Diamond & Silk, Trump supporters stand up to fascist democrats in congress during hearing...

The country is swimming in a tremendous amount of debt and Congress is talking about Diamond and Silk’s Facebook page.
Well, civil rights ARE still important issues. Just ask the DACA supporters on the left.

We're swimming in debt and they're talking about a bunch of illegals.

Having the ability to make money off your Facebook page isn’t a right. Neither is having an account on any social media.

But, if ANYONE can make money off their Facebook page, then EVERYONE should be able to, or they're being discriminated against and that's wrong.
If you support bakers having a right to turn away gays seeking a wedding a cake, but demand Facebook host Diamond and Silk then you are a flaming hypocrite. So many people want it both ways on this issue.

And, if you support bakers being forced to serve gays seeking a wedding a cake, but support Facebook treating Diamond and Silk differently than others, then you are a flaming hypocrite. So many people want it both ways on this issue.
Diamond and Silk are proof that republicans aren't racists. Why, look at all the Blacks Trump brought into his administration.
Oh, and Facebook has every right to silence any voice as they damn well please. You don't have a right to an account on Facebook, Twitter, etc..

But remember- if anyone dares criticize a Conservative they are a 'Fascist'.......poor little snowflakes...
If you support bakers having a right to turn away gays seeking a wedding a cake, but demand Facebook host Diamond and Silk then you are a flaming hypocrite. So many people want it both ways on this issue.

And, if you support bakers being forced to serve gays seeking a wedding a cake, but support Facebook treating Diamond and Silk differently than others, then you are a flaming hypocrite. So many people want it both ways on this issue.

Good thing I don’t.
A look at zuckerberg versus Diamond and Silk testifying to congress...

This is going be great viewing when regular people get a chance to stand up to the democrat/fascist party members in congress......and they don't back down to those asshats....

Diamond & Silk will not be backed down by the likes of those fasicist morons in congress....

Good for them.....they speak for a lot of normal people when they go after those morons....

WATCH: Diamond & Silk Testify Before Congress And All Hell Breaks Loose

On Thursday, social media sensations known as Diamond and Silk appeared before Congress to testify about alleged censorship and discrimination practiced by Facebook, and all hell broke loose.

In one tense exchange, the two women went toe-to-toe with Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia, who dismissed the women's concerns and slammed them for "bashing Facebook" while making "a ton of money" on the platform.

Diamond and Silk refuted the claim and said they were merely bringing the issue of censorship of conservatives "to the light" and had not in fact made a ton of money because of said censorship. The women claim they were effectively demonetized for six months.

"You still selling merchandise," contended Rep. Johnson.

The women then went off the congressman, suggesting his indifference over the issue was rooted in partisanship. If they were liberal and Facebook had a conservative bias, they suggested, there would be hell to pay.

"Let me say this, here" started Diamond, whose real name is Lynette Hardaway. "If the shoe was on the other foot and Mark Zuckerberg was a conservative and we were liberals, all fences and all chains would have broke loose. You know it, and I know it. But what I find appalling is that these Democrats don't want to take up for our voice."

"We are African-American women. If illegal aliens can come over here and build businesses, why can't we?" Diamond added, after plugging their page on Facebook. "You don't have a right to silence my voice!" she said.

When Mr. Johnson again alluded to the fact that these women were already making enough money and seemingly brushing off the alleged censorship, Diamond scolded him for "shaming" them for making money.
uh yeah,


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If you support bakers having a right to turn away gays seeking a wedding a cake, but demand Facebook host Diamond and Silk then you are a flaming hypocrite. So many people want it both ways on this issue.
Except they don't.

Conservatives want the new rules on private businesses to be applied across the board, and "progressives" want to both be able to discriminate against anyone they don't like AND force Christians to violate their beliefs because they own a business.

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