Did anybody sane really think that Mexico would write us a check for $16B?

He never said anything during his campaign, aside from "Mexico will pay for the wall". I remember clearly the line of questioning.

"You say Mexico will pay for the wall, but how will they pay for it?"

"They'll pay for it."

"Yeah, but how will they pay for it?"

"They will pay for it."

"But I'm asking how you'll get them to pay for it."

"You'll see. They'll pay for it."

The reason he never went into detail is because he had no idea how they would pay for it. It's was nothing more than campaign bullshit rhetoric.
Bingo. He shot off his big fat orange mouth and the rubes believed him while everyone else just smirked. When questioned he folded like rag on a laundry line.
He typically said shit he knew was not true, but the truth was not important to him or his followers. He was going claim to have his wall despite even immigration hawks being dubious of building it or it having much benefit.

Now he's being held to his boast being truthful by .... wait for it .... Coulter and Rush. Is that fucking ironic or what? LOL
I'm surprised they would hold him to it. I would have thought they would pivot with rubes that later developed the story about trade agreements and tax remittances.
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.
Yes, all of the rally attenders and other assorted far rightwing Trump-supporters.
I never really understood what energized the rally goers. A sense that they were not "winners" in society anymore, that the nation was rewarding others when their forefathers were certain the future was going to be better.

Reagan had a message aimed at the same thoughts ... albeit with a bit more optimism and faith in people's good will. I think most of us knew he too was sort of fudging on the numbers, but he did not bear people ill will.

You wouldn’t understand bud… It’s something only good legitimate real Americans get.
“Make America Great Again” really means give America back to Americans.
“Americans First” really means FUCK FOREIGNERS.
There’s lots of power in those phrases for and legit American...again, you wouldn’t understand.
And your ancestors were Indians?? Mine and most others here were from foreign countries
The problem with Loser's bigotry is that it detracts from some actual logic to the argument that we actually need less immigration now than we did 100 years ago, and the bigotry towards people with real humanitarian reasons to be give asylum here detracts from the possible need that to alter our asylum laws do not really fit that narrow group.
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He never said anything during his campaign, aside from "Mexico will pay for the wall". I remember clearly the line of questioning.

"You say Mexico will pay for the wall, but how will they pay for it?"

"They'll pay for it."

"Yeah, but how will they pay for it?"

"They will pay for it."

"But I'm asking how you'll get them to pay for it."

"You'll see. They'll pay for it."

The reason he never went into detail is because he had no idea how they would pay for it. It's was nothing more than campaign bullshit rhetoric.
Bingo. He shot off his big fat orange mouth and the rubes believed him while everyone else just smirked. When questioned he folded like rag on a laundry line.
He typically said shit he knew was not true, but the truth was not important to him or his followers. He was going claim to have his wall despite even immigration hawks being dubious of building it or it having much benefit.

Now he's being held to his boast being truthful by .... wait for it .... Coulter and Rush. Is that fucking ironic or what? LOL
I'm surprised they would hold him to it. I would have thought they would pivot with rubes that later developed the story about trade agreements and tax remittances.
That imo is the golden nugget in this. You hit it.

Why wouldn't Rushbo and Ann the Ham let his claim victory with a hundred miles of new fence around ports of entry and repairing some outside of Tex? And the other question was why was Trump so "WEAK" as to fold to them. His 41% arent' going anywhere, especially if he claims "we got some of it, and we got other stuff too, like increased deportations and dead dirty mex kids in cages. His supporters would love it.
“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.
Yes, all of the rally attenders and other assorted far rightwing Trump-supporters.
I never really understood what energized the rally goers. A sense that they were not "winners" in society anymore, that the nation was rewarding others when their forefathers were certain the future was going to be better.

Reagan had a message aimed at the same thoughts ... albeit with a bit more optimism and faith in people's good will. I think most of us knew he too was sort of fudging on the numbers, but he did not bear people ill will.

You wouldn’t understand bud… It’s something only good legitimate real Americans get.
“Make America Great Again” really means give America back to Americans.
“Americans First” really means FUCK FOREIGNERS.
There’s lots of power in those phrases for and legit American...again, you wouldn’t understand.
And your ancestors were Indians?? Mine and most others here were from foreign countries
The problem with Loser's bigotry is that it detracts from some actual logic to the argument that we actually need less immigration now than we did 100 years ago, and the bigotry towards people with real humanitarian reasons to be give asylum here detracts from the possible need that our asylum laws do not really fit that narrow group.
IF they really wanted to cut down on immigration illegals just cut off all the free bees they get
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.

They will pay for it by surrendering hundreds of millions a month in lost contraband money Stopped by the wall and retained to the US Economy. In Mexico there's virtually no difference between the elected Government and the cartels. Every time Vicente fox was indicted for drug trafficking... He somehow mysteriously got off Scott free. Once that money flow is interrupted then you'll find out who is benefiting from it here also.

He never said anything during his campaign, aside from "Mexico will pay for the wall". I remember clearly the line of questioning.

"You say Mexico will pay for the wall, but how will they pay for it?"

"They'll pay for it."

"Yeah, but how will they pay for it?"

"They will pay for it."

"But I'm asking how you'll get them to pay for it."

"You'll see. They'll pay for it."

The reason he never went into detail is because he had no idea how they would pay for it. It's was nothing more than campaign bullshit rhetoric.
Again, we confiscated $411 Million in Drug Cartel Monies due to the little bit of wall we do have. The Wall is already paid for by Mexico and they will continue to pay for it dummy.

Awesome. A little bit of wall works then. No "national emergency" then.
I do believe there were people who believed Mexico would pay for the wall, but I'm not saying they are sane. Those who dwell on the extreme sides of politics are not known for their rational thinking abilities. As for Trump, it was something he said in the heat of the moment at a rally, and people cheered. He decided if people cheer, it would be a good thing to keep repeating. Of course he never had a plan to make Mexico pay for the wall. He's never really had a plan for anything.

He kept saying it knowing that it was a lie.
And the RW pundits gave Chuck and Nancy the means to break Trump on his wall. He may be done in by the same people whose racism and incivility created his audience.

Pelosi is not going to let any bill on wall funding get a vote ..... not for the next two years. Trump lied to them before about funding the Wall for Daca, and Trump hung them out blaming them for a shutdown after he broke his word and reneged.
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.
Yes, all of the rally attenders and other assorted far rightwing Trump-supporters.
I never really understood what energized the rally goers. A sense that they were not "winners" in society anymore, that the nation was rewarding others when their forefathers were certain the future was going to be better.

Reagan had a message aimed at the same thoughts ... albeit with a bit more optimism and faith in people's good will. I think most of us knew he too was sort of fudging on the numbers, but he did not bear people ill will.

Of course he bore people ill will. It was the basis for his campaign.
Mexico will pay for the wall. They'll pay for it in the new trade budget with more fair trade. They'll pay for it in lost drug revenue. We get it back in reduced drain on Governmental programs by illegals and on savings for not having to deport the illegals.
Mexico will pay for the wall. They'll pay for it in the new trade budget with more fair trade. They'll pay for it in lost drug revenue. We get it back in reduced drain on Governmental programs by illegals and on savings for not having to deport the illegals.
None of that is Mexico paying for it. The best outcome of all that bullshit you just spewed is that americans would pay less and even that isnt proven.
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.

Well the lefty loons sure thought Mexico would write a check. LOL

They aren't as smart as they think they are.
Mexico will pay for the wall. They'll pay for it in the new trade budget with more fair trade. They'll pay for it in lost drug revenue. We get it back in reduced drain on Governmental programs by illegals and on savings for not having to deport the illegals.

I agree. Mexico won't be writing a check but you can bet it will pay for a part of the wall.
Mexico will pay for the wall. They'll pay for it in the new trade budget with more fair trade. They'll pay for it in lost drug revenue. We get it back in reduced drain on Governmental programs by illegals and on savings for not having to deport the illegals.

I agree. Mexico won't be writing a check but you can bet it will pay for a part of the wall.
How so?
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.

Well the lefty loons sure thought Mexico would write a check. LOL

They aren't as smart as they think they are.
No one on the left thought Mexico would write a check. The only people fooled by that lie were the rubes on the right.
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?

If it was so obvious why do you think he kept saying it?

You rightwingers were his prime audience, so is he stupid or does he think you are?
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When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.

Well the lefty loons sure thought Mexico would write a check. LOL

They aren't as smart as they think they are.
No one on the left thought Mexico would write a check. The only people fooled by that lie were the rubes on the right.

Nope. Most people know that shithole Mexico couldn't write a check for that much money.

But the money saved on the new treaty can be used.

You lefty loons are the ones who keep talking about Mexico writing a check. LOL
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.
The rightards who voted for rumpy did.
When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?

If it was so obvious why do you think he kept saying it?

You rightwingers were his prime audience, so is he stupid or does he think you are stupid?

Silly question. He doesn't think they are stupid. He knows they are and bases everything he says or does on that fact.

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