DHS skipped background checks as illegals flooded in for Obama's DACA


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Supposedly, DACA was intended to help the ones whose parents came here illegally with them when they were very youmg. Of course, DACA only encouraged more to come in illegally to try and take advantage of the unconstitutional offer. How exactly can you determine how long anyone has been here when they live under the radar, often under stolen or assumed names? You can't. And we have been overwhelmed with more illegal aliens because Obama promised them too much. They know they can go to sanctuary cities and not fear deportation no matter how many more crimes they commit.

Even Feinstein admitted that DACA was on shakey ground. No president is allowed to ignore laws and do as he pleases just because it's popular with certain groups.

And so many started coming in so immigration was instructed to just skip the background checks. Stupid.

"(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that documents obtained recently through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) abandoned required background checks late last year, adopting, instead, costly “lean and lite” procedures in effort to keep up with the flood of amnesty applications spurred by President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) directive, which grants illegal aliens a two-year deferment from deportation.

Acting on a tip from a whistleblower at a federal law enforcement agency, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request with DHS, for “all communications, memoranda, emails, policy guidance, directives, initiatives, and any other correspondence respecting the scope and extent of background checks to be performed (or not) on aliens applying to the Obama administration’s DACA program.” The FOIA was filed on October 26, 2012. The Immigration and National Security Act (INA) mandates a “coordinated, uniform, and efficient,” system of background checks. Instead, the FOIA documents reveal a costly, haphazard process, with only cursory review for the backgrounds of illegal aliens seeking “deferred status.” Document highlights include:

⦁ In a series of agency memos beginning in September 14, 2012, field offices were told to expect the National Benefits Center (which collects all DACA applications) to conduct only “⦁ lean & lite” background checks on illegal alien applicants, and that, henceforth, “NBC will not perform full TECS checks or any evidence review on these cases before we ship to the field.” An October 14 memo reiterated that under the new “lean and lite” policy, “Hits will be sent to the field without resolution.” On October 25, the St. Paul Field Director conceded to staffers that the new “lean & lite” procedures were for an indefinite period of time, saying, “I just can’t tell you when things will revert back to ⦁ the way they used to be.”

⦁ An email chain from September 5 and through November 14 indicates ⦁ managerial pressure not to turn any illegal alien applicant away for lack of ID, including the explicit directive in an October 3 memo, “Biometric processing should not be refused solely because an applicant does not present an acceptable ID.” In an October 1 memo further restricting independent action by agency personnel, they were instructed, “Every two weeks field offices will report the number of DACA requestors who appear for biometrics collection at an ASC during the previous two week period, but were turned away without fingerprints or photographs being taken. Field offices will also need to provide the reason why the DACA requestor was turned away by the ASC ISO.”
⦁ The documents suggest ⦁ added taxpayer costs for the new deportation deferral program. On June 28, 2012, all Regional Service Managers were informed that they were to “come up with the number of guards that would be required and a dollar amount” in order to meet the new DACA processing requirements. On July 31, 2012, the agency announced, “In support of the President’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative, USCIS is procuring 40 additional biometrics workstations.”

⦁ On November 9, 2012, just three days after Obama was reelected, in an “!!! IMPORTANT DACA MESSAGE!!! The agency was directed to: “Please ⦁ put all DACA work on hold until further notice.” ⦁ There are no later-dated documents in the production to indicate how or when USCIS resumed DACA background checks or application processing.

The documents also reveal that, contrary to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s claim that DACA applied only to minors who came to this country illegally “through no fault of their own,” the directive actually created a new avenue of chain migration, whereby immediate relatives of DACA requesters could be approved for amnesty. As a result, according to a June 18, 2012, agency memo from District 15 Director, David Douglas, “some of the districts closer to the U.S./Mexico border have been inundated.”

“The Obama administration seems to be throwing public safety and national security out the door in implementing its illicit and unilateral amnesty program for illegal aliens. The costs and security lapses of this program show that this administration can’t be trusted to implement any of the new security measures in the amnesty bill in the Senate,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “These documents show a crisis in law enforcement and national security caused by President Obama’s unilateral decision to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands illegal aliens.”

Documents Reveal DHS Abandoned Illegal Alien Background Checks to Meet Amnesty Requests Following Obama’s DACA - Judicial Watch

What's the point in having this agency if they won't do background checks on foreign nationals, something that should be unquestioned in the mandate that they were organized under, but are more than willing to 'spy' on United States citizens?



What's the point in having this agency if they won't do background checks on foreign nationals, something that should be unquestioned in the mandate that they were organized under, but are more than willing to 'spy' on United States citizens?



Dems play dirty. Obama used the NSA to spy on political opponents and the IRS to stop opposition voices.

It's unreal what a fucking POS he is.
Immigration Reform

1) End birthright citizenship because it encourages human trafficking and illegal immigration.
2) End DACA because it encourages human trafficking and illegal immigration.
3) Limit chain immigration to Spouses and Offspring.
4) Create a Citizen National ID card that is required to be employed, receive government benefits and to vote. (this is a virtual fence)
5) Stop giving block grants to racist organizations that seek to block the enforcement of our immigration laws.
6) Fine Sanctuary Cities
Why did Obama lie to us when he said that an EO for DACA would be unconstitutional?
Obama also claimed that DACA was a temporary stopgap measure. I guess he expected congress to work toward a real solution.

Trump is doing the right thing by ending it. If he continued it, I bet the left would impeach him for violating the constitution.

If it ends up in the courts, it's done because it's illegal.

Trump told congress to get their butts to work. That is what should be happening.

And it doesn't mean that they should find a way to allow all illegal aliens to stay here. We have no obligation to allow more legal immigrants, let alone illegal ones. We should do what is in the best interest of America. Period.

DACA was aimed at those who were brought here as children and grew up here yet more kept pouring in to take advantage of it. It wasn't supposed to help those who just walked across the border. Of course, when government offers anything, people line up and demand it whether they deserve it or not.

We need to stop all benefits to illegal immigration. People have to understand that they must go through our process. And, yes, there is a limit to the number of people who may do so. Tough shit.

What really needs to happen is Mexico stepping up to do something to protect it's people. Drug cartels seem to be running the country. The government supports their citizens entering the U.S. illegally because they end up with billions each year in remittances.

Where is the incentive for Mexico to change? We keep making it easier for anyone to take advantage of us and some mean to do us harm. I am so tired of the liberals ranting that it's about helping people who want a better life. All we do is allow them to assist a corrupt Mexican government and the conditions in Mexico get worse.

The Mexican president can go fuck himself. He supports all these groups who work to subvert our immigration laws and keep people here. It's all about getting those billions from the ones who come here and work cheap. And we are giving a stamp of approval while some falsely claim it's helping.

Then there are those illegals who have no intention of ever becoming a U.S. citizen. Some want to make their money here and retire in some of the nicer areas of Mexico. Drug dealers just want full access to come and go as they please, as do human and sex traffickers and terrorists.

We've not really helping innocent people, just hurting them.
Judicial Watch is a right-wing think tank, part of the State Policy Network.

Not saying the info is inaccurate, but they likely left out details and context.

Tom Fitton make an overgeneralized statement re: intent of directive, using the typical scare tactics of "public safety" playing on the xenophobic fear of the brown man.
Judicial Watch is a right-wing think tank, part of the State Policy Network.

Not saying the info is inaccurate, but they likely left out details and context.

Tom Fitton make an overgeneralized statement re: intent of directive, using the typical scare tactics of "public safety" playing on the xenophobic fear of the brown man.

F-U your just mad that JW goes to court and gets court orders and gets information and makes it public. Their better than your pos southern poverty law center which is an alt-left propaganda fake list of conservatives they say are terrorist, but we in the real world know that splc is the real terrorist and in the future may end up on the governments terror list it's self...

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