DHS Warns of ‘Increasing’ Threat of Violence From ‘Trump Conspiracy’ – Admits There is No Evidence of Specific Plot


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

DHS Warns of ‘Increasing’ Threat of Violence From ‘Trump Conspiracy’

Admits There is No Evidence of Specific Plot

9 Aug 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The Department of Homeland Security has once again released a bulletin warning of an ‘increasing but modest’ threat of violence related to an online ‘conspiracy theory’ that Trump will be reinstated.
The DHS also conceded there is no specific evidence of a credible plot.
“Some conspiracy theories associated with reinstating former President Trump have included calls for violence if desired outcomes are not realized,” according to a DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis bulletin obtained by ABC News.
ABC News reported:
“Over the last few days what has occurred is there’s been much more public visibility, meaning the discussions and these theories have migrated away from being contained within the conspiracy and extremist online communities, to where they’re being the topic of discussion on web forums, or more public web forums, and even within the sort of media ecosystem,” a senior DHS official explained.​
DHS says in the bulletin they do not have specific evidence there is a plot imminent.​
“As public visibility of the narratives increases, we are concerned about more calls to violence. Reporting indicates that the timing for these activities may occur during August 2021, although we lack information on specific plots or planned actions,” the bulletin sent to state and local partners reads.​
The department “does not have the luxury of waiting till we uncover information with the level of specificity, regarding a potential location and the time of an attack” to act on potential threats due to the threat environment, the senior DHS official explained.​
“Past circumstances have illustrated that calls for violence could expand rapidly in the public domain and may be occurring outside of publicly available channels. As such, lone offenders and small groups of individuals could mobilize to violence with little-to-no warning,” the bulletin says.​

Hmm...., Let me translate this DHS warning: "DHS warns of growing hostility at the illegitimate Biden Cabal and illegal Senators as states conclude their forensic audits and decertify the 2020 election results. We're not sure what to do if Biden is officially declared illegal."
The DHS is setting up another false flag. Nothing more. We have seen this over and over and over again created by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies in D.C.
From what I see happening, they're going to push things and cross the line at some point. They're going to start arresting people for not having vaccines. not wearing masks, kicking in doors, ceasing guns and when it does they'll be met with lethal force around this country and frankly I can't wait as much as I hate to say that.
The PMS/DSA Commies are too far out of control and nothing is being done about it for far too long. But then what would we expect after an election was stolen?
I think any government official who make such claims about American Citizens without presenting viable evidence should be charged with inciting riot, insurrection and/or any other violations of federal laws.

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There no laws on the books to decertify an election that Congress has passed and certified. It is no longer in the hands of the states to be able to reject what they have already certified and you sore losers are gonna have to cry a little more.
Lookout for the My Pillow Guy! He will use his ability of taking over medicine cabinets to kick Biden out of the White House.
The events of Jan. 6, and those occurring before and after, demonstrate that we have an active, traitorous fifth column in the U.S. It has not gone away. Those of us who never dreamed that our fellow Americans would scheme to destroy our nation got a pail of cold water thrown in our faces on Jan. 6. This scum is here among us, born in the U.S.A. We have to be vigilant. We have traitors among us. This is no exaggeration.
Let me translate this DHS warning: "DHS warns of growing hostility at the illegitimate Biden Cabal and illegal Senators as states conclude their forensic audits and decertify the 2020 election results. We're not sure what to do if Biden is officially declared illegal."

Yep, it's people like that who the DHS are worried about going over the edge when their fantasy ends and the cognitive dissonance drives them mad. When they realize there is no valid audit, forensic or otherwise, going to reinstate their "Orange Gubber" as President.

I think any government official who make such claims about American Citizens without presenting viable evidence should be charged with inciting riot, insurrection and/or any other violations of federal laws.

I feel the very same way about claims of widespread election fraud without backing it up in court with any evidence.
I doubt Trump can get the suckers riled up enough to riot again...

That will be the purview and responsibility of the illegitimately elected Bai Dung to decide and implement.
All indications are that Joey Xi is purposely inciting American citizens by his one sided acceptance and encouragement of BLM/Antifa false flag attacks in Blue Plantation cities and their looting, arson, violence and murder. As Commonly depicted as "Fiery But Peaceful Protests".
You can push American Patriots just so far and they will rebel.
The events of Jan. 6, and those occurring before and after, demonstrate that we have an active, traitorous fifth column in the U.S. It has not gone away. Those of us who never dreamed that our fellow Americans would scheme to destroy our nation got a pail of cold water thrown in our faces on Jan. 6. This scum is here among us, born in the U.S.A. We have to be vigilant. We have traitors among us. This is no exaggeration.

The writing was on the wall as sure as the clock ticks down on a football game. Jan 6th was Trumpybears last chance for a "Hail Mary" play.

That motherfucker let it fly, I'll give him that.
The events of Jan. 6, and those occurring before and after, demonstrate that we have an active, traitorous fifth column in the U.S. It has not gone away. Those of us who never dreamed that our fellow Americans would scheme to destroy our nation got a pail of cold water thrown in our faces on Jan. 6. This scum is here among us, born in the U.S.A. We have to be vigilant. We have traitors among us. This is no exaggeration.
We have to be vigilant. We have traitors among us. This is no exaggeration.

We know....You're one of them.

DHS Warns of ‘Increasing’ Threat of Violence From ‘Trump Conspiracy’

Admits There is No Evidence of Specific Plot

9 Aug 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The Department of Homeland Security has once again released a bulletin warning of an ‘increasing but modest’ threat of violence related to an online ‘conspiracy theory’ that Trump will be reinstated.
The DHS also conceded there is no specific evidence of a credible plot.
“Some conspiracy theories associated with reinstating former President Trump have included calls for violence if desired outcomes are not realized,” according to a DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis bulletin obtained by ABC News.
ABC News reported:
“Over the last few days what has occurred is there’s been much more public visibility, meaning the discussions and these theories have migrated away from being contained within the conspiracy and extremist online communities, to where they’re being the topic of discussion on web forums, or more public web forums, and even within the sort of media ecosystem,” a senior DHS official explained.​
DHS says in the bulletin they do not have specific evidence there is a plot imminent.​
“As public visibility of the narratives increases, we are concerned about more calls to violence. Reporting indicates that the timing for these activities may occur during August 2021, although we lack information on specific plots or planned actions,” the bulletin sent to state and local partners reads.​
The department “does not have the luxury of waiting till we uncover information with the level of specificity, regarding a potential location and the time of an attack” to act on potential threats due to the threat environment, the senior DHS official explained.​
“Past circumstances have illustrated that calls for violence could expand rapidly in the public domain and may be occurring outside of publicly available channels. As such, lone offenders and small groups of individuals could mobilize to violence with little-to-no warning,” the bulletin says.​

Hmm...., Let me translate this DHS warning: "DHS warns of growing hostility at the illegitimate Biden Cabal and illegal Senators as states conclude their forensic audits and decertify the 2020 election results. We're not sure what to do if Biden is officially declared illegal."
The DHS is setting up another false flag. Nothing more. We have seen this over and over and over again created by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies in D.C.
From what I see happening, they're going to push things and cross the line at some point. They're going to start arresting people for not having vaccines. not wearing masks, kicking in doors, ceasing guns and when it does they'll be met with lethal force around this country and frankly I can't wait as much as I hate to say that.
The PMS/DSA Commies are too far out of control and nothing is being done about it for far too long. But then what would we expect after an election was stolen?
I think any government official who make such claims about American Citizens without presenting viable evidence should be charged with inciting riot, insurrection and/or any other violations of federal laws.

No specific plot but lone wolf attacks is a viable threat. The mass shooter in El Paso was not part of a plot, just a nut who gave in to all that right wing invasion BS.
The writing was on the wall as sure as the clock ticks down on a football game. Jan 6th was Trumpybears last chance for a "Hail Mary" play.

That motherfucker let it fly, I'll give him that.

I'm damned glad that there is a committee in the House with subpoena power that is investigating the attack on Congress and the U.S. Constitution. The republican attempts to thwart any investigation demonstrate the republican party is not patriotic. Otherwise, republicans would whole-heartedly support such an investigation. The American People deserve a full accounting and the republican party is adamant that we not get it. Who are these people? What has come out about trump, uncovered by the House committee, is frightening. It seems that responsibility for Jan. 6 goes to the top. It goes to trump. As of Dec. 27, he is on record as saying that the election was "illegal" and "corrupt." So by Dec. 27, he supposedly had evidence of this. On Dec. 27, he sought to direct the DOJ to agree with him. The whole thing stinks like week-old fish.

It appears to me that trump deserves the silver bracelets.
The OP left this out. It was in his link..'
The department “does not have the luxury of waiting till we uncover information with the level of specificity, regarding a potential location and the time of an attack” to act on potential threats due to the threat environment, the senior DHS official explained.

“Past circumstances have illustrated that calls for violence could expand rapidly in the public domain and may be occurring outside of publicly available channels. As such, lone offenders and small groups of individuals could mobilize to violence with little-to-no warning,” the bulletin says.

DHS Warns of ‘Increasing’ Threat of Violence From ‘Trump Conspiracy’​

Are we talking about that crazy rumor that Trump followers are supposed to expect Trump to be reinstated in four days?

Who started that exactly?

I'm not expecting anything but was planning on taking my Bill Clinton Chia Pet Head out that day to my dead stump out back and just sit there all day in a lawn chair plunking it with a BB gun while sipping Red Neck Beer. Does that count? Should I turn myself in to DHS? :scared1:
A threat of violence from a 'Trump Conspiracy' is total bullshit by the democrats. It's 'Russian Collusion 2.0', that never had any basis in fact then or now.
Dems really are growing desperate. Trump is a former POTUS who just got 74 million votes, the nomination is his for the asking in 2024. Poor Dems, Trump may savage them again. :auiqs.jpg:
Are we talking about that crazy rumor that Trump followers are supposed to expect Trump to be reinstated in four days?

Who started that exactly?

I'm not expecting anything but was planning on taking my Bill Clinton Chia Pet Head out that day to my dead stump out back and just sit there all day in a lawn chair plunking it with a BB gun while sipping Red Neck Beer. Does that count? Should I turn myself in to DHS? :scared1:

I sure as Hell didn't... Sounds like another Leftist conspiracy theory to me....
The OP left this out. It was in his link..'
The department “does not have the luxury of waiting till we uncover information with the level of specificity, regarding a potential location and the time of an attack” to act on potential threats due to the threat environment, the senior DHS official explained.

“Past circumstances have illustrated that calls for violence could expand rapidly in the public domain and may be occurring outside of publicly available channels. As such, lone offenders and small groups of individuals could mobilize to violence with little-to-no warning,” the bulletin says.

So the PMS/DSA Democrat CPUSA Leftists are creating unrest and conspiracies where there are none....to justify their actions...
The events of Jan. 6, and those occurring before and after, demonstrate that we have an active, traitorous fifth column in the U.S. It has not gone away. Those of us who never dreamed that our fellow Americans would scheme to destroy our nation got a pail of cold water thrown in our faces on Jan. 6. This scum is here among us, born in the U.S.A. We have to be vigilant. We have traitors among us. This is no exaggeration.

Hey, remember when using "Fear" to motivate your base, was "wrong"?



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