Did a right winger kill Kennedy???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Truth : Oswald was a communist.
But how many of you still believe Kennedy was killed by a right winger?

Slate calls a letter to Kennedy's press secretary warning JFK not to visit Dallas because he might be killed by a right-wing mob “eerily prophetic ...
Did the Tea Party Kill JFK? - Rich Lowry - POLITICO Magazine

In the early 1960s, a small but vocal subset of the Dallas power structure turned the political climate toxic, inciting a right-wing hysteria that led to attacks on visiting public figures. In the years and months before Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson; his wife, Lady Bird; and Adlai E. Stevenson, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, were jostled and spat upon in Dallas by angry mobs. In sermons, rallies, newspapers and radio broadcasts, the city’s richest oil baron, a Republican congressman, a Baptist pastor and others, including the local John Birch Society, filled Dallas with an angry McCarthyesque paranoia. …
NYTimes: ?Right-wing hysteria? killed JFK | TheBlaze.com

Using Dan Rather as his expert, ex-CBS and current ABC reporter Byron Pitts perpetuated the myth that right-wing hate was somehow responsible for what occurred in Dallas: “Nowhere in Texas did the jagged edge of segregation cut deeper, anti-Kennedy sentiment spew any stronger. This flyer [“Wanted for Treason”] greeted the President when he arrived.”

Rather had warned: “Everybody knew, if there was going to be trouble anywhere, it would be in Dallas.”
ABC and Dan Rather Perpetuate Myth Right Wing Hate Killed Kennedy | NewsBusters
The Texas oil cartel killed Kennedy. Occam's Razor: Who had the most to gain from Kennedy's death? Who DID gain from it?
("Blood, Money and Power" Barr McClellan, attorney for the law firm representing LBJ, Austin, Texas)


Cheney and Halliburton were/are part of that cartel. Why did we invade Iraq and why are we in Afghanistan after 13 years? Who has gained the most?


Oh, and BTW, Barr McClellan is NOT a Democrat. His son, Scott McClellan, you all will remember, served as Bush's press secretary.
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The Texas oil cartel killed Kennedy. Occam's Razor: Who had the most to gain from Kennedy's death? Who DID gain from it?
("Blood, Money and Power" Barr McClellan, attorney for the law firm representing LBJ, Austin, Texas)


Cheney and Halliburton were/are part of that cartel. Why did we invade Iraq and why are we in Afghanistan after 13 years? Who has gained the most?


Oh, and BTW, Barr McClellan is NOT a Democrat. His son, Scott McClellan, you all will remember, served as Bush's press secretary.

Huh?! Another book says bush 41 did it. Y'all need a conspiracy to wrap up all of your conspiracies.
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Yep, just one crazy guy with a gun and a Secret Service that was told to "stand down".

Just watch the first 40 seconds of this video from the original press film of the motorcade before it reached Dealey Plaza, then go put your head back in the sand.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY02Qkuc_f8]JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown - YouTube[/ame]
The Texas oil cartel killed Kennedy. Occam's Razor: Who had the most to gain from Kennedy's death? Who DID gain from it?
("Blood, Money and Power" Barr McClellan, attorney for the law firm representing LBJ, Austin, Texas)

Worst misuse of Occam's Razor ever. You cut your own throat with it!
Dick Cheney was the second shooter on the grassy knoll. My evidence for this is that Obama lied when he said you could keep your insurance.
The Texas oil cartel killed Kennedy. Occam's Razor: Who had the most to gain from Kennedy's death? Who DID gain from it?
("Blood, Money and Power" Barr McClellan, attorney for the law firm representing LBJ, Austin, Texas)


Cheney and Halliburton were/are part of that cartel. Why did we invade Iraq and why are we in Afghanistan after 13 years? Who has gained the most?


Oh, and BTW, Barr McClellan is NOT a Democrat. His son, Scott McClellan, you all will remember, served as Bush's press secretary.

Huh?! Another book says bush 41 did it. Y'all need a conspiracy to wrap up all of your conspiracies.

The Texas oil cartel is not just one person. Bush 41 was indeed part of the cartel with his oil concerns in Midland and Houston in 1963.
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

My lucky day, JS.

We agree.

Dallas didn't kill Kennedy: Column

From the moment of Kennedy's death, many on the left suspected he had been the victim of a conspiracy of the radical right. But Kennedy was killed by a Marxist who had once defected to the Soviet Union — a Marxist who murdered the liberal president for the same reason he had earlier tried, but failed, to murder a conservative retired general in Dallas, Edwin Walker. Both Kennedy and Walker were prominent anticommunists.

For those who were sympathetic to Marxism, though, it was embarrassing to acknowledge the motivation of Kennedy's killer. As William Manchester reported in his 1967 book Death of a President, even Jacqueline Kennedy found the explanation hard to accept. "He didn't even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights," Jacqueline reportedly told her mother. "It's—it had to be some silly little Communist." A substantial minority on the political left retreated into the fantasy that Kennedy had been assassinated by the CIA or FBI or somebody else in the government, in order to install the Texan Lyndon Johnson in the White House.

The New Yorker magazine has recently run not one but two essays that dance around the Dallas-killed-JFK theme. The first, a review by Adam Gopnik of a new book, Dallas 1963, noted how "clotted Dallas was with right-wing types in the period before Kennedy's fatal visit" and compared the John Birch Society to today's Tea Party. The second, an essay by George Packer, offered a masterpiece of innuendo in the following sentences:

Kennedy had warned his wife, "We're heading into nut country."

Oswald was an avowed Marxist, which might seem to absolve the city's right wing of any responsibility. But Dallas 1963 places the assassin in context as a malleable, unstable figure breathing the city's extraordinarily feverish air.

The air quality of Dallas must have been extraordinary indeed. After all, Oswald had spent the years 1959-62 as a defector in the Soviet Union, breathing in the air of Minsk, while his stint in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, starting in June 1962, had lasted only a third as long.

In June 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was murdered in Los Angeles by a Palestinian-American man, Sirhan Sirhan, who was angry at Kennedy's support of Israel. Sirhan chose the date to commemorate the Six-Day War of 1967. Using George Packer's wording, though, we can blame RFK's assassination on California's left:


As a frequent critic of the Texan right, I have accused it of many things. But right-wingers in Dallas and the South didn't kill Kennedy, and neither did mysterious forces in the U.S. government. The responsibility for the murder of John F. Kennedy lies solely with his murderer, who was described all too accurately by the president's widow as "some silly little communist."

Michael Lind is co-founder of the New America Foundation and author of Made in Texas: George W. Bush and the Conservative Takeover of American Politics. He wrote this for Zocalo Public Square.

Dallas didn't kill Kennedy: Column
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He was murdered by a self proclaimed marxist revolutionary. I don't know how that could possibly be construed as a right winger. But then again I don't know how a national socialist can be either unless you are looking at a left to right spectum of totalitarians.

In fact, every Presidential assassination except one was done by a marxist.
A loser killed Kennedy.

Kennedy's death did not hurt the feelings of a lot of right wingers. That doesn't mean they killed him.
The Texas oil cartel killed Kennedy. Occam's Razor: Who had the most to gain from Kennedy's death? Who DID gain from it?
("Blood, Money and Power" Barr McClellan, attorney for the law firm representing LBJ, Austin, Texas)

Worst misuse of Occam's Razor ever. You cut your own throat with it!

Uh-huh. And since you don't understand the concept or are too lazy to do so, I will:

"The simplest explanation is usually the right one. Detectives use it to deduce who's the likeliest suspect in a murder case -- ....."

HowStuffWorks "How Occam\'s Razor Works"
Kennedy was pretty much hated by the left because he was a Catholic.

Actually he was hated by the right because he was a catholic. Catholicism has been considered the democrat's Christianity.

You really are a stupid fuck.

Ever heard of Hugo Black? The very man who wrote the term, "Separation of Church and State" where no law, no Constitutional Amendment had ever existed prior to it?

Hugo Black was VIRULENTLY anti-Catholic. So was FDR. And Truman. So was the dimocrap party.

Joe Kennedy BOUGHT JFK's nomination and Sam Giancana and LBJ stole the election for him in their respective States (illinois and Texas)

I'll tell you who killed JFK...... The Cuban Exiles killed him. Through the Mafia.

They lost untold MILLIONS when Castro stole all their Hotels, Casinos and Resorts.

Cuba could have been the Switzerland of the West. Instead it is a dimocrap PUS-HOLE full of pig farmers and assorted idiots who can't even feed themselves.

Believe me when I tell you, the Cuban exiles got him.

To this day, in parts of Miami, you even mention JFK's name and somebody might shoot your ass.

The younger Cubans, the 2nd and 3rd generation Cubans? They're just typical stupid, dimocrap Latinos. The old-timers?

Sharp. Sharp, smart and mean.

They're the ones who got him.

Believe it
Joe DiMaggio killed Kennedy for sleeping with his ex-wife.

Occam's Razor.

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