DICK says he would do it all over again

I would rather have Dick C versus what we have seen for the past 6 years directing national security and foreign policy. Regardless, the message is clear, you had better hope the liberal punks regain control or else don't F*#K with the US or your cowardly ass will be toast!
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

Cheney said what the administration approved was not tantamount to torture, but he added:

—"I have no sympathy for them [the detainees]."

— "How nice do you want to be to the murderers of 3,000 Americans on 9/11?"

— "I'd do it again in a minute."

— The CIA did "a hell of a job and they deserve our gratitude."

— The end "absolutely" justified the means.
Dick Cheney On Senate Torture Investigation The Report Is Full Of Crap The Two-Way NPR
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Cheney is further confirmation of the fact that most on the right are reprehensible.

Yes, how dare we treat those who behead children as such... you of course, would buy them dinner at a fine restaurant and probably blow them afterwards.. all in a vain attempt to let them know you mean them no harm.

You realize they are laughing at you, right?
Terrorism was a low priority with Bush. He was looking for his legacy and didn't think chasing a bunch of ragheads was much of a legacy
That would have been a good legacy since they had already attacked us and Clinton avoided it and instead focused on terrorizing an intern's vagina with a cigar.
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Cheney is further confirmation of the fact that most on the right are reprehensible.
Your notion of what is reprehensible is beyond repulsive.

People on the right believe in targeted and focused actions against known and proven enemies of the United States, using techniques that rarely cause any lasting physical harm and NEVER harm civilians, whereas; you fucking leftists believe in targeting Americans for drone killing with no trials or due process and end up killing thousands of innocents in the process.

You really need to reevaluate your existence.
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Cheney is further confirmation of the fact that most on the right are reprehensible.
Your notion of what is reprehensible beyond repulsive.

People on the right believe in targeted and focused actions against known and proven enemies of the United States, using techniques that rarely cause any lasting physical harm and NEVER harm civilians, whereas; you fucking leftists believe in targeting Americans for drone killing with no trials or due process and end up killing thousands of innocents in the process.

You really need to reevaluate your existence.

They're full of shit... plain and simple. Read their positions; they make no sense.
Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

Bush did it? Was the waterboarding done in the whitehouse basement? WTF is wrong with you?

Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Bush did it? Was the waterboarding done in the whitehouse basement? WTF is wrong with you?

Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Cheney is further confirmation of the fact that most on the right are reprehensible.
Your notion of what is reprehensible beyond repulsive.

People on the right believe in targeted and focused actions against known and proven enemies of the United States, using techniques that rarely cause any lasting physical harm and NEVER harm civilians, whereas; you fucking leftists believe in targeting Americans for drone killing with no trials or due process and end up killing thousands of innocents in the process.

You really need to reevaluate your existence.

They're full of shit... plain and simple. Read their positions; they make no sense.
I have read their positions. One must be very advanced in Yoga to bend and meet those twists of logic.
shoot a judge in the face, pour water in the face of a muslim, throw them in cold dark rooms, have heart surgery at taxpayer expense ... whats not to love and do again ?

Only ones who really express butt hurt over terrorist EIT's should be EIT'd themselves.

Or else they are RINO's.
Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.

But I'm still able to reduce assholes like you to that kind of post.
Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.

When did you have your "come to Jesus" moment?

The "online dictionary site, weblio provides the definition of “come-to-Jesus” as:

  1. to experience or display a conversion or recommitment to Christianity or to undergo a related ritual, especially public confession of one's sins or weaknesses.
  2. to become committed or display commitment to a cause.
obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.

But I'm still able to reduce assholes like you to that kind of post.
Reduce Me to telling the truth? Well, good on you mate.
obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.

When did you have your "come to Jesus" moment?

The "online dictionary site, weblio provides the definition of “come-to-Jesus” as:

  1. to experience or display a conversion or recommitment to Christianity or to undergo a related ritual, especially public confession of one's sins or weaknesses.
  2. to become committed or display commitment to a cause.

You lost Me on that one. I've known Carby to be a racist for at least the past 5 years or so, and have said so many time. I'd provide you proof, but all you really need do is search his username by posts and read away.
obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.

Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.

But I'm still able to reduce assholes like you to that kind of post.

Only a Jihadi Muslim thinks he can impress anyone by trying to demonize loyal Americans in such a way.


Hell, I'm what you call, "politically astute."

My post is but an observation.

Only someone like you would imagine the absurd idea that calling a Muslim a Muslim is a bad thing.


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