Did Anyone Else Catch What Trump Did On Fox News Sunday?

I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

Did you listen to his answers? The man is an idiot! Just listen to him! Anyone without Trump's dick in his mouth would say the man cannot be trusted and should be dismissed.
TDS lol
If you think he is an effective and respectable leader, you're the deluded one.

Because of course that is up to Democrats. LOL. Um ... no, it's not ...
I'm looking foreward to the Chris Wallace Joe Biden interview in person. This staying inside and only doing select interviews with media people friendly to him is going to catch up to him.

Biden will never do an live interview with anyone. He'll go on Rachel Maddow, taped in advance where they can do a dozen takes to minimize the obvious dementia.

It's bewidering that Democrats think that keeping Joe Biden completely out of the spotlight is a good idea. They actually think that with Joe up in the polls, they should avoid exposing him -- in order to maintain their lead. As if people are really that stupid. They do not respect the intelligence of the general electorate.
I think the polls are weakening Joe so badly, and it will backfire immensely on Nov. 3rd in one explosive display of reality. Keeping your candidate invisible while foaming at the mouth harping over every little thing Trump does and says (he's not wearing a mask! he's not wearing a mask!! oh my god he wore a mask! but now he's not wearing a mask again!) , is the worst strategy imaginable. Bad publicity is better than no publicity. At this rate, people won't even notice Joe Biden's name on the ballot.

The polls are absure.

The Cancel Culture Gestapo is taking the polls and they really think people are telling them who they will vote for?

We don't talk to the Gestapo.
I'm looking foreward to the Chris Wallace Joe Biden interview in person. This staying inside and only doing select interviews with media people friendly to him is going to catch up to him.

Biden will never do an live interview with anyone. He'll go on Rachel Maddow, taped in advance where they can do a dozen takes to minimize the obvious dementia.

It's bewidering that Democrats think that keeping Joe Biden completely out of the spotlight is a good idea. They actually think that with Joe up in the polls, they should avoid exposing him -- in order to maintain their lead. As if people are really that stupid. They do not respect the intelligence of the general electorate.
I think the polls are weakening Joe so badly, and it will backfire immensely on Nov. 3rd in one explosive display of reality. Keeping your candidate invisible while foaming at the mouth harping over every little thing Trump does and says (he's not wearing a mask! he's not wearing a mask!! oh my god he wore a mask! but now he's not wearing a mask again!) , is the worst strategy imaginable. Bad publicity is better than no publicity. At this rate, people won't even notice Joe Biden's name on the ballot.

The polls are absure.

The Cancel Culture Gestapo is taking the polls and they really think people are telling them who they will vote for?

We don't talk to the Gestapo.

I don't answer the phone unless it's someone I know. And I live in a big battleground State. If somehow someone does get to me and ask me who I support, I don't answer. I don't lie and say the wrong name, i just don't answer at all no matter how they ask me
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden wants to defund the police. Period!
I'm looking foreward to the Chris Wallace Joe Biden interview in person. This staying inside and only doing select interviews with media people friendly to him is going to catch up to him.

Biden will never do an live interview with anyone. He'll go on Rachel Maddow, taped in advance where they can do a dozen takes to minimize the obvious dementia.

It's bewidering that Democrats think that keeping Joe Biden completely out of the spotlight is a good idea. They actually think that with Joe up in the polls, they should avoid exposing him -- in order to maintain their lead. As if people are really that stupid. They do not respect the intelligence of the general electorate.
I think the polls are weakening Joe so badly, and it will backfire immensely on Nov. 3rd in one explosive display of reality. Keeping your candidate invisible while foaming at the mouth harping over every little thing Trump does and says (he's not wearing a mask! he's not wearing a mask!! oh my god he wore a mask! but now he's not wearing a mask again!) , is the worst strategy imaginable. Bad publicity is better than no publicity. At this rate, people won't even notice Joe Biden's name on the ballot.

The polls are absure.

The Cancel Culture Gestapo is taking the polls and they really think people are telling them who they will vote for?

We don't talk to the Gestapo.
What will you say in 2022? Trump will be drooling in an obscure corner and adults will be busy reconstructing the once proud Republican Party. Much like those who flew the flags and blew the horns in support of George W. Bush in the glare of history and hindsight, they seem to say they never heard of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

What rug will you try to sweep Trump's debris under? How quickly will you disavow Trump and his antics?

It'll be a sight to see!
He's scared to death of this virus, is what it looks like to people watching....
  • "Scared to death"- is that what you call someone dealing with a threat calmly and effectively with dignity? If he is that, then what does that say of all you idiot tards who tremble in fear of the sight of a mere naked face? :lmao:
  • To people watching? Is that what you call what you do? The chicken sees as well, so I guess the chicken watches as you do.
  • If Trump's "scared to death," then what do your watching eyes make of Joe Biden hiding down in his laundry room with the blinds closed? :lmao: You're such a colossal ASS.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden wants to defund the police. Period!

Democrats just play endless word games
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
Trump is like a boxer taking all opponents. Ask your questions, any questions. Point blank. Democrats won't interview unless they have total control everything. It has to be with one of their own, controlled setting, hand-picked questions meant to highlight and promote their agenda.
Donna Brazile will be ready for action minutes before the first debate, which BTW will be 'Skyped' from Biden's 'Oval Basement'.
Biden will NEVER stand on the same debate stage with Trump. Not in a million years.
Then I think he ought to be disqualified. How the hell will the man run the nation and lead the world? Skype is not good enough-- -- sorry, Joe could have a coach off camera just holding cue cards. Joe needs to show he can actually operate as a world leader, otherwise, no office for him.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden indeed supports defunding the police. He is merely still cogent enough not to say so directly since the Americans don't want the police defunded.
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
Of course we can imagine Biden with world leaders. He just spend 8 years as VP interacting with leaders from all over the world. Did you forget?

Right. How else would he gets payoffs and jobs for his crackheaded son?
He's scared to death of this virus, is what it looks like to people watching....
  • "Scared to death"- is that what you call someone dealing with a threat calmly and effectively with dignity? If he is that, then what does that say of all you idiot tards who tremble in fear of the sight of a mere naked face? :lmao:
  • To people watching? Is that what you call what you do? The chicken sees as well, so I guess the chicken watches as you do.
  • If Trump's "scared to death," then what do your watching eyes make of Joe Biden hiding down in his laundry room with the blinds closed? :lmao: You're such a colossal ASS.
Joe Biden isn't panicking, getting tested every day, having the admin tested every day, and staff, valet, secret service, campaign workers tested every day....

While telling the states they are testing too much.... And won't fund them for more testing...

And Biden isn't scrambling and so scared that he took some dangerous cookoo drug to protect himself....

Biden is simply following the CDC guidelines, wearing a mask, and 6ft of separation....

Trump is super scared of catching this virus.... while sending everyone else back to work, with no testing, and telling all of them it's safe, and to man up.....
Biden wants to defund the police. Period!
Democrats just play endless word games

TWO WORDS describe Joe and the democrats, anytime, anyplace.

They are a FRAUD and a BLUFF. Everything they say is about appearances only. The moment the election is over, they switch channels to their REAL agenda. NOTHING they say during a campaign matters SQUAT. All of their promises, all of their accusations, like gossamer fluff upon the wind, just like every idiot tard here. 10,000 accusations against Trump, crazy, extreme, dangerous, radical, silly accusations and not ONE of them ever held water.

Here we have two candidates to run the country:
  • TRUMP - strong, virile, confident, daring, bold, resolute, fearless, unwavering and virus free, willing to go anywhere and face any question POINT BLANK. Prepared.

  • JOE BIDEN - weak, frail, unsure, spindly, stuttering, stumbling, plagiarizing, forgetful, needing support, impotent, fearful, hiding with his mask scared that the next puff of air could put him in the hospital on a ventilator. Willing to hide in his basement, afraid to face the people, face any question that NBC writes for him that favors his position and makes him look good that he can read off a cue card to remember after days preparing for it with lots of vitamins and rest. Unprepared. The non-candidate.
OF COURSE the many democrat states are refusing to allow Trump passage to hold hids rallies there! They are trying to keep Trump down to a level that they and Joe's organizers can deal with. HOW WOULD IT LOOK if Trump is out there giving two giant rallies a day breathing fresh air, living free and well . . . .

. . . . meantime . . . .

. . . . Joe hides in his basement giving occaisional rehearsed interviews in dim light before hand-picked friendly interviewers, wearing his MASK as his wife sprays Lysol in the background.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I'm sorry but you seem to have low standards about humans or men in particular. For someone who speaks 4 languages fluently and traveled the world and met thousands of people through my job....trump is one of the dumbest I've listened to, even his body language indicates he has a low IQ.
How many billions of dollars do you have again? Do you sleep with someone like this every night? Just wondering about that IQ of yours, just because you have a 45 IQ, yes you are 15 points higher than most of the Progs who vote Democrat, but i bet you think you are something special?

View attachment 365153
If you were born a millionaire in the 50s you more likely to be a billionaire now. But the dumbass cant stay away from bankruptcies and we dont if he is worth anything.

No sorry I dont sleep with whores, Let alone marry them. And Imagine how miserable the slut is, marrying someone her dad's age and that fat and ugly.....and she probably says she loves him and he knows she doesnt.
There is some talk going around by some economic analysts in the UK that Trump may only be worth $150M.
Funny tweet on Trump acing his cog test.

Mick Dougherty


Jul 19

The pitiful part of Trump claiming the test is hard, is that Trump truly believes the test is hard. What’s more, his followers are going to willfully dumb themselves down to his level to make it feel true. It’s like Militant Denial. They’ve weaponized vapidity into an asset.
Funny tweet on Trump acing his cog test.

Mick Dougherty

Jul 19

The pitiful part of Trump claiming the test is hard, is that Trump truly believes the test is hard. What’s more, his followers are going to willfully dumb themselves down to his level to make it feel true. It’s like Militant Denial. They’ve weaponized vapidity into an asset.

Have you taken the test?
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I'm sorry but you seem to have low standards about humans or men in particular. For someone who speaks 4 languages fluently and traveled the world and met thousands of people through my job....trump is one of the dumbest I've listened to, even his body language indicates he has a low IQ.
How many billions of dollars do you have again? Do you sleep with someone like this every night? Just wondering about that IQ of yours, just because you have a 45 IQ, yes you are 15 points higher than most of the Progs who vote Democrat, but i bet you think you are something special?

View attachment 365153
If you were born a millionaire in the 50s you more likely to be a billionaire now. But the dumbass cant stay away from bankruptcies and we dont if he is worth anything.

No sorry I dont sleep with whores, Let alone marry them. And Imagine how miserable the slut is, marrying someone her dad's age and that fat and ugly.....and she probably says she loves him and he knows she doesnt.
There is some talk going around by some economic analysts in the UK that Trump may only be worth $150M.

Well, if some economic analysts in the UK think that, then it must be true
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

Trump seems to be scared to death of the virus as well though....

Testing all of his staff and vps staff and secret service and valet and campaign team and anyone in contact with him daily is kind of a paranoid thing to do, for someone not in fear of it.....imo.

And then taking hydrxychloriquin, a risky drug, to try to prevent himself from catching it.....

He's scared to death of this virus, is what it looks like to people watching....
First off, there is nothing "risky" about hydroxychloroquin. It's been prescribed for both malaria and rheumatoid arthritis for over 60 years now with NO adverse effects. No President takes ANY medication that hasn't been cleared AND prescribed by the White House physician. Testing those routinely around the President is at the direction of the Secret Service and has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not President Trump is "afraid" of the virus.

That isn't what the CDC or the FDA say. You should probably catch up!

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