DICK says he would do it all over again

The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Americans will die because Bush resorted to torture

How about Republicans accept some personal responsibility for a change?
That info was known by terrorists years ago. Democrats opened up old wounds and rubbed salt in it with this report. They gave terrorists another excuse to recruit. Obama is the best salesman for gun sales and democrats are the greatest recruiters of terrorists.

Fucking incredible guys.
What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.

When did you have your "come to Jesus" moment?

The "online dictionary site, weblio provides the definition of “come-to-Jesus” as:

  1. to experience or display a conversion or recommitment to Christianity or to undergo a related ritual, especially public confession of one's sins or weaknesses.
  2. to become committed or display commitment to a cause.

You lost Me on that one. I've known Carby to be a racist for at least the past 5 years or so, and have said so many time. I'd provide you proof, but all you really need do is search his username by posts and read away.
I recall knocking heads with you and pondering the deep blue in your avi and wondering what kind of evil you stood for.

Now it seems you are a born again Conservative.

When did this happen?

This is such a non issue its unreal. Most people could care less. Its history and bringing it up again is of no help. That being said, going into Iraq for those non existent wmds was also needless.
you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

NY Carabiner posts like a closeted Muslim.
Carby is just a racist who hates all things America.

When did you have your "come to Jesus" moment?

The "online dictionary site, weblio provides the definition of “come-to-Jesus” as:

  1. to experience or display a conversion or recommitment to Christianity or to undergo a related ritual, especially public confession of one's sins or weaknesses.
  2. to become committed or display commitment to a cause.

You lost Me on that one. I've known Carby to be a racist for at least the past 5 years or so, and have said so many time. I'd provide you proof, but all you really need do is search his username by posts and read away.
I recall knocking heads with you and pondering the deep blue in your avi and wondering what kind of evil you stood for.

Now it seems you are a born again Conservative.

When did this happen?

I've always been a conservative. In fact, I'm probably the most staunch conservative on this forum.

As Ronald Reagan once said, "I did not leave the party, the party left Me."

Make no mistake. I am NOT a Republican. Those panty waists couldn't think their way out of a child's puzzle game.
This is such a non issue its unreal. Most people could care less. Its history and bringing it up again is of no help. That being said, going into Iraq for those non existent wmds was also needless.
The Democrats need something for 2016 and Feinstein has her skirts in a bunch about losing her top position in the Select Senate panel she used to lead.
Bush did it? Was the waterboarding done in the whitehouse basement? WTF is wrong with you?

Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

Actually, by internationally accepted definitions of torture....what Bush allowed was torture

What is crazy is Conservatives changing the definition when we do it
The interrogation methods are approved by the Geneva convention.
Sounds kind of like your argument that Obama really didn't kill bin Laden. You have some difficulty understanding what command is. You give the direction and others execute your commands. Doesn't absolve you from responsibility

Evidently, Bush was not "informed" of the torture until 2006. Plausible deniability
If he didn't know the specifics, he can't be held responsible
Kind of like a mafia don ordering a hit

obama authorized the OBL hit. It was the right thing to do. Bush did not authorize torture because no one was tortured. Those techniques were reviewed with congress and approved by congress, including Feinstein.

This is nothing but a political bullshit move to take attention away from the dems congressional loss, Gruber, the IRS, and all of obozo's other failures.

What Bush did meets every definition of torture

you are crazy. liberal lies have destroyed your few working brain cells.

Actually, by internationally accepted definitions of torture....what Bush allowed was torture

What is crazy is Conservatives changing the definition when we do it
The interrogation methods are approved by the Geneva convention.

but not by the LGBT lobby. :biggrin:
Of course he would do it again...haliburton made millions and millions... why pass that up?
Get some freaking perspective. The United States managed to justify using two nuclear weapons against defenseless Japanese citizens in order to coerce a few nut case Bushido holdouts in Tokyo into surrendering. Does it compare to the alleged moral decay of waterboarding a few jihadist pow's?
Ask that question to the survivors of the Bataan Death march. They would probably stuff a boot down your throat. As for POW's, prisoners of war or terrorists? Terrorists are not POW's, except in the minds of those that fail to understand the distinction between the two.
No, Americans will die because DICK found an attorney in Justice that decided that "torture" is not really 'Torture." You would rather us cover this up and never let the world know that DICK and W, who was clueless most of the time, were party to torture on a grand scale.


Would you also like to cover up the years that we held African Americans as slaves.......yes....I guess you would.
3000 Americans died on 9/11. Why was that?
3000 Americans died on 9/11. Why was that?

Because we didn't torture enough?
Who knows. Intelligence wasn't working real well, obviously.
Bush didn't keep his eye on the ball

Terrorism was a low priority with Bush. He was looking for his legacy and didn't think chasing a bunch of ragheads was much of a legacy

You're demented.
Actually, history bears it out

Bush NEVER met with his terrorism experts prior to 9-11
If not terrorism, what was Bush's big foreign policy goal?
Why invading Iraq of course

So.....what does Bush do after 9-11?
Use terrorism as an excuse to invade Iraq
Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.
Meh, that Cheney is s sociopath has already been established. Some act like this is a surprise or something.
Meh, that Cheney is s sociopath has already been established. Some act like this is a surprise or something.
But we don't all live in the dank hellhole of the liberal mind. So no, it hasn't "been established".
Good point.
That Cheny is a sociopath has already been established to the satisfaction of sentient beings with moral character, Christian sensibility, or a reasonaby well developed intellect. Amongst the depraved and mentally stunted I expect tha he would be seen in a positive light.

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