Dick Cheney now lacks a pulse.

No really..he does!

Mr. Cheney’s heart will never beat at full strength again, doctors say. His new mechanical pump, a partial artificial heart known as a ventricular assist device, leaves patients without a pulse because it pushes blood continuously instead of mimicking the heart’s own beat. Most pulse-less patients feel nothing unusual, but the devices do pose significant risks of infection. They are implanted as a last resort either for permanent use or as a bridge to transplant until a donor heart can be found. Mr. Cheney, who has participated in some of the nation’s toughest decisions for decades, now faces a crucial one of his own: whether to seek a full heart transplant.


Essentially, this is what Cheney has:

would they give a heart to someone his age?

The next to the last thing that man wants is a human heart.

A conscience is in first place of the list of things he doesn't want.
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He did much good for the security of this country and I wish him well.

Like what?

He got so many people in the world mad at us..it's created a queue in terms of terrorist attacks.

So we are safe..

For now.:razz:

He did nothing of the sort. Try going back to the Barbary Pirates. The US hasn't been liked in that area for a very long time. This is just the latest iteration.
Like what?

He got so many people in the world mad at us..it's created a queue in terms of terrorist attacks.

So we are safe..

For now.:razz:

He did nothing of the sort. Try going back to the Barbary Pirates. The US hasn't been liked in that area for a very long time. This is just the latest iteration.


As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
would they give a heart to someone his age?

A snake heart is a perfect tissue match for Cheney, but not big enough.

After all the innocent deaths he contributed to in Iraq he does not deserve a heart.
Just my opinion.
And that of 2 million Iraqi that lost family members.

Dick Cheney was replaced by a android years ago!

If they gave this piece of human garbage a new heart he'd simply prove that human compassion, love and understanding have nothing to do with the human heart.

Nice thread....its good to have my low opinion of Democrats and liberals in general, vindicated....to call you scum would be much too generous and an insult to higher forms of scum like the Charlie Mansons or Tim McVeys of the world....
would they give a heart to someone his age?

A snake heart is a perfect tissue match for Cheney, but not big enough.

After all the innocent deaths he contributed to in Iraq he does not deserve a heart.
Just my opinion.
And that of 2 million Iraqi that lost family members.

Dick Cheney was replaced by a android years ago!

If they gave this piece of human garbage a new heart he'd simply prove that human compassion, love and understanding have nothing to do with the human heart.

Nice thread....its good to have my low opinion of Democrats and liberals in general, vindicated....to call you scum would be much too generous and an insult to higher forms of scum like the Charlie Mansons or Tim McVeys of the world....

Charlie Manson and Tim McViegh killed illegally.

So did Cheney.

Hence the disgust.

Good on you to cheer that sort of behavior on.
How many of our men were sent to their deaths under Eisenhower, Kennedy, and LBJ during the Vietnam War? Some of y'alls crocodile tears just don't add up.
would they give a heart to someone his age?

A snake heart is a perfect tissue match for Cheney, but not big enough.

After all the innocent deaths he contributed to in Iraq he does not deserve a heart.
Just my opinion.
And that of 2 million Iraqi that lost family members.

Dick Cheney was replaced by a android years ago!

If they gave this piece of human garbage a new heart he'd simply prove that human compassion, love and understanding have nothing to do with the human heart.

Nice thread....its good to have my low opinion of Democrats and liberals in general, vindicated....to call you scum would be much too generous and an insult to higher forms of scum like the Charlie Mansons or Tim McVeys of the world....

other than the fact that you're a hack, how did i end up in there for asking a reasonable question that ANYONE would ask regarding someone his age and that type of transplant.

pissant loon. i have never wished dick cheney bad. i only wished him to get out of government.
He did nothing of the sort. Try going back to the Barbary Pirates. The US hasn't been liked in that area for a very long time. This is just the latest iteration.


Moroco was the first nation to recognize our new country right after the American Revolution. :cool:

Relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States date back to the earliest days of U.S. history. On December 20, 1777, Morocco formally recognized the colonies as a unified sovereign nation.[1] Morocco was the first nation to recognize the United States and so bilateral relations were born.[2] Morocco remains one of America's oldest and closest allies in the Middle East and North Africa, a status affirmed by Morocco's zero-tolerance policy towards al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliated groups. Morocco also assisted the U.S. CIA with questioning al-Qaeda members captured in Afghanistan, Iraq, Indonesia, Somalia and elsewhere during the administration of George W. Bush, 2001-2009.

Morocco ? United States relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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How many of our men were sent to their deaths under Eisenhower, Kennedy, and LBJ during the Vietnam War? Some of y'alls crocodile tears just don't add up.

I've pointed out, repeatly, the crime that was the Vietnam war. But at least there..there was at least the pretext that we were attacked.

No such thing happened in Iraq.
How many of our men were sent to their deaths under Eisenhower, Kennedy, and LBJ during the Vietnam War? Some of y'alls crocodile tears just don't add up.

I have been against all wars since WW2.

I was too young and dumb during Nam or I would have hid in Canada instead of being drafted and sent there.
Well well well, here we find a whole thread devoted to the pain and suffering of another human being.. where are the moralists today? huh? come forth
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