Did Anybody Ever say That Pence Had a Brain ?

Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.
Talking about shockedcanadian?
I'm talking about DragonLady. This isn't hard.

I think you're just talking out of your ass so it's a little hard to understand.
Wow. Once again, you got nuttin'.

Not surprised.

Got nothing? You're telling a Canadian they are interfering in American politics for posting on USMB while ignoring other posters from outside the country. Why are you resorting to such an idiotic argument?
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.

Shocked Canadian isn't a douchebag. I doubt he's even a Canadian. He keeps bleating about how CSIS and the RCMP have bedevilled him and destroyed his life.

Anyone who expresses hate at people who are supporting the rule of law, and support to criminals who would overthrow the legally elected government of the USA, is a traitor. Donald Trump has betrayed the people of the USA, the Constitution and his oath of office. Anyone who supports his traitorous and seditious behaviour is similarly a traitor.

He doesn't love his country or it's Constitution. He is a traitor.
You are.
After four years of cowering before Trump and covering for his lies, Pence has finally tried to recoup some dignity.

Trump sent an angry mob to kill him
Are you ever honest in your life ?
If you weren't such a dweeb I'd feel sorry for you.

Why would a TRUMP Mob be screaming to hang Mike Pence and call him a Traitor?

Because Trump threw his own Vice President to the mob
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.

Shocked Canadian isn't a douchebag. I doubt he's even a Canadian. He keeps bleating about how CSIS and the RCMP have bedevilled him and destroyed his life.

Anyone who expresses hate at people who are supporting the rule of law, and support to criminals who would overthrow the legally elected government of the USA, is a traitor. Donald Trump has betrayed the people of the USA, the Constitution and his oath of office. Anyone who supports his traitorous and seditious behaviour is similarly a traitor.

He doesn't love his country or it's Constitution. He is a traitor.
You are.

I'm not a puppet, you're a puppet. Great work, "patriot".
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.
Talking about shockedcanadian?
I'm talking about DragonLady. This isn't hard.

I think you're just talking out of your ass so it's a little hard to understand.
Wow. Once again, you got nuttin'.

Not surprised.

Got nothing? You're telling a Canadian they are interfering in American politics for posting on USMB while ignoring other posters from outside the country. Why are you resorting to such an idiotic argument?
Still looking like nothing.
That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power.

The chance for a peaceful transfer of power was lost on January 6

In almost any other country in the world, Donald Trump would be executed for treason. What he did doesn't meet the legal definition of "treason" under US law, but if Trump had tried and failed to overthrow the government of nearly every other country in the world, he'd already be dead.
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.
Talking about shockedcanadian?
I'm talking about DragonLady. This isn't hard.

I think you're just talking out of your ass so it's a little hard to understand.
Wow. Once again, you got nuttin'.

Not surprised.

Got nothing? You're telling a Canadian they are interfering in American politics for posting on USMB while ignoring other posters from outside the country. Why are you resorting to such an idiotic argument?
Still looking like nothing.

Obviously you don't have a reply.
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.

Shocked Canadian isn't a douchebag. I doubt he's even a Canadian. He keeps bleating about how CSIS and the RCMP have bedevilled him and destroyed his life.

Anyone who expresses hate at people who are supporting the rule of law, and support to criminals who would overthrow the legally elected government of the USA, is a traitor. Donald Trump has betrayed the people of the USA, the Constitution and his oath of office. Anyone who supports his traitorous and seditious behaviour is similarly a traitor.

He doesn't love his country or it's Constitution. He is a traitor.
You are.

Boy what a great comeback!!! Did you think that up all by yourself, or did you have help?
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.
Talking about shockedcanadian?
I'm talking about DragonLady. This isn't hard.

I think you're just talking out of your ass so it's a little hard to understand.
Wow. Once again, you got nuttin'.

Not surprised.

Got nothing? You're telling a Canadian they are interfering in American politics for posting on USMB while ignoring other posters from outside the country. Why are you resorting to such an idiotic argument?
Still looking like nothing.

If you have nothing, it's always better to say nothing. Otherwise you look like a complete idiot. Better to leave people wondering whether you're completely clueless than posting this crap and removing all doubt.
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.

Shocked Canadian isn't a douchebag. I doubt he's even a Canadian. He keeps bleating about how CSIS and the RCMP have bedevilled him and destroyed his life.

Anyone who expresses hate at people who are supporting the rule of law, and support to criminals who would overthrow the legally elected government of the USA, is a traitor. Donald Trump has betrayed the people of the USA, the Constitution and his oath of office. Anyone who supports his traitorous and seditious behaviour is similarly a traitor.

He doesn't love his country or it's Constitution. He is a traitor.
You are.

Boy what a great comeback!!! Did you think that up all by yourself, or did you have help?
You did all the work.
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.

It's pretty simple. If you participate or support insurrection you are a traitor.
Wrong answer, Corn Flake. Wanna try again?

You're obviously not the authority on right vs. wrong.
You are not the authority on right vs. wrong. That's the point. You don't get to waltz in and look at almost half the country who is watching this and designate them in a category because you don't agree with them.

You clowns knew, and it was discussed in the media, and commented on regularly back at the end of August and in September that there was going to be a shit fest on mail in ballots. Knew. In advance. You have a lot of skeptical people. You have lot of pissed off people and fuckheads like you don't get to tell almost half the country they are traitors because they are pissed.
Dunno about half the country having doubts...I suspect a lot of people who voted for Trump know he lost legitimately. Those who do have doubts..at this point...are victims of a tactic that Trump deliberatly and with malice aforethought implemented. He cast doubt on the election months before it took place. A shitshow? Yes, it was. Trump deliberately set it up that way. Itr was a tactic--and most of us saw it coming. Mail-in would have been hard even if all went well...Trump's deliberate actions to hamstring the USPS bore the fruits he hoped for. As did the Republican rules that didn't allow counts until the polls closed...thus causing the 'double-bump' that some find so suspicious in the count on election night.

The traitors are a small group...in comparison to the large numbers that voted for Trump.
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Pence acts like a decent human being - finally, and YOU see that as a betrayal.

When you say that Trump is "quite properly" refusing to attend the Inauguration, you demonstrate your inability to accept reality. That reality is that Trump will be the first President in modern history not to attend his successor's inauguration or to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. That is addition to his attempt to violently overturn the election.

You are a traitor to your nation.
Says the Canadian interfering in American politics?

Hey, did you know that posting on an obscure message board is decidedly not interfering in American politics? Just ask shockedcanadian.
Hey, did you know that some douche bag from Canada accusing someone of being a traitor in the US may as well be a paid for troll from another country? Better pack a lunch, Happy.

Shocked Canadian isn't a douchebag. I doubt he's even a Canadian. He keeps bleating about how CSIS and the RCMP have bedevilled him and destroyed his life.

Anyone who expresses hate at people who are supporting the rule of law, and support to criminals who would overthrow the legally elected government of the USA, is a traitor. Donald Trump has betrayed the people of the USA, the Constitution and his oath of office. Anyone who supports his traitorous and seditious behaviour is similarly a traitor.

He doesn't love his country or it's Constitution. He is a traitor.
You are.

Boy what a great comeback!!! Did you think that up all by yourself, or did you have help?
You did all the work.

That part is obvious.
Why would a TRUMP Mob be screaming to hang Mike Pence and call him a Traitor?

Because Trump threw his own Vice President to the mob
The breach of the Capitol was a set-up....
the barricades were opened deliberately.

Yes it appears that the breach wasn't well defended, but that doesn't excuse the violence of the mob, or the intent of those who both helped and incited them.
Mike Pence Calls Kamala Harris to Offer Congratulations

I know it's only January, but nothing will top this as the IDIOCY OF THE YEAR.

Then again, was there something going on between Pence, Biden, and Harris ? Hmmmmm!

Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration... which Trump correctly refuses to attend.

While Biden said he welcomed Trump’s decision to avoid his inauguration, he also said he’d be “honored” to have Pence attend. Hmmmm. Consorting with thieves. New definition of Pence. What a shame. He was good in the debate. Then again, he's not the only rat deserting the ship.

Vice President Pence only phoned the broad, he still followed the Pence Rule to a tee, refusing to have sexual relations with her.
NOBODY refuses to have sex with Cumala! Pence will find himself cancelled.

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