Dick Morris: "Hillary Clinton is waiting by the phone to save the Democratic Party"...save us Hillary you're all we have!

Wouldn't surprise me at all if she ran ---- but I don't think she'll primary. If she comes in as a "savior" candidate, that would be more likely, IMO.

You're giving the DemoKKKrats too much credit. She'll win the primary easily.
Cool, the OP is a Dick Morris fan.

I didn't think such people existed. Now I know better.
It's going to be fun watching you campaign for Hillary again.

Wow. She _still_ lives rent-free in your head. That's not normal, and it's hilarious. I mean, you don't see any Democrats fixating on Mitt Romney.

I suggest you comfort yourself with some more "LOCK HER UP!" chants.
This guy says Michelle is going to save the Democrat Party and America from you racists. How about that?!?!?!

What is needed is for both sides to stop looking at geriatrics for the presidential office. While Trump actually did a good number of things while in office, in my opinion, he needs to stump for a younger candidate with some similar views, perhaps, Ron DeSantis, Kristi Noem, Mark Robinson (a powerful speaker), or Mike Parson.
As for the left, some are calling for Michelle Obama, to run. Some are calling for Bernie Sanders to run again (another geriatric), about the only way they could go further left is to find a way to get Xi Jinping or Kim Jung un, to qualify.
Cool, the OP is a Dick Morris fan.

I didn't think such people existed. Now I know better.
Good, elephant in the room time ------ We ARE talking about the Toe Sucker-in-Chief, you know!

Dick Morris is not credible in general.
What's funny is that Hillary is probably more comfortable with having her moment past by in time than Morris.

Democrats crack me up. Hillary is clinging desperately to relevancy and you say this. When Hillary conceded, then spent four years saying the election was stolen, you just said wow, she conceded, she conceded, didn't you? Be honest ...
A few years from now? Will HeelsUp Harris become the longed for savior of the dormant DNC?

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