get their own houses in order.
There are people across the political spectrum who believe that Trump's temperament and behavioral/psychological problems mean that he should not be President. It's not necessarily about the issues and policies, it's about fitness to occupy the office. And it's about who we are as a country. It's about the type of person we want leading and representing America.
These people are unfit to make decisions that affect other people or the country as a whole. Whether they like Trump or not, he has already demonstrated his capability to perform the duties of President. People who need emotional support should get a dog rather than seek therapy from politicians.

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