DHS Adds White Supremacy To List Of Threats

I have seen black thugs terrorizing each other. And terrorize just about everyone else, too. Over a longer period of time than the last 25 years. Mental illness and the prevalent violence in the black community, far larger issue than White supremacist mass shootings. And DHS knows that. But if you want to specify, leave blacks out. White supremacy is an issue. Focus on a relatively new and small phenomena. Yep. Lets ignore a far larger and more prevalent issue, because...I don't know, why?
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at a grass roots level, they are doing a lot more than the Repubs
What should republicans do?

great question; I believe GOP candidates in general don't see the black community as an avenue to grow a voter base.

what should republicans do? Honestly, I don't think there is anything they can do; at least without being judged as being disingenuous, or contrived, by the larger black community.
Do you know what oppression is?

just spit it out & tell US what's on your mind, concerning oppression ........
Are blacks oppressed?

I already stated this; I am white.

Maybe you could direct your question to a black person/black persons?
bullshit..you just made yourself out to be a liar/dumbass/etc
you are saying they are DIFFERENT/not as bad
it's right here in your reply

Your butt hurt is epic; need some lube for that sore ass hole?

your reading comprehension isn't very good; the poster stated these crimes are different in context.
They didn't state one is worse than the other.

Maybe try posting here later, after you go get someone to dig your head outta your ass for you? Just a thought ......
......what happened to your spellcheck??? I destroyed you also you dumbass hypocrite
..that's one of the dumbest things to do--call someone out for spelling

....less than 10 per YEAR vs 8 per DAY---booom...there is NO denying the BLACKS are the worse group
less than 10 per YEAR

This is an OP, that addressee White Supremacist being classified as a domestic terrorist group. As I noted in an earlier post, which you failed to copy the entire content, I stated that black violence has to be addressed. But black crime is crime, not hate crimes. If it were, you can be sure, black crime would also be classified as domestic terrorism by the DHS, FBI; etc.
Trump's own DHS found enough evidence of white supremacist hate crimes to label them a domestic terrorist.
But nooo, you try to deflect and bring up black crimes.
Fuck man, you are a complete illiterate.
......white supremacists murder less than 10 per year...muslims murdered almost 3000 in one day = white supremacists don't have the $$$/organization/will/etc to be as dangerous as foreigners/foreign '''immigrants''
= blacks and ''foreigners'' are more of a danger to the US

You forgot to mention that the Muslims who "murdered almost 3000 in one day" were radical Islamist extremists, not ordinary Muslims. You also failed to mention that "blacks" are Americans.

The Sunni Muslims that perpetrated 9/11 were Saudis; friends of the Bush family.

Place the shit on the cracker where it belongs.
But why do you identify these conditions with race? Run-down conditions result from poverty and lack of education. Do you think that poor whites have a better time? In which of these cities do you live?

Bullcrap that these two things cause areas to be run down. That is a myth and a con given as a political excuse constantly.

We all came up poor in my years and communities that were lived in as kids, and we didn't have run down communities, and it was all due to our upbringing. We were taught to work from an early age, and we cut our yards, fixed our houses, picked up our trash, and kept things looking good. We had pride regardless of being poor, and guess what ?? We didn't blame anyone for our poverty in life. We just did something about it. Out of these times we learned valuable lessons and inovations that we still use to this very day. It's time people quit buying into these lies being run on them in this country.

But do you think that this has any connection with skin color? What lies are people being told? Be specific.
The Democrats are playing it (the race card, the gender card you name it), in that way for political purposes. The crats get backed into a corner, and in their desperation out comes the race card etc (even if it doesn't apply). So you will have to ask the crats why they keep doing what they do, because the nation is fed up with it.

When will the 'pubs come out and explain? They play race and gender cards all the time. It's constant identity politics. It seems to be all brought to us by some, and I mean some, pathetic white heterosexual males. You have no right to speak for "the nation." We are all part of this nation.
Why do you lie ?? You know who are the champions of playing the race card and other cards in this nation, but if it makes you sleep tonight, then you roll with it.

Why do you play the race and gender cards? Don't you know that you live with Americans who are female and Americans who are not white?
Did I say that?
NO! Typical LIttle Trumpster, just like the man who's ass your head is buried in, you lie and make up shit.
bullshit..you just made yourself out to be a liar/dumbass/etc
you are saying they are DIFFERENT/not as bad
it's right here in your reply
White supremacists target race and religious beliefs, in other words, hate crimes. Where as black violence are crimes that don't target such a narrow demographic as hate crimes, Their violence has been against every race (including their own), no specific religion and politics. Also haven't been consistently large mass killing.

Your butt hurt is epic; need some lube for that sore ass hole?

your reading comprehension isn't very good; the poster stated these crimes are different in context.
They didn't state one is worse than the other.

Maybe try posting here later, after you go get someone to dig your head outta your ass for you? Just a thought ......
......what happened to your spellcheck??? I destroyed you also you dumbass hypocrite
..that's one of the dumbest things to do--call someone out for spelling

....less than 10 per YEAR vs 8 per DAY---booom...there is NO denying the BLACKS are the worse group
less than 10 per YEAR

This is an OP, that addressee White Supremacist being classified as a domestic terrorist group. As I noted in an earlier post, which you failed to copy the entire content, I stated that black violence has to be addressed. But black crime is crime, not hate crimes. If it were, you can be sure, black crime would also be classified as domestic terrorism by the DHS, FBI; etc.
Trump's own DHS found enough evidence of white supremacist hate crimes to label them a domestic terrorist.
But nooo, you try to deflect and bring up black crimes.
Fuck man, you are a complete illiterate.
All murder crimes are HATE CRIMES, then it just comes down to the percentages/stats etc among the groups or individual's doing the crimes, and it comes down to how much in common they have with one another if links are involved in the crimes, and this may signal when groups are involved. We know why things are ignored and covered up for political reasons these days.

The Democrats if not careful could go down as one of the most corrupt organization's (hands down) this country may have ever seen. For political power, they will use and abuse anything or anyone in an evil way, and that spells pure corruption in my opinion.

The Democrat party might have to do some soul searching, and then split among the ranks in order to rebuild the party into something viable again. I already see a shift in Hollywood where I think it has finally gotten worn out, and it is also doing some thinking about where the radical left had taken it, and how it had suffered revenue losses greatly because of it all. Politics needs to get out of Hollywood. Period.

oh yeah; right. I remember when that Democrat asshole Nixon resigned, he was so fucking corrupt. LOFL

you must be dumber than a bag full of shitty diapers ..............
It's about time!
Recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard," acting DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan.
or the first time since it was formed after the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security is adding white supremacist violence to its list of priority threats in a revised counterterrorism strategy issued Friday.
"The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department," said Kevin McAleenan, the acting Homeland secretary, in a speech at the Brookings Institute in Washington.
DHS is stepping up its focus on what McAleenan called "targeted violence," in which an attacker selects the target in advance, driven by hate. Racism and anti-Semitism have fueled recent attacks on African-American churches, synagogues, and public places in California and Texas, he said.
The shooting at the Walmart in El Paso hit DHS particularly hard. Six of the victims were family members of DHS employees.
While protecting the nation from foreign-inspired or directed terror attacks remains a core Homeland Security mission, McAleenan said recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard, to include those radicalized to violence within our borders by violent extremists of any ideology."
Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats
White Supremacy is right up there with extreme Islam,
It amazes me how few threads there have been on USMB about of how the hate driven philosophy of white supremacist, has created a new terrorist threat to America . Could it be that USMB is dominated by the large numbers of Little Trumpsters, which don't come close to the actual demographics of America?

No there aren't many threads about the far right radical extremists and their violent terrorism on this board.

However there have been a lot of threads about antifa and how they are so violent to the far right radical extremist white supremacists.

I posted a couple articles about the violent terrorism from the far right radical extremists but the only replies I ever got from the far right radical extremists on this board was crying about antifa.

I will not be surprised if the replies from those far right radical extremists to your post will be the same as I got from my threads about the same subject.
But why do you identify these conditions with race? Run-down conditions result from poverty and lack of education. Do you think that poor whites have a better time? In which of these cities do you live?

Bullcrap that these two things cause areas to be run down. That is a myth and a con given as a political excuse constantly.

We all came up poor in my years and communities that were lived in as kids, and we didn't have run down communities, and it was all due to our upbringing. We were taught to work from an early age, and we cut our yards, fixed our houses, picked up our trash, and kept things looking good. We had pride regardless of being poor, and guess what ?? We didn't blame anyone for our poverty in life. We just did something about it. Out of these times we learned valuable lessons and inovations that we still use to this very day. It's time people quit buying into these lies being run on them in this country.

But do you think that this has any connection with skin color? What lies are people being told? Be specific.
The Democrats are playing it (the race card, the gender card you name it), in that way for political purposes. The crats get backed into a corner, and in their desperation out comes the race card etc (even if it doesn't apply). So you will have to ask the crats why they keep doing what they do, because the nation is fed up with it.

When will the 'pubs come out and explain? They play race and gender cards all the time. It's constant identity politics. It seems to be all brought to us by some, and I mean some, pathetic white heterosexual males. You have no right to speak for "the nation." We are all part of this nation.
Why do you lie ?? You know who are the champions of playing the race card and other cards in this nation, but if it makes you sleep tonight, then you roll with it.

How and when have I lied? This nation needs real men and real women. Instead, from the 'pubs, we've got trash like the orange whore, pigpence, moscow mitch, frankie "Christian," cheap scum with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Again, how have I lied?

Bullcrap that these two things cause areas to be run down. That is a myth and a con given as a political excuse constantly.

We all came up poor in my years and communities that were lived in as kids, and we didn't have run down communities, and it was all due to our upbringing. We were taught to work from an early age, and we cut our yards, fixed our houses, picked up our trash, and kept things looking good. We had pride regardless of being poor, and guess what ?? We didn't blame anyone for our poverty in life. We just did something about it. Out of these times we learned valuable lessons and inovations that we still use to this very day. It's time people quit buying into these lies being run on them in this country.

But do you think that this has any connection with skin color? What lies are people being told? Be specific.
The Democrats are playing it (the race card, the gender card you name it), in that way for political purposes. The crats get backed into a corner, and in their desperation out comes the race card etc (even if it doesn't apply). So you will have to ask the crats why they keep doing what they do, because the nation is fed up with it.

When will the 'pubs come out and explain? They play race and gender cards all the time. It's constant identity politics. It seems to be all brought to us by some, and I mean some, pathetic white heterosexual males. You have no right to speak for "the nation." We are all part of this nation.
Why do you lie ?? You know who are the champions of playing the race card and other cards in this nation, but if it makes you sleep tonight, then you roll with it.

How and when have I lied? This nation needs real men and real women. Instead, from the 'pubs, we've got trash like the orange whore, pigpence, moscow mitch, frankie "Christian," cheap scum with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Again, how have I lied?

Were the screeching old bags with you at the Womyn's March wearing pink pu$$y hats a great example of "real women"? Say, why do grown women have to wear hats representing their genitalia anyway?

"Just in case there was any doubt, HERE'S WHAT'S IN MY PANTS. And oh yeah, I'm a real smart feminist!! Hire me for jobs, y'all!!!"'

Not our brightest and best, are feminists. Nope.
But do you think that this has any connection with skin color? What lies are people being told? Be specific.
The Democrats are playing it (the race card, the gender card you name it), in that way for political purposes. The crats get backed into a corner, and in their desperation out comes the race card etc (even if it doesn't apply). So you will have to ask the crats why they keep doing what they do, because the nation is fed up with it.

When will the 'pubs come out and explain? They play race and gender cards all the time. It's constant identity politics. It seems to be all brought to us by some, and I mean some, pathetic white heterosexual males. You have no right to speak for "the nation." We are all part of this nation.
Why do you lie ?? You know who are the champions of playing the race card and other cards in this nation, but if it makes you sleep tonight, then you roll with it.

How and when have I lied? This nation needs real men and real women. Instead, from the 'pubs, we've got trash like the orange whore, pigpence, moscow mitch, frankie "Christian," cheap scum with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Again, how have I lied?

Were the screeching old bags with you at the Womyn's March wearing pink pu$$y hats a great example of "real women"? Say, why do grown women have to wear hats representing their genitalia anyway?

"Just in case there was any doubt, HERE'S WHAT'S IN MY PANTS. And oh yeah, I'm a real smart feminist!! Hire me for jobs, y'all!!!"'

Not our brightest and best, are feminists. Nope.

Actually, I was at the March for Women in DC. So crowded it was frightening. Lot's of actual FAMILIES, proud men and women wheeling strollers filled with babies they created together. People with actual relationships. No domination or sex slavery. Just friendly heterosexuals, men with women, women with men, loving each other. One guy I remember actually dyed his long white beard pink! I don't have a pink pussy hat. You ask why some women wear hats representing their genitalia, which is street theater to drive home a point (Do you want to see women marching naked to make a point about sexual power, domination, and corruption?) but you hang out with dick-waggers. You worship male genitalia. Try to find some sense of self esteem.
The Democrats are playing it (the race card, the gender card you name it), in that way for political purposes. The crats get backed into a corner, and in their desperation out comes the race card etc (even if it doesn't apply). So you will have to ask the crats why they keep doing what they do, because the nation is fed up with it.

When will the 'pubs come out and explain? They play race and gender cards all the time. It's constant identity politics. It seems to be all brought to us by some, and I mean some, pathetic white heterosexual males. You have no right to speak for "the nation." We are all part of this nation.
Why do you lie ?? You know who are the champions of playing the race card and other cards in this nation, but if it makes you sleep tonight, then you roll with it.

How and when have I lied? This nation needs real men and real women. Instead, from the 'pubs, we've got trash like the orange whore, pigpence, moscow mitch, frankie "Christian," cheap scum with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Again, how have I lied?

Were the screeching old bags with you at the Womyn's March wearing pink pu$$y hats a great example of "real women"? Say, why do grown women have to wear hats representing their genitalia anyway?

"Just in case there was any doubt, HERE'S WHAT'S IN MY PANTS. And oh yeah, I'm a real smart feminist!! Hire me for jobs, y'all!!!"'

Not our brightest and best, are feminists. Nope.

Actually, I was at the March for Women in DC. So crowded it was frightening. Lot's of actual FAMILIES, proud men and women wheeling strollers filled with babies they created together. People with actual relationships. No domination or sex slavery. Just friendly heterosexuals, men with women, women with men, loving each other. One guy I remember actually dyed his long white beard pink! I don't have a pink pussy hat. You ask why some women wear hats representing their genitalia, which is street theater to drive home a point (Do you want to see women marching naked to make a point about sexual power, domination, and corruption?) but you hang out with dick-waggers. You worship male genitalia. Try to find some sense of self esteem.

There you go again imagining what I worship and who I hang out with. Why do you do that? Do you imagine I'm in an actual cult like the Duggars? You know not all Christians are like the Duggars right?

No, you can't. You're too small minded.
Your butt hurt is epic; need some lube for that sore ass hole?

your reading comprehension isn't very good; the poster stated these crimes are different in context.
They didn't state one is worse than the other.

Maybe try posting here later, after you go get someone to dig your head outta your ass for you? Just a thought ......
......what happened to your spellcheck??? I destroyed you also you dumbass hypocrite
..that's one of the dumbest things to do--call someone out for spelling

....less than 10 per YEAR vs 8 per DAY---booom...there is NO denying the BLACKS are the worse group
less than 10 per YEAR

This is an OP, that addressee White Supremacist being classified as a domestic terrorist group. As I noted in an earlier post, which you failed to copy the entire content, I stated that black violence has to be addressed. But black crime is crime, not hate crimes. If it were, you can be sure, black crime would also be classified as domestic terrorism by the DHS, FBI; etc.
Trump's own DHS found enough evidence of white supremacist hate crimes to label them a domestic terrorist.
But nooo, you try to deflect and bring up black crimes.
Fuck man, you are a complete illiterate.
......white supremacists murder less than 10 per year...muslims murdered almost 3000 in one day = white supremacists don't have the $$$/organization/will/etc to be as dangerous as foreigners/foreign '''immigrants''
= blacks and ''foreigners'' are more of a danger to the US

You forgot to mention that the Muslims who "murdered almost 3000 in one day" were radical Islamist extremists, not ordinary Muslims. You also failed to mention that "blacks" are Americans.

The Sunni Muslims that perpetrated 9/11 were Saudis; friends of the Bush family.

Place the shit on the cracker where it belongs.
they were white supremacists????!!!!!!????
......what happened to your spellcheck??? I destroyed you also you dumbass hypocrite
..that's one of the dumbest things to do--call someone out for spelling

....less than 10 per YEAR vs 8 per DAY---booom...there is NO denying the BLACKS are the worse group
less than 10 per YEAR

This is an OP, that addressee White Supremacist being classified as a domestic terrorist group. As I noted in an earlier post, which you failed to copy the entire content, I stated that black violence has to be addressed. But black crime is crime, not hate crimes. If it were, you can be sure, black crime would also be classified as domestic terrorism by the DHS, FBI; etc.
Trump's own DHS found enough evidence of white supremacist hate crimes to label them a domestic terrorist.
But nooo, you try to deflect and bring up black crimes.
Fuck man, you are a complete illiterate.
......white supremacists murder less than 10 per year...muslims murdered almost 3000 in one day = white supremacists don't have the $$$/organization/will/etc to be as dangerous as foreigners/foreign '''immigrants''
= blacks and ''foreigners'' are more of a danger to the US

You forgot to mention that the Muslims who "murdered almost 3000 in one day" were radical Islamist extremists, not ordinary Muslims. You also failed to mention that "blacks" are Americans.

The Sunni Muslims that perpetrated 9/11 were Saudis; friends of the Bush family.

Place the shit on the cracker where it belongs.
they were white supremacists????!!!!!!????

different type of cracker :26:
When will the 'pubs come out and explain? They play race and gender cards all the time. It's constant identity politics. It seems to be all brought to us by some, and I mean some, pathetic white heterosexual males. You have no right to speak for "the nation." We are all part of this nation.
Why do you lie ?? You know who are the champions of playing the race card and other cards in this nation, but if it makes you sleep tonight, then you roll with it.

How and when have I lied? This nation needs real men and real women. Instead, from the 'pubs, we've got trash like the orange whore, pigpence, moscow mitch, frankie "Christian," cheap scum with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us."

Again, how have I lied?

Were the screeching old bags with you at the Womyn's March wearing pink pu$$y hats a great example of "real women"? Say, why do grown women have to wear hats representing their genitalia anyway?

"Just in case there was any doubt, HERE'S WHAT'S IN MY PANTS. And oh yeah, I'm a real smart feminist!! Hire me for jobs, y'all!!!"'

Not our brightest and best, are feminists. Nope.

Actually, I was at the March for Women in DC. So crowded it was frightening. Lot's of actual FAMILIES, proud men and women wheeling strollers filled with babies they created together. People with actual relationships. No domination or sex slavery. Just friendly heterosexuals, men with women, women with men, loving each other. One guy I remember actually dyed his long white beard pink! I don't have a pink pussy hat. You ask why some women wear hats representing their genitalia, which is street theater to drive home a point (Do you want to see women marching naked to make a point about sexual power, domination, and corruption?) but you hang out with dick-waggers. You worship male genitalia. Try to find some sense of self esteem.

There you go again imagining what I worship and who I hang out with. Why do you do that? Do you imagine I'm in an actual cult like the Duggars? You know not all Christians are like the Duggars right?

No, you can't. You're too small minded.
I don't know what you worship except for penises. You are in a cult. This is obvious. You love frankie, some cheap trick who says that Islam is not a religion, harangues LGBT folks to "repent," and goes to Jerusalem on our dime to talk some "end times" nonsense in front of the whole world. Not all Christians are the Duggars. There are some fine Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Quakers, and others out here every day in our towns and on our streets.
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.
no one is objecting
......we are pointing out the obvious ridiculousness of making a big deal out of WS instead of the real problems
...plain and simple--white supremacists are not a problem....it's more exaggerated than real

Why would anyone be offended that white supremacists are being labeled as terrorists unless you are one?
What does this mean, aside from the racial slur? You have as your avatar a nazi symbol. Your posting of this picture exemplifies your immaturity. If you are not up to no good, why would you object to white supremacists being on a threat list so that their activities can be watched? Try to emerge into being an adult man. Try to emerge into being an adult American.
The screech if RACIST! has become just a reflex with you fools, hasn't it?

In any case, white supremacists groups, all lumped into one county, couldn't get a dog catcher elected.

The fact that a nose picking imbecile like you is good with turning the full force of the federal police state against such an insignificant target, just goes to show that you liberoid sub-cretins aren't the least bit interested in civil liberties and mistrusting of the police state anymore, if you ever really were.

BTW, my avatar is an open mockery of dullard twits like you....That you consider it "Nazi" proves it's point.

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