DICK says he would do it all over again

Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

I watched the interview with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press, Cheney admitted that at least 25% of the people subjected to "enhanced interrogation" later turned out to be completely innocent......he doesn't see the problem. The fact that he doesn't see the problem says a lot about the character of the man.......or lack thereof as the case may be.
And the lack of character of those who agree with and defend Cheney.
Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

Actually, by internationally accepted definitions of torture....what Bush allowed was torture

What is crazy is Conservatives changing the definition when we do it
The interrogation methods are approved by the Geneva convention.

Liar......not even a good one.
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

I watched the interview with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press, Cheney admitted that at least 25% of the people subjected to "enhanced interrogation" later turned out to be completely innocent......he doesn't see the problem. The fact that he doesn't see the problem says a lot about the character of the man.......or lack thereof as the case may be.
And the lack of character of those who agree with and defend Cheney.

They apparently believe morality is all relative.......they stand for nothing.
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

I watched the interview with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press, Cheney admitted that at least 25% of the people subjected to "enhanced interrogation" later turned out to be completely innocent......he doesn't see the problem. The fact that he doesn't see the problem says a lot about the character of the man.......or lack thereof as the case may be.
And the lack of character of those who agree with and defend Cheney.

We won. Go to the back of the bus. We're driving.
Dick Cheney can't die soon enough.

I will buy a case of champagne for everyone in my neighborhood when he does.

Dick Cheney is a Patriot. No wonder the left hates him. I love the guy.

Joseph Goebbels was a patriot too......no wonder the left hated him.

Yes, Cheney is Goebbels. Yes.

Every time I hear Cheney speak I think of this.......

Dick Cheney can't die soon enough.

I will buy a case of champagne for everyone in my neighborhood when he does.

Dick Cheney is a Patriot. No wonder the left hates him. I love the guy.

Joseph Goebbels was a patriot too......no wonder the left hated him.

Yes, Cheney is Goebbels. Yes.

That's an insult to Goebbels.
Dick Cheney can't die soon enough.

I will buy a case of champagne for everyone in my neighborhood when he does.

Dick Cheney is a Patriot. No wonder the left hates him. I love the guy.

Joseph Goebbels was a patriot too......no wonder the left hated him.

Yes, Cheney is Goebbels. Yes.

Every time I hear Cheney speak I think of this.......

Think of this instead:

Bullshit. American lives were saved because 3 murdering pieces of muslim shit had water squirted up their noses. .

So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.

That's the flawed mindset which Clinton administration officials revealed when asked why they didn't kill Osama bin Laden when they could have...BEFORE 9/11.

Clinton didn't have drones and why would you believe anything the lying fuck says?

Former President Bill Clinton, mere hours before the 9/11 terror attack, openly acknowledged that he turned down a chance to kill Usama bin Laden, according to a newly released recording.

The former president can be heard admitting this in a speech to Australian business leaders on Sept. 10, 2001.

Clinton on Sept. 10 2001 I could have killed bin Laden but I didn t Fox News

Killing Bin Laden would not have prevented 9/11.
I will buy a case of champagne for everyone in my neighborhood when he does.

Dick Cheney is a Patriot. No wonder the left hates him. I love the guy.

Joseph Goebbels was a patriot too......no wonder the left hated him.

Yes, Cheney is Goebbels. Yes.

Every time I hear Cheney speak I think of this.......

Think of this instead:

I remember that. Good for Cheney.

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