DICK says he would do it all over again

That Cheny is a sociopath has already been established to the satisfaction of sentient beings with moral character, Christian sensibility, or a reasonaby well developed intellect. Amongst the depraved and mentally stunted I expect tha he would be seen in a positive light.
LOL, here's some more DICK for ya...

a lot of rw apologists selling this great nation's ideals down the river to score cheap political points. :thup: 'twas ever thus. They prolly got their talking-points from SeanRush no doubt
This is such a non issue its unreal. Most people could care less. Its history and bringing it up again is of no help. That being said, going into Iraq for those non existent wmds was also needless.
  1. Weapon of Mass Delusion: Rove Lied, Republican Brand Died

    Oct 24, 2014 - The issue of Iraq's WMD remnants was suddenly thrust back into the fore this week, with a ... That hangover would not have existed were it not for how Bush andRove handled the ... report that found 500 chemical-weapons shells had been found in Iraq. ... Rove has even admittednow that one of the big mistakes he made ...
Meh, that Cheney is s sociopath has already been established. Some act like this is a surprise or something.
But we don't all live in the dank hellhole of the liberal mind. So no, it hasn't "been established".
Good point.
That Cheny is a sociopath has already been established to the satisfaction of sentient beings with moral character, Christian sensibility, or a reasonaby well developed intellect. Amongst the depraved and mentally stunted I expect tha he would be seen in a positive light.

Says the poster with the nic of the assassin of Abraham Lincoln.
You fail to answer the question
Who is responsible? The person who engaged in torture or the one who reported it?
What makes you think we accept your premise that it was torture jackass?

I know, I know

When WE do it, it is not torture.....we have a lawyer who tells us so

They were EIT's and they were used to get valuable information at a time when information was vitally needed and which was not in great abundance.

Cheney said he would do it again.

I agree with his order of priorities.
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

Let's waterboard his two daughters. Then ask him if he thinks it's torture.
The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

How many Americans will die because of Obama's drone program? What's a little torture compared to killing entire families with a Hellfire missile?
The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

Bullshit. American lives were saved because 3 murdering pieces of muslim shit had water squirted up their noses. .

So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.
Definition of moral relativism: "Well, at least we don't (fill in the blank)!" Chop off heads, eat babies, etc.

This bogus reasoning is based on the intellectually bankrupt premise that if we can just find someone who is worse than us, we are morally in the clear.
The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

Bush did it? Was the waterboarding done in the whitehouse basement? WTF is wrong with you?

And yet, RWs posted that Obama was personally responsible for the recent failure of our military to free hostages.

I don't believe that is true, but Obama sure as hell took the credit for our military getting OBL.
Give Dick Muncher an AR 15 and set him down in the middle of Mosul ... if in fact he wants to do it again he'll have every opportunity to gain all information he wants.
The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

No, Americans will die because DICK found an attorney in Justice that decided that "torture" is not really 'Torture." You would rather us cover this up and never let the world know that DICK and W, who was clueless most of the time, were party to torture on a grand scale.


Would you also like to cover up the years that we held African Americans as slaves.......yes....I guess you would.
3000 Americans died on 9/11. Why was that?
3000 Americans died on 9/11. Why was that?

Because we didn't torture enough?

NO, because we held African Americans as slaves for many years. What else could it possibly be?
That Cheny is a sociopath has already been established to the satisfaction of sentient beings with moral character, Christian sensibility, or a reasonaby well developed intellect. Amongst the depraved and mentally stunted I expect tha he would be seen in a positive light.
LOL, here's some more DICK for ya...


And if that wasn't enough DICK fer ya, here's some more, DICK!

Good for him it's nice to see someone who doesn't change their views every time the political winds change.
Yeah. He stuck to his guns on the whole "we don't believe in regime change" thing, didn't he?

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