DHS preparing for war/drills/training against "Native Born Terrorists"

You are, and shall remain, a moron.

And you're not making it better by continuing to flail.
No, the DHS is not running anti-terrorist exercises in Broward as alleged by the OP.

Yes, in case of a major terrorist assault on the country, the DHS would be in charge of the federal response.

"Are you going to believe what really happened, or what I tell you?"

DII, the fact that the site's #1 liar is parroting you should give you pause. And it bodes ill for your own credibility in the future.
From the OP: "Among agencies participating were the Fort Lauderdale Police SWAT team and U.S. Customs and Border Protection."

From Jake: "No, the DHS is not running anti-terrorist exercises in Broward..."
From theDoctorIsIn: "The Broward County Sheriff's Department is not part of the Department of Homeland Security."


"CBPis one of the Department of Homeland Security’s largest and most complex components..."


The doc & jake are now both pretending someone actually asserted that the dhs was in CHARGE, or, alternately, that the sheriff's dept. is part of the dhs. Nobody said the Sheriff's office was a part of the dhs, and nobody made the claim that the DHS was "in charge" or 'running' the exercise. Presumably they are lying to cover their own stupidity, and alternately, to hide the fact that the DHS is involved.

Or maybe dii and jakey are pretending the CBP is perpetuating a huge hoax and isn't a part of the DHS as stated on their website.

I think it's just a matter of DII being really pathetically stupid, and jake just being a compulsive liar. But who knows.

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Who the enemy is depends on one's political views. If you sympathize with radical Muslims and dictators, you find that patriotic Americans are the enemy. If you side with illegal immigrants, those wanting secure borders are the enemy.

It's no coincidence that the current DHS lists veterans, patriots and constitutionalists as public enemies and potential terrorists.

Of course, we do have native terrorists, but considering how many American-hating immigrants have come and spread their hate to their children born here, it's not surprising.

Of course, even though the left all but roots for the radicals to strike us, they will still use the potential citizen terrorists as an argument to disarm everyone. They won't admit that allowing so many to immigrate here and having open borders breeds more anti-American citizens.

Despite the countless terrorist attacks by radical Muslims, the left still refuses to tag them as a threat. They'd rather imprison citizens for insisting that the liberals obey the constitution because they see that as a bigger threat- not to our national security, but to their agenda.

The liberal agenda is far more important to them than our freedom, liberty and national security. The latter are things that are expendable when it comes to destroying capitalism and imposing socialism or Marxism on America.

I do think Obama has proven to be far more sympathetic to radical Muslims than any of us should be comfortable with considering the number of attacks and threats they have made to us infidels.


the only correction is - leftists DO know what happens when we have open borders.

They WANT it to happen.

It may seem incomprehensible as a goal to normal people, but the end agenda of leftist progressives is TO RUIN THIS COUNTRY.
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Who the enemy is depends on one's political views. If you sympathize with radical Muslims and dictators, you find that patriotic Americans are the enemy. If you side with illegal immigrants, those wanting secure borders are the enemy.

It's no coincidence that the current DHS lists veterans, patriots and constitutionalists as public enemies and potential terrorists.

Of course, we do have native terrorists, but considering how many American-hating immigrants have come and spread their hate to their children born here, it's not surprising.

Of course, even though the left all but roots for the radicals to strike us, they will still use the potential citizen terrorists as an argument to disarm everyone. They won't admit that allowing so many to immigrate here and having open borders breeds more anti-American citizens.

Despite the countless terrorist attacks by radical Muslims, the left still refuses to tag them as a threat. They'd rather imprison citizens for insisting that the liberals obey the constitution because they see that as a bigger threat- not to our national security, but to their agenda.

The liberal agenda is far more important to them than our freedom, liberty and national security. The latter are things that are expendable when it comes to destroying capitalism and imposing socialism or Marxism on America.

I do think Obama has proven to be far more sympathetic to radical Muslims than any of us should be comfortable with considering the number of attacks and threats they have made to us infidels.

Imagine that? Defenders of the US Constitution, The DOI, the Founder's vision of LIBERTY are now designated terrorists?
From the OP: "Among agencies participating were the Fort Lauderdale Police SWAT team and U.S. Customs and Border Protection."

From Jake: "No, the DHS is not running anti-terrorist exercises in Broward..."

"CBPis one of the Department of Homeland Security’s largest and most complex components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing the border and facilitating lawful international trade and travel while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws and regulations, including immigration and drug laws."


Show us where the DHS was in charge, please.
I am not sure I see a problem. Our Southern, and in reality our Northern borders are porous. We are getting people who want to come to America whom might not be too friendly towards the US. Especially once they get here and things ain't the way they want them.

Consider also groups like the KKK, White supremacists. The Black Panthers all could turn militant at any time. Better to have a counter force then to have none. The real problem is, do we trust the person or persons in charge of this force. And once such a force is created it is the tendency to use that force.
From the OP: "Among agencies participating were the Fort Lauderdale Police SWAT team and U.S. Customs and Border Protection."

From Jake: "No, the DHS is not running anti-terrorist exercises in Broward..."

"CBPis one of the Department of Homeland Security’s largest and most complex components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing the border and facilitating lawful international trade and travel while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws and regulations, including immigration and drug laws."


Show us where the DHS was in charge, please.

Nobody said the dhs was in charge. I have no intention of proving a point neither I, nor anyone else, made.
That was the implication of the OP and the defense of it since by the reactionaries.

Thank you.
No, it isn't. That's the implication you're making, because you're a liar. The title says the dhs is preparing/training, and that's exactly what the article says....and aside from you nobody has mentioned that the dhs is "in charge" of anything.

Toddle off now, you lying retard.
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The implication was quite clear that the DHS is out to get sovereign terrorists, which is not what the article in fact was about.

Calling me a liar does not make you anymore right.
Make up your mind, you liar.

Actually, proving you are a liar, and proving that the article does say what it says, and not what you say it *implies*... does make me *right*.
DHS preparing for war/drills/training against "Native Born Terrorists"

What’s actually important and of concern is if the OP is preparing for the mental health treatment he so desperately needs.
And YOU just go right trusting Gubmint that isn't your friend...YOU are a dupe, dude. You might want to change that avatar post haste.
Make up your mind, you liar.

Actually, proving you are a liar, and proving that the article does say what it says, and not what you say it *implies*... does make me *right*.

I have corrected you, you are calling names because you can't defend the point, and, as usual, you are getting angry.
I am not sure I see a problem. Our Southern, and in reality our Northern borders are porous. We are getting people who want to come to America whom might not be too friendly towards the US. Especially once they get here and things ain't the way they want them.

Consider also groups like the KKK, White supremacists. The Black Panthers all could turn militant at any time. Better to have a counter force then to have none. The real problem is, do we trust the person or persons in charge of this force. And once such a force is created it is the tendency to use that force.
And do we (should WE ) trust their definition(s)? NO. Common sense is NOT the hallmark of ANY Gubmint agency.
Make up your mind, you liar.

Actually, proving you are a liar, and proving that the article does say what it says, and not what you say it *implies*... does make me *right*.

I have corrected you, you are calling names because you can't defend the point, and, as usual, you are getting angry.

No, you didn't correct me. You're lying in that, as well as lying about everything else. You simply lied.

I'm going to circulate a petition to see how many people want you removed from this site, fakey. You're simply a troll whose sole purpose is to lie in every single thread you comment on. It it wasn't so obvious, it could be passed off as stupidity, as it in in dii's case. But you were identified ages ago as a poster of zero worth, and all you do is derail every single thread you're in.
Make up your mind, you liar.

Actually, proving you are a liar, and proving that the article does say what it says, and not what you say it *implies*... does make me *right*.

I have corrected you, you are calling names because you can't defend the point, and, as usual, you are getting angry.

No, you didn't correct me. You're lying in that, as well as lying about everything else. You simply lied.

I'm going to circulate a petition to see how many people want you removed from this site, fakey. You're simply a troll whose sole purpose is to lie in every single thread you comment on. It it wasn't so obvious, it could be passed off as stupidity, as it in in dii's case. But you were identified ages ago as a poster of zero worth, and all you do is derail every single thread you're in.

You're correct. NO need to take a poll. I think it would be overwhelming to yank Fake off the boards...but it won't happen unless something ergregious. So we're stuck with his lies. Best to ignore his dumb ass.
I think if enough people squawked, he'd get the boot.

All he is is a third rate troll, who sneaks under the radar because people assume he's stupid, not trolling.

His method of trolling is just to lie with every single word he posts. It's disruptive, and makes the site look bad.
Our native born terrorists have done more harm than foreign terrorists

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