Dictator Obama: I can amend the 2A By EXECUTIVE ORDER !!!!!

*Snip* obamaderangedvideo*

he never said that the amendment could be "amended" by executive order.

comprehension sure isn't your strong suit.

obama-deranged lying sure is though.

I understand that Obama used Biden to assess our reaction.

Well, they got my reaction.

And I thank them for vastly increasing the NRA membership.

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Contumacious, you really ought to read District of Columbia v. Heller. That and several other decisions have effectively overturned Cruikshank.

And none of this has anything to do with your claim that Obama said he was going to amend the 2nd Amendment with an EO. You have not even proven Obama said that.

You chugged some piss you were given by someone, then rushed to YouTube and looked it up, then posted the first video whose title sounded right without watching it. This has been most amusing considering what the video contains. Thanks! :lol:

There have already been several topics about this, and all the rubes have been caught with the piss jugs up to their lips. You could have saved yourself from a similar fate if you had not been in such a hurry to make an ass of yourself.

No, obama's flunky, Biden came out and told the press that obama was considering overruling the 2d Amendment by presidential fiat, i.e. EO. Obama doesn't have the nads to come out and say it with his own liver-colored, lying lips.

Just ain't gonna happen.

This should bolster the argument that some people really will believe anything.

In reality, executive orders are quite limited in scope. The Supreme Court ruled decades ago that they cannot exceed Constitutional authority or stand in violation of any legislation passed by Congress. So, the folks who believe that the federal government is about to come for their legally owned guns need not worry.

However, there is room to question whether or not an executive order really is good for bringing about gun control. Considering the necessary immensity of any efficient control program, a strong case can be made that such a thing ought to be decided on by Congress.

Of course, the House and the Senate are each controlled by a different party — and bipartisanship is simply out of style right now. So, it would be wise not to get one’s hopes up about finding a reasonable solution by way of the legislative process.

All from the Contumacious link too. :D

Read more: Obama invoking executive order for gun control | Washington Times Communities

Should obama presume to legislate by fiat order, such action would still have to be funded. Now, unless some of his filthy rich cronies are willing to chip in the cash needed, I don't see Congress cutting a check for an obamalaw.
Please show us where Obama said that.
Obama invoking executive order for gun control

FLORIDA, January 10, 2013 — The debate over private gun ownership has taken yet another turn.

Yesterday, Vice President Biden announced that President Obama could push through new firearm regulations via executive order. Such a bold declaration attracted almost instant controversy Announced and '''''could" are your standard of proof?

I want you to notice all that is someone else's words, not Joe Biden's, people. Someone else is inventing what Biden said and meant and the retards are drinking that piss.

Biden did NOT say "new firearms regulations via executive order".

As I have pointed out umpteen times to the retards in the past few days, Obama indicated what he means to do with Executive Orders a long time ago: Obama Looking For Ways Around Congress On Gun Policy

The Department of Justice held the first in what is expected to be a series of meetings on Tuesday afternoon with a group of stakeholders in the ongoing gun-policy debates. Before the meeting, officials said part of the discussion was expected to center around the White House's options for shaping policy on its own or through its adjoining agencies and departments -- on issues ranging from beefing up background checks to encouraging better data-sharing.

Administration officials said talk of executive orders or agency action are among a host of options that President Barack Obama and his advisers are considering.

He is not, and cannot, change or create laws by Executive Order. Only a dipshit thinks he can or will.

The Executive executes the law, thus the name of that branch. The Legislative branch legislates the law.

Separation of powers.
No, obama's flunky, Biden came out and told the press that obama was considering overruling the 2d Amendment by presidential fiat, i.e. EO. Obama doesn't have the nads to come out and say it with his own liver-colored, lying lips.

Just ain't gonna happen.

This should bolster the argument that some people really will believe anything.

In reality, executive orders are quite limited in scope. The Supreme Court ruled decades ago that they cannot exceed Constitutional authority or stand in violation of any legislation passed by Congress. So, the folks who believe that the federal government is about to come for their legally owned guns need not worry.

However, there is room to question whether or not an executive order really is good for bringing about gun control. Considering the necessary immensity of any efficient control program, a strong case can be made that such a thing ought to be decided on by Congress.

Of course, the House and the Senate are each controlled by a different party — and bipartisanship is simply out of style right now. So, it would be wise not to get one’s hopes up about finding a reasonable solution by way of the legislative process.

All from the Contumacious link too. :D

Read more: Obama invoking executive order for gun control | Washington Times Communities

Should obama presume to legislate by fiat order, such action would still have to be funded. Now, unless some of his filthy rich cronies are willing to chip in the cash needed, I don't see Congress cutting a check for an obamalaw.

However, if that presumption proves false, the new EO would still require and still recieve funding.
Insofar as the federal government has no authority whatsoever to legislatye concerning firearms then whatever Biden has to say is immaterial.

It doesn't? How so?

Oldguy, are you an Alzheimer's sufferer or just ignorant?!?!?!?!?!!?


Maybe so. Maybe I am, so please explain to me just how the federal government has no authority whatsoever to legislatye (sic) concerning firearms.

If you can. Which you can't. And, I suspect you won't even try.
You fuckers are just amazing as hell. Here we go again, it was wrong when Bush did it, but it's OK now that obama is doing it? What's changed?? Oh, yeah, your boy is in office now. Mr. Step-n-Fechit for his NWO puppet masters. Got it.

I could simply reverse your statement right back at you, but what would be the point? Obama is the unvarnished devil to you and nothing I could say will change your opinion. You're a signed, certified member of the OMG! OBAMA! brigade.
You fuckers are just amazing as hell. Here we go again, it was wrong when Bush did it, but it's OK now that obama is doing it? What's changed?? Oh, yeah, your boy is in office now. Mr. Step-n-Fechit for his NWO puppet masters. Got it.

I could simply reverse your statement right back at you, but what would be the point? Obama is the unvarnished devil to you and nothing I could say will change your opinion. You're a signed, certified member of the OMG! OBAMA! brigade.

I'm not sure how you'd "reverse my statement" right back at me. Where have you ever seen me claim that everything Bush did was appropriate? At least I am honest enough, and committed enough to what I believe to say that just because Bush (or any other previous president) did something that was dishonest, unethical, immoral, or illegal, does not make it all OK for this president to do the same. Didn't either of your mommies tell you that "two wrongs don't make it right"?
Except not really. It would need to be ratified by all of the states before it could pass. Same with the 22nd amendment which is under fire from a moron in New York.

The point is that Obama - a constitutional law professor knows - or should know that he has no authority over firearms .

The maneuver was intended to incite violence.

Except not really. It would need to be ratified by all of the states before it could pass. Same with the 22nd amendment which is under fire from a moron in New York.
the fact that it is being discussed by the President is disturbing on its own !!
View attachment 23719

I Obama, am the Supreme emperor
and you are all my slaves, Now Yield In Defeat .

It's Not Shootings
It's gun ownership that they hate, .

Here is where gun murders are occurring in the United States. Look at this map.”

Yes, let’s start there. I mean, if we were heading up a campaign to stop gun murders and gun maiming, wouldn’t we do that?

Let’s see where all this gun violence is happening. Is it on Western ranches? Is it in the desert? Is it in the Everglades? On Mt. Whitney? In Scarsdale? Shaker Heights?

Gangs! That’s a good place to start, wouldn’t you say? Especially since gangs can obtain guns whether or not they’re legal. So no new law is going to stop them from what they’re doing.

If Obama really wants to solve the problem of gun violence, why doesn’t he say anything about gangs?

Why doesn’t he say anything about New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, and St. Louis?

Is it because he’s not trying to solve gun violence but only gun ownership? Is ownership what’s really bothering him?"


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