DHS Says 'Harsh GOP Candidate Rhetoric' Hurting National Security Efforts


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yeah, what is hurting the Obama Administration's efforts to ensure our national security is NOT
- Obama's refusal to secure our border
- Obama's refusal to enforce all of our existing laws
- Obama's refusal to keep violent illegals caught breaking the law locked up or deported
- Obama's refusal to end Sanctuary Cities
- The Obama administration handing out visas to terrorist who then come into the US and kill Americans
- Obama's determination, despite what is happening in Europe, bring in hundreds of thousands of all-male military-age 'refugees' in from a religious/civil-war torn region where people hate us and our culture
- Hillary putting our nations most top secret information on an un-secured server and e-mailing it around to people on un-classified systems

No, what is preventing the DHS from ensuring our national security are the GOP candidates pointing out the failures of this administration and discussing ways to make this country safer, such as NOT bringing in 100,000+ MORE Syrian all-male, military-age 'refugees' right now, especially in the midst of ISIS declaring the recent Easter terrorist attacks were 'practice for a much larger attack planned for the US' and their declaring a total of 400 terrorists were trained and turned loose on Europe.

Campaign rhetoric on Muslims harms U.S. security efforts: Homeland Security chief

Watching liberals blame others for their failures never gets old. It's become as dependable as knowing the sun will come up each day and as sure as death and taxes.
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Just play nice with the Muslims and they will love us and turn in their Muslim friends. Certainly Obama's Kumbaya diplomacy has already paid dividends. I keep hearing we are at war, when the government wants to strip search people at the airport. Whom exactly are we at war with?

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