DICK says he would do it all over again

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

No, Americans will die because DICK found an attorney in Justice that decided that "torture" is not really 'Torture." You would rather us cover this up and never let the world know that DICK and W, who was clueless most of the time, were party to torture on a grand scale.


Would you also like to cover up the years that we held African Americans as slaves.......yes....I guess you would.
3000 Americans died on 9/11. Why was that?
3000 Americans died on 9/11. Why was that?

Because we didn't torture enough?
Who knows. Intelligence wasn't working real well, obviously.
Bush didn't keep his eye on the ball

Terrorism was a low priority with Bush. He was looking for his legacy and didn't think chasing a bunch of ragheads was much of a legacy

Bush was still afraid to profile middle eastern men because the first black President had completely banned that practice. They should have been found out at the Boston Airport.
Good for him it's nice to see someone who doesn't change their views every time the political winds change.
Yeah. He stuck to his guns on the whole "we don't believe in regime change" thing, didn't he?
Yeah just like Pelosi and Warren among others stuck to theirs when they told us threatening to shutdown the government is the actions of arsonist, terrorist, and hostage takers.
Do you think Cheney could be made to change his tune under enhanced interrogation?

It doesn't matter, Cheney is on the side of Americans.

Cheney is on the side of mutant America people like you support.

You will lose in the long run, btw.

In your dreams.

As much as it pains me to say it, he might be right.

Well, maybe not right in the classic sense, but in a de facto sort of way he might be right.

They can never beat us, but they can make us sorry we ever allowed their numbers to grow so numerous in the USA.

The absolute fantasy of "Hands Up. Don't Shoot" shows that a dangerous perceptual disconnect exists now in this country akin to the dangerous disconnect from reality affecting the Palestinians in the Middle East.

The Palestinians are racists and murderously hateful religious zealots who have created an entire narrative out of lies and not only have they held their ground against the Israelis but they have won support around the world.

And they did this by perpetuating a series of lies all based on their repugnant religiously ordered murderous hatred.

And after more than 60 years they haven't been defeated.

But they HAVE succeeded in making the Israelis pay a terrible price just for being Jewish.

And the secretive shadowy figures behind the scenes of the Ferguson protests and rioting have succeeded in launching the American equivalent of the Palestinian false narrative here with Hands Up, Don't Shoot.

And they have been so successful with their strategy that idiots in Congress all of those who are silly enough to do it even though they KNOW it's a lie have sensed the hidden power of making up your own truth from thin air.

And that's not even half of it.

As we speak, Obama is planning to bring 100,000 Syrians to the USA.

How many of them are ISIS or ISIS sympathizers?

Will they apply their guerilla tactics and Jihadist mentality to killing Americans once they have settled?

Keep your eyes open.
Do you think Cheney could be made to change his tune under enhanced interrogation?

It doesn't matter, Cheney is on the side of Americans.

Cheney is on the side of mutant America people like you support.

You will lose in the long run, btw.

In your dreams.

What has conservatism won, cause by cause, in the last 100 years?

It has kept things working and as far as you are concerned, it has provided a sufficiently stable environment as to allow you the luxury of protest and railing, immaturely, against the status quo and a tilting at windmills WITHOUT being thrown in jail.

Or worse.
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The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

Bullshit. American lives were saved because 3 murdering pieces of muslim shit had water squirted up their noses. .

So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.

That's the flawed mindset which Clinton administration officials revealed when asked why they didn't kill Osama bin Laden when they could have...BEFORE 9/11.
Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

Bullshit. American lives were saved because 3 murdering pieces of muslim shit had water squirted up their noses. .

So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.

That's the flawed mindset which Clinton administration officials revealed when asked why they didn't kill Osama bin Laden when they could have...BEFORE 9/11.

Clinton didn't have drones and why would you believe anything the lying fuck says?
Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

Bullshit. American lives were saved because 3 murdering pieces of muslim shit had water squirted up their noses. .

So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.

That's the flawed mindset which Clinton administration officials revealed when asked why they didn't kill Osama bin Laden when they could have...BEFORE 9/11.

Clinton didn't have drones and why would you believe anything the lying fuck says?

Former President Bill Clinton, mere hours before the 9/11 terror attack, openly acknowledged that he turned down a chance to kill Usama bin Laden, according to a newly released recording.

The former president can be heard admitting this in a speech to Australian business leaders on Sept. 10, 2001.

Clinton on Sept. 10 2001 I could have killed bin Laden but I didn t Fox News
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Bullshit. American lives were saved because 3 murdering pieces of muslim shit had water squirted up their noses. .

So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.

That's the flawed mindset which Clinton administration officials revealed when asked why they didn't kill Osama bin Laden when they could have...BEFORE 9/11.

Clinton didn't have drones and why would you believe anything the lying fuck says?

Former President Bill Clinton, mere hours before the 9/11 terror attack, openly acknowledged that he turned down a chance to kill Usama bin Laden, according to a newly released recording.

The former president can be heard admitting this in a speech to Australian business leaders on Sept. 10, 2001.

Clinton on Sept. 10 2001 I could have killed bin Laden but I didn t Fox News

Clinton said "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewenski" as well. He was fined and impeached for lying. Clinton is a bottom-feeding scumbag who lies about anything that serves his purpose.
The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?
That info was known by terrorists years ago. Democrats opened up old wounds and rubbed salt in it with this report. They gave terrorists another excuse to recruit. Obama is the best salesman for gun sales and democrats are the greatest recruiters of terrorists.

Fucking incredible guys.

Nonsense. The pictures from Abu Ghraib did all that. All Obama is doing is acknowledging what everyone knew was true for years despite the Bush and Cheney lies to the contrary.
So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.

That's the flawed mindset which Clinton administration officials revealed when asked why they didn't kill Osama bin Laden when they could have...BEFORE 9/11.

Clinton didn't have drones and why would you believe anything the lying fuck says?

Former President Bill Clinton, mere hours before the 9/11 terror attack, openly acknowledged that he turned down a chance to kill Usama bin Laden, according to a newly released recording.

The former president can be heard admitting this in a speech to Australian business leaders on Sept. 10, 2001.

Clinton on Sept. 10 2001 I could have killed bin Laden but I didn t Fox News

Clinton said "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewenski" as well. He was fined and impeached for lying. Clinton is a bottom-feeding scumbag who lies about anything that serves his purpose.

In retrospect, how does this embarrassing admission possibly help him???
The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Don't forget Obama's pledge to settle some or all of the U.N.'s 100,000 Syrian émigrés to the USA.

What will we do if/when he springs this on US as a fait accompli?

fait ac·com·pli
ˈfet əkämˈplē,ˈfāt/

  1. a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept.
    "the results were presented to shareholders as a fait accompli"
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Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?

Bush did it? Was the waterboarding done in the whitehouse basement? WTF is wrong with you?

Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

Just as so many of you ask so many of us** when discussing Muslims, Islam, the Jihadi threat and etc, Have you ever been tortured? If not how would you know what was and what wasn't torture?

** ("Have you ever been to the M.E.?" And, "Do you know any Muslims?")
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

Yes! It is always nice to hear from the Adults.

LOL! When you see Vice President Cheney speak, it reminds one of what the US was like back before the cult of children and fools stumbled into power.
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

I watched the interview with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press, Cheney admitted that at least 25% of the people subjected to "enhanced interrogation" later turned out to be completely innocent......he doesn't see the problem. The fact that he doesn't see the problem says a lot about the character of the man.......or lack thereof as the case may be.

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