Did a schoolkid during a NASA Q&A ever ask...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Swimming yesterday I sneezed at one point and wondered what happens if you sneeze underwater. :) Near as I can figure, the deep inhalation immediately before would cause you to inhale water and freak out. So don't try that at home. Though if ya do, lemme know how it went. :)

To this end, in the many Q&As NASA's had with schoolkids, did anyone ever think to ask "what happens if sneeze during EVAs?" Can't wipe your nose or face plate, so if in the middle of an important activity like repairing the Hubble, what happens if you sneeze a really wet one all over your face visor? :)
Reason for the astronaut version being some British sci-fi thing I recall showing an astronaut sneeze a super wet snotty one completely obscurring his face. :) Googling for it,

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Can't view it, but the still looks like it. :)
A somewhat relevant real story ...

Astronaut Chris Hadfield TED Talk Blind Spacewalk - Business Insider
During a spacewalk, he said, his left eye went blind after a drop of a mixture of oil and soap solution, which the astronauts use to keep their visors fog-free, got in his eye.

He felt a horrible pain and started to tear up. But without gravity, those tears don't fall; they just bubbled up and spread over his other eye. "Now I was completely blind outside of the spaceship," he said.
A somewhat relevant real story ...

Astronaut Chris Hadfield TED Talk Blind Spacewalk - Business Insider
During a spacewalk, he said, his left eye went blind after a drop of a mixture of oil and soap solution, which the astronauts use to keep their visors fog-free, got in his eye.

He felt a horrible pain and started to tear up. But without gravity, those tears don't fall; they just bubbled up and spread over his other eye. "Now I was completely blind outside of the spaceship," he said.

Have had similar incidents scuba diving when the anti-fogger liquid didn't get completely washed out and dripped into my eyes. At depth ya can't just shoot to the surface and clean things and removing the mask and rubbing, then clearing it might not work either. Best you can do is suck it up and bear it.

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