DHS LEAKS: Starting in 2020, DHS began meeting with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and more

Yep. All I am telling assplugglow is that I never mentioned Trump.

All his doing to be that much of a dipshit
You didn't, I did, whoop de doo...Trump is just as dirty as those nasty Democrats, amazing how they are all one and the same.
Snarkbot continues useless parade.

Very illegal.

Very much the same group of traitors over and over

Zionist 911 w "Biden republicans"

More truth on MFV puts the perspective spot on

These are traitors
Back to the topic with a little bit of advice....please try not to use uninformative, political, shit sites as sources, it you truly want to discuss a topic, on the level.

Here is the original news source which the postmillenial shit site got some of their info....

The article is very in depth, and heavily resourced and researched, and explains what is going on in the here and now, and how the govt since the creation of homeland security in 2002 has evolved from Al-Qaeda recruiting concerns in to this disinformation concern of foreign and even domestic, terrorists....

and also goes in to how the slippery slope, can become even slippery-er.

But also discusses some real security challenges combating dis- and mis-information.

Very illegal.

Oh Dear.....Oh My....oh for fuck sake. Not one word in that crap fest is true, but never let it be said shit brained Cons would pass up a chance to believe a lie.
Oh Dear.....Oh My....oh for fuck sake. Not one word in that crap fest is true, but never let it be said shit brained Cons would pass up a chance to believe a lie.
this is on many news outlets now. the YOU LIAR is no longer a good defense. prove it is wrong because evidence is out there showing it is.

as for believing lies - RUSSIA! KAVANAUGH! THE JAB SAVES LIVES! - the dems have been wrong so often in the last few years they have less than 0 cred anymore.
Back to the topic with a little bit of advice....please try not to use uninformative, political, shit sites as sources, it you truly want to discuss a topic, on the level.

Here is the original news source which the postmillenial shit site got some of their info....

The article is very in depth, and heavily resourced and researched, and explains what is going on in the here and now, and how the govt since the creation of homeland security in 2002 has evolved from Al-Qaeda recruiting concerns in to this disinformation concern of foreign and even domestic, terrorists....

and also goes in to how the slippery slope, can become even slippery-er.

But also discusses some real security challenges combating dis- and mis-information.
how about you not tell me where to get my info from? hmmm?

but - as you have shown - it's true.

and it's wrong.
We took Twitter from their quiver and next we will take Facebook.... no more collusion between social media and government....

Mussolini believed Government and business colluding against the people was the definition of fascism....
Mussolini defined fascism as being...
A left-wing collectivistic ideology.

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