DHS preparing for war/drills/training against "Native Born Terrorists"


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
How about you fuckers go after the real cop killers and criminals who break down government, law and order, like the black thugs in Chicago.

Port Everglades sovereign citizens - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Amid the explosions, smoke, roaring vehicles and chattering gunfire of a terrorist attack Thursday afternoon at Port Everglades, one fact became chillingly clear:

These weren't foreign-born America-hating terrorists. These were native-born America-hating terrorists. And they were making things difficult for the good guys.

"They're moving, they're taking positions, they have superior firepower," said Sheriff's Deputy Richard Saito. "They're clearly very well-trained, very well-motivated."

Of course it wasn't a real terrorist attack, but rather a large-scale SWAT training exercise mounted by the Broward Sheriff's Office involving boats, bus, bombs and booby-trapped hostages.

"This is really a worst case scenario," said Saito, the SWAT team member who concocted the training storyline.

In Saito's plot, seven "sovereign citizens," or militia-styled revolutionaries who advocate the government's overthrow, assault the port by boat. Their goal: steal a shipment of arms and ammunition transiting through the facility.
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Who the enemy is depends on one's political views. If you sympathize with radical Muslims and dictators, you find that patriotic Americans are the enemy. If you side with illegal immigrants, those wanting secure borders are the enemy.

It's no coincidence that the current DHS lists veterans, patriots and constitutionalists as public enemies and potential terrorists.

Of course, we do have native terrorists, but considering how many American-hating immigrants have come and spread their hate to their children born here, it's not surprising.

Of course, even though the left all but roots for the radicals to strike us, they will still use the potential citizen terrorists as an argument to disarm everyone. They won't admit that allowing so many to immigrate here and having open borders breeds more anti-American citizens.

Despite the countless terrorist attacks by radical Muslims, the left still refuses to tag them as a threat. They'd rather imprison citizens for insisting that the liberals obey the constitution because they see that as a bigger threat- not to our national security, but to their agenda.

The liberal agenda is far more important to them than our freedom, liberty and national security. The latter are things that are expendable when it comes to destroying capitalism and imposing socialism or Marxism on America.

I do think Obama has proven to be far more sympathetic to radical Muslims than any of us should be comfortable with considering the number of attacks and threats they have made to us infidels.
These weren't foreign-born America-hating terrorists. These were native-born America-hating terrorists. And they were making things difficult for the good guys.

"They're moving, they're taking positions, they have superior firepower," said Sheriff's Deputy Richard Saito. "They're clearly very well-trained, very well-motivated."

American hating Terrorists.......hummmmmm......that would be Obama, Kerry, McCain....uhum........right?

These weren't foreign-born America-hating terrorists. These were native-born America-hating terrorists. And they were making things difficult for the good guys.

"They're moving, they're taking positions, they have superior firepower," said Sheriff's Deputy Richard Saito. "They're clearly very well-trained, very well-motivated."

American hating Terrorists.......hummmmmm......that would be Obama, Kerry, McCain....uhum........right?


Add Lindsay Graham to the list.

They are butt buddies with Al Qaeda.
Sovereign Citizens should all be detained as possible terrorists.

Sorry but the rule of law still applies and the Constitution is still in effect. Using your logic we can go round up all the gang members we think may be a threat. Remind me when THAT was ever advocated for?
Sovereign Citizens should all be detained as possible terrorists.

Sorry but the rule of law still applies and the Constitution is still in effect. Using your logic we can go round up all the gang members we think may be a threat. Remind me when THAT was ever advocated for?

Wasn't there a really bad Tom Cruise movie about that?
Our governments since the War of Independence have been aware of native-born terrorists. They were called tories and loyalists then. We call them NBPP, the Klan, sovereign citizens, and jihadists today.
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The Broward County Sheriff's Department is not part of the Department of Homeland Security.

Where do you get this shit from?

Their paramilitary forces and operations would assimilate and become subservient to DHS in such a scenario, there would be no difference between DHS and the local police force either in theory or practicality; they would be one and the same.
When this topic was posted during the election, and prior, it was duped in the conspiracies forum by good lefty mods.

Funny how things change. Turns out it's not so crazy after all. Whoda thunk.
When this topic was posted during the election, and prior, it was duped in the conspiracies forum by good lefty mods.

Funny how things change. Turns out it's not so crazy after all. Whoda thunk.

It was amazing how many things were put into conspiracy theory before the NSA/IRS and when USA Today reported that the Syrian rebels were Al Qaeda.
The Broward County Sheriff's Department is not part of the Department of Homeland Security.

Where do you get this shit from?

Their paramilitary forces and operations would assimilate and become subservient to DHS in such a scenario, there would be no difference between DHS and the local police force either in theory or practicality; they would be one and the same.

If we were living in a poorly written thriller novel, perhaps.

In reality, the Broward County Sheriff's Department is not in any way controlled by the Department of Homeland Security, and this entire thread (like many of yours) is complete nonsense.
When this topic was posted during the election, and prior, it was duped in the conspiracies forum by good lefty mods.

Funny how things change. Turns out it's not so crazy after all. Whoda thunk.

You guys predicted that the Broward County Sheriff's office would run SWAT drills based on a domestic terrorist scenario?

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