DHS Adds White Supremacy To List Of Threats

...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.
The screech if RACIST! has become just a reflex with you fools, hasn't it?

In any case, white supremacists groups, all lumped into one county, couldn't get a dog catcher elected.

The fact that a nose picking imbecile like you is good with turning the full force of the federal police state against such an insignificant target, just goes to show that youcs aren't the least bit interested in civil liberties and mistrusting of the police state anymore, if you ever really were.

BTW, my avatar is an open mockery of dullard twits like you....That you consider it "Nazi" proves it's point.

YOU are the one who posted the photo with the word "Nigga" on it. Not me. YOU are the one who refers to the "blood and soil" nazi thing, It was popularized by German nazis, not me. Who were the chimps marching around with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us"? You can post stupid pictures and call people stupid names like "nose picking imbecile" and "liberoid sub-cretins," but this only goes to show how ignorant and what a waste of space you are.
Bottom line is that the points have been made, and some good ones at that in accordance to the OP. Of course as always these OPs are attempted to be derailed by changing the subject matter by piggy backing other issues into it. Being led into other issues is a tactic used to deflect or derail the OPs as we're written in point there of. Staying on topic should be expressed more, and those attempting to do such piggy backing need to start their own threads instead of high jacking others.
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.
The screech if RACIST! has become just a reflex with you fools, hasn't it?

In any case, white supremacists groups, all lumped into one county, couldn't get a dog catcher elected.

The fact that a nose picking imbecile like you is good with turning the full force of the federal police state against such an insignificant target, just goes to show that youcs aren't the least bit interested in civil liberties and mistrusting of the police state anymore, if you ever really were.

BTW, my avatar is an open mockery of dullard twits like you....That you consider it "Nazi" proves it's point.

YOU are the one who posted the photo with the word "Nigga" on it. Not me. YOU are the one who refers to the "blood and soil" nazi thing, It was popularized by German nazis, not me. Who were the chimps marching around with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us"? You can post stupid pictures and call people stupid names like "nose picking imbecile" and "liberoid sub-cretins," but this only goes to show how ignorant and what a waste of space you are.

Shove it up your ass, Stalinist scum.
Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.
The screech if RACIST! has become just a reflex with you fools, hasn't it?

In any case, white supremacists groups, all lumped into one county, couldn't get a dog catcher elected.

The fact that a nose picking imbecile like you is good with turning the full force of the federal police state against such an insignificant target, just goes to show that youcs aren't the least bit interested in civil liberties and mistrusting of the police state anymore, if you ever really were.

BTW, my avatar is an open mockery of dullard twits like you....That you consider it "Nazi" proves it's point.

YOU are the one who posted the photo with the word "Nigga" on it. Not me. YOU are the one who refers to the "blood and soil" nazi thing, It was popularized by German nazis, not me. Who were the chimps marching around with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us"? You can post stupid pictures and call people stupid names like "nose picking imbecile" and "liberoid sub-cretins," but this only goes to show how ignorant and what a waste of space you are.

Shove it up your ass, Stalinist scum.

A little boy's insult. So you actually are incapable of giving a cogent response to my posts. Duly noted.
Why do you lie ?? You know who are the champions of playing the race card and other cards in this nation, but if it makes you sleep tonight, then you roll with it.

How and when have I lied? This nation needs real men and real women. Instead, from the 'pubs, we've got trash like the orange whore, pigpence, moscow mitch, frankie "Christian," cheap scum with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Again, how have I lied?

Were the screeching old bags with you at the Womyn's March wearing pink pu$$y hats a great example of "real women"? Say, why do grown women have to wear hats representing their genitalia anyway?

"Just in case there was any doubt, HERE'S WHAT'S IN MY PANTS. And oh yeah, I'm a real smart feminist!! Hire me for jobs, y'all!!!"'

Not our brightest and best, are feminists. Nope.

Actually, I was at the March for Women in DC. So crowded it was frightening. Lot's of actual FAMILIES, proud men and women wheeling strollers filled with babies they created together. People with actual relationships. No domination or sex slavery. Just friendly heterosexuals, men with women, women with men, loving each other. One guy I remember actually dyed his long white beard pink! I don't have a pink pussy hat. You ask why some women wear hats representing their genitalia, which is street theater to drive home a point (Do you want to see women marching naked to make a point about sexual power, domination, and corruption?) but you hang out with dick-waggers. You worship male genitalia. Try to find some sense of self esteem.

There you go again imagining what I worship and who I hang out with. Why do you do that? Do you imagine I'm in an actual cult like the Duggars? You know not all Christians are like the Duggars right?

No, you can't. You're too small minded.
I don't know what you worship except for penises. You are in a cult. This is obvious. You love frankie, some cheap trick who says that Islam is not a religion, harangues LGBT folks to "repent," and goes to Jerusalem on our dime to talk some "end times" nonsense in front of the whole world. Not all Christians are the Duggars. There are some fine Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Quakers, and others out here every day in our towns and on our streets.

What evidence do you have that I love Frankie jbander, oh I mean Hysteria?
How and when have I lied? This nation needs real men and real women. Instead, from the 'pubs, we've got trash like the orange whore, pigpence, moscow mitch, frankie "Christian," cheap scum with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Again, how have I lied?

Were the screeching old bags with you at the Womyn's March wearing pink pu$$y hats a great example of "real women"? Say, why do grown women have to wear hats representing their genitalia anyway?

"Just in case there was any doubt, HERE'S WHAT'S IN MY PANTS. And oh yeah, I'm a real smart feminist!! Hire me for jobs, y'all!!!"'

Not our brightest and best, are feminists. Nope.

Actually, I was at the March for Women in DC. So crowded it was frightening. Lot's of actual FAMILIES, proud men and women wheeling strollers filled with babies they created together. People with actual relationships. No domination or sex slavery. Just friendly heterosexuals, men with women, women with men, loving each other. One guy I remember actually dyed his long white beard pink! I don't have a pink pussy hat. You ask why some women wear hats representing their genitalia, which is street theater to drive home a point (Do you want to see women marching naked to make a point about sexual power, domination, and corruption?) but you hang out with dick-waggers. You worship male genitalia. Try to find some sense of self esteem.

There you go again imagining what I worship and who I hang out with. Why do you do that? Do you imagine I'm in an actual cult like the Duggars? You know not all Christians are like the Duggars right?

No, you can't. You're too small minded.
I don't know what you worship except for penises. You are in a cult. This is obvious. You love frankie, some cheap trick who says that Islam is not a religion, harangues LGBT folks to "repent," and goes to Jerusalem on our dime to talk some "end times" nonsense in front of the whole world. Not all Christians are the Duggars. There are some fine Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Quakers, and others out here every day in our towns and on our streets.

What evidence do you have that I love Frankie jbander, oh I mean Hysteria?
Oh, come on. You've been sucking after him for months.
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.

If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched?

Because people like you have set an extremely low bar for what signifies someone as a "white supremacist potential domestic terrorist". Case in point: having a cartoon frog avatar. Because the hysteria concerning "white supremacy" from people like you is a deeply cynical political power play and has nothing to do with preventing terrorism and everything to do with undermining a emerging political theory that threatens the liberal status quo.
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.

If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched?

Because people like you have set an extremely low bar for what signifies someone as a "white supremacist potential domestic terrorist". Case in point: having a cartoon frog avatar. Because the hysteria concerning "white supremacy" from people like you is a deeply cynical political power play and has nothing to do with preventing terrorism and everything to do with undermining a emerging political theory that threatens the liberal status quo.

B.S. You certainly are into mumbo jumbo. We Americans have to protect ourselves and our fellow Americans. The "cartoon frog" thing is a well-known white supremacist symbol. The blood and soil thing is a well-known German nazi slogan. Is protecting our people an "emerging political theory"? We have seen these people on American streets and heard the filth that they chant. Go ahead. Deny that this filth is on our streets. They deserve watching to protect the safety of Americans. Why are you so against watching them?
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.

If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched?

Because people like you have set an extremely low bar for what signifies someone as a "white supremacist potential domestic terrorist". Case in point: having a cartoon frog avatar. Because the hysteria concerning "white supremacy" from people like you is a deeply cynical political power play and has nothing to do with preventing terrorism and everything to do with undermining a emerging political theory that threatens the liberal status quo.

B.S. You certainly are into mumbo jumbo. We Americans have to protect ourselves and our fellow Americans. The "cartoon frog" thing is a well-known white supremacist symbol. The blood and soil thing is a well-known German nazi slogan. Is protecting our people an "emerging political theory"? We have seen these people on American streets and heard the filth that they chant. Go ahead. Deny that this filth is on our streets. They deserve watching to protect the safety of Americans. Why are you so against watching them?

Simply accusing their political adversaries of racism is no longer sufficient so now they've upped the ante. Just call them terrorists and threaten to throw them in prison. That'll shut them up.
Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.

If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched?

Because people like you have set an extremely low bar for what signifies someone as a "white supremacist potential domestic terrorist". Case in point: having a cartoon frog avatar. Because the hysteria concerning "white supremacy" from people like you is a deeply cynical political power play and has nothing to do with preventing terrorism and everything to do with undermining a emerging political theory that threatens the liberal status quo.

B.S. You certainly are into mumbo jumbo. We Americans have to protect ourselves and our fellow Americans. The "cartoon frog" thing is a well-known white supremacist symbol. The blood and soil thing is a well-known German nazi slogan. Is protecting our people an "emerging political theory"? We have seen these people on American streets and heard the filth that they chant. Go ahead. Deny that this filth is on our streets. They deserve watching to protect the safety of Americans. Why are you so against watching them?

Simply accusing their political adversaries of racism is no longer sufficient so now they've upped the ante. Just call them terrorists and threaten to throw them in prison. That'll shut them up.

This has nothing to do with "political adversaries." We have always had "political adversaries," just not people who deliberately use aggressive language toward other groups of Americans. Like it or not, we have people like anglin, spencer, KKKer's, Stormfront types, and other vermin on our streets. Is there any reason why we should not protect ourselves?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.

If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched?

Because people like you have set an extremely low bar for what signifies someone as a "white supremacist potential domestic terrorist". Case in point: having a cartoon frog avatar. Because the hysteria concerning "white supremacy" from people like you is a deeply cynical political power play and has nothing to do with preventing terrorism and everything to do with undermining a emerging political theory that threatens the liberal status quo.

B.S. You certainly are into mumbo jumbo. We Americans have to protect ourselves and our fellow Americans. The "cartoon frog" thing is a well-known white supremacist symbol. The blood and soil thing is a well-known German nazi slogan. Is protecting our people an "emerging political theory"? We have seen these people on American streets and heard the filth that they chant. Go ahead. Deny that this filth is on our streets. They deserve watching to protect the safety of Americans. Why are you so against watching them?

Simply accusing their political adversaries of racism is no longer sufficient so now they've upped the ante. Just call them terrorists and threaten to throw them in prison. That'll shut them up.

This has nothing to do with "political adversaries." We have always had "political adversaries," just not people who deliberately use aggressive language toward other groups of Americans. Like it or not, we have people like anglin, spencer, KKKer's, Stormfront types, and other vermin on our streets. Is there any reason why we should not protect ourselves?

By "other groups" you mean anyone who is not white and male. Everyone who doesn't fall into that niche is a victim of oppression by evil whitey. That's the narrative you guys have been slinging for decades but I guess "terminate whiteness" doesnt count as "aggressive language towards other Americans". Like it or not, you've invented people like Anglin and Spencer.
Were the screeching old bags with you at the Womyn's March wearing pink pu$$y hats a great example of "real women"? Say, why do grown women have to wear hats representing their genitalia anyway?

"Just in case there was any doubt, HERE'S WHAT'S IN MY PANTS. And oh yeah, I'm a real smart feminist!! Hire me for jobs, y'all!!!"'

Not our brightest and best, are feminists. Nope.

Actually, I was at the March for Women in DC. So crowded it was frightening. Lot's of actual FAMILIES, proud men and women wheeling strollers filled with babies they created together. People with actual relationships. No domination or sex slavery. Just friendly heterosexuals, men with women, women with men, loving each other. One guy I remember actually dyed his long white beard pink! I don't have a pink pussy hat. You ask why some women wear hats representing their genitalia, which is street theater to drive home a point (Do you want to see women marching naked to make a point about sexual power, domination, and corruption?) but you hang out with dick-waggers. You worship male genitalia. Try to find some sense of self esteem.

There you go again imagining what I worship and who I hang out with. Why do you do that? Do you imagine I'm in an actual cult like the Duggars? You know not all Christians are like the Duggars right?

No, you can't. You're too small minded.
I don't know what you worship except for penises. You are in a cult. This is obvious. You love frankie, some cheap trick who says that Islam is not a religion, harangues LGBT folks to "repent," and goes to Jerusalem on our dime to talk some "end times" nonsense in front of the whole world. Not all Christians are the Duggars. There are some fine Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Quakers, and others out here every day in our towns and on our streets.

What evidence do you have that I love Frankie jbander, oh I mean Hysteria?
Oh, come on. You've been sucking after him for months.

I have never mentioned him except for in response to you. However you are clearly mentally ill, poor dear. I mean that.
DHS Warns Against Growing Threat Of White Supremacist Extremism Online

The agency says the internet has become a breeding ground for domestic terrorism, following hate-based mass shootings in the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security is sounding the alarm on the growing danger of white supremacy across the country, warning of the internet’s ability to serve as a meeting space and a breeding ground for nationalist extremism.

In a 37-page report called the Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence released Friday, the department emphasized the ease at which potential domestic terrorists can network, drawing a parallel to foreign threats.

“Similar to how ISIS inspired and connected with potential radical Islamist terrorists, white supremacist violent extremists connect with like-minded individuals online,” the report read.

“In addition to mainstream social media platforms, white supremacist violent extremists use lesser-known sites like Gab, 8chan, and EndChan, as well as encrypted channels. Celebration of violence and conspiracy theories about the ‘ethnic replacement’ of whites as the majority ethnicity in various Western countries are prominent in their online circles.”

DHS Warns Against Growing Threat Of White Supremacist Extremism Online

It's about time DHS is reporting what most of us already know. We see it every day - even on USMB. These ignorant nuts are dangerous!
DHS Warns Against Growing Threat Of White Supremacist Extremism Online

The agency says the internet has become a breeding ground for domestic terrorism, following hate-based mass shootings in the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security is sounding the alarm on the growing danger of white supremacy across the country, warning of the internet’s ability to serve as a meeting space and a breeding ground for nationalist extremism.

In a 37-page report called the Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence released Friday, the department emphasized the ease at which potential domestic terrorists can network, drawing a parallel to foreign threats.

“Similar to how ISIS inspired and connected with potential radical Islamist terrorists, white supremacist violent extremists connect with like-minded individuals online,” the report read.

“In addition to mainstream social media platforms, white supremacist violent extremists use lesser-known sites like Gab, 8chan, and EndChan, as well as encrypted channels. Celebration of violence and conspiracy theories about the ‘ethnic replacement’ of whites as the majority ethnicity in various Western countries are prominent in their online circles.”

DHS Warns Against Growing Threat Of White Supremacist Extremism Online

It's about time DHS is reporting what most of us already know. We see it every day - even on USMB. These ignorant nuts are dangerous!

Theres no low lefties won't sink to in order to silence their opponents and that includes accusations of terrorism. They literally want to open gulags for anyone guilty of thoughtcrimes.
DHS Warns Against Growing Threat Of White Supremacist Extremism Online

The agency says the internet has become a breeding ground for domestic terrorism, following hate-based mass shootings in the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security is sounding the alarm on the growing danger of white supremacy across the country, warning of the internet’s ability to serve as a meeting space and a breeding ground for nationalist extremism.

In a 37-page report called the Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence released Friday, the department emphasized the ease at which potential domestic terrorists can network, drawing a parallel to foreign threats.

“Similar to how ISIS inspired and connected with potential radical Islamist terrorists, white supremacist violent extremists connect with like-minded individuals online,” the report read.

“In addition to mainstream social media platforms, white supremacist violent extremists use lesser-known sites like Gab, 8chan, and EndChan, as well as encrypted channels. Celebration of violence and conspiracy theories about the ‘ethnic replacement’ of whites as the majority ethnicity in various Western countries are prominent in their online circles.”

DHS Warns Against Growing Threat Of White Supremacist Extremism Online

It's about time DHS is reporting what most of us already know. We see it every day - even on USMB. These ignorant nuts are dangerous!

Theres no low lefties won't sink to in order to silence their opponents and that includes accusations of terrorism. They literally want to open gulags for anyone guilty of thoughtcrimes.

Trump's own DHS has classified White Supremacist as domestic terrorists and you can't handle the truth. The DHS didn't do as a folly, they did it because they had facts.
I really didn't realize how many USMB support White Supremacists, it blows my mind how much trash reside on USMB.
They think they are tough guys, yet they cry and whine like preadolescent brats. What a bunch of unraveled losers. I hope you folks enjoy hell.
Folks there is cause for concern!!

The agency says the internet has become a breeding ground for domestic terrorism, following hate-based mass shootings in the U.S.

In a 37-page report called the Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence released Friday, the department emphasized the ease at which potential domestic terrorists can network, drawing a parallel to foreign threats.

There was this from the DHS Secretary:

In a speech Friday at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan identified white supremacist extremism as “one of the most potent ideologies driving acts of targeted violence in this country.”

“In our modern age, the continued menace of racially-based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department,” he said.

And what about Trump??

However, DHS’ concern over white supremacy appears to be at odds with President Donald Trump’s sometimes racist rhetoric, which has notoriously targeted lawmakers of color, immigrants, a Muslim Gold Star family and President Barack Obama ― to name a few examples.

The so called commander in chief is asleep at the switch.....or playing golf. Or, in bed with the enemy. Take your pick.
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What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.

If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched?

Because people like you have set an extremely low bar for what signifies someone as a "white supremacist potential domestic terrorist". Case in point: having a cartoon frog avatar. Because the hysteria concerning "white supremacy" from people like you is a deeply cynical political power play and has nothing to do with preventing terrorism and everything to do with undermining a emerging political theory that threatens the liberal status quo.

B.S. You certainly are into mumbo jumbo. We Americans have to protect ourselves and our fellow Americans. The "cartoon frog" thing is a well-known white supremacist symbol. The blood and soil thing is a well-known German nazi slogan. Is protecting our people an "emerging political theory"? We have seen these people on American streets and heard the filth that they chant. Go ahead. Deny that this filth is on our streets. They deserve watching to protect the safety of Americans. Why are you so against watching them?

Simply accusing their political adversaries of racism is no longer sufficient so now they've upped the ante. Just call them terrorists and threaten to throw them in prison. That'll shut them up.

This has nothing to do with "political adversaries." We have always had "political adversaries," just not people who deliberately use aggressive language toward other groups of Americans. Like it or not, we have people like anglin, spencer, KKKer's, Stormfront types, and other vermin on our streets. Is there any reason why we should not protect ourselves?

By "other groups" you mean anyone who is not white and male. Everyone who doesn't fall into that niche is a victim of oppression by evil whitey. That's the narrative you guys have been slinging for decades but I guess "terminate whiteness" doesnt count as "aggressive language towards other Americans". Like it or not, you've invented people like Anglin and Spencer.

I've only talked about the subgroup of white-trash males who go around playing identity politics based on their race and sex, not all white males. Just guys who play the race card and the gender card constantly. The guys who claim that they ("we"!) invented the nation and "western civilization" when no one of them ever could possibly have been alive for all of those hundreds of years. Then there is the "we will not be replaced by Jews" bunch. How about the attacks on houses of worship and women's clinics?

Look at the postings on USMB about "blacks," "feminazis," "faggots," "muzzies," etc.; Anglin orchestrating a barrage of threats and harassment against a woman who had a dispute with richard spencer's mother, which centered on this woman's religion. Where do you think the threats against LGBTs come from? No decent male of any skin tone does these things.

We Americans have the right to protect ourselves and each other. This is not about "political adversaries." This is about terrorism.

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