Did Anyone Else Catch What Trump Did On Fox News Sunday?

Did you listen to his answers? The man is an idiot!

Good. You obviously want a pressed suit over an honest, down to earth street saavy person. Pull the lever for Joe.

We will, and so will everyone else who cares about this country & do not wish to see us go third world!
So you think a pressed suit with poll-tested answers to tell you what you WANT to hear until getting elected is caring about your country and what keeps you from being third world.

Gee, I gotta stop giving you credit for more brains than you have! The only thing worse than your lies and BS is when you slip up and tell us what you really think!

okfine NAILED it. We are the laughing stock of the world. After this interview we’re the laughing stock of the universe!
Great. Leave. Avoid the shame of another four years while you still can, because the 2nd term of Trump is where he shifts out of 1st gear. You haven't seen anything yet. Come January, he will be a full four years experienced in all the ways of Washington, have his support base in place, AND not have a damn thing, no more elections to worry about to hold him back.

Lol, another takeaway Freak? Dear Leader signaled toward the interview that there will NOT be a peaceful transition when he loses.

And you fail to comprehend how dangerous that will be.

Nope, Donnie will burn the house down prior to being straightjacketed & carried out kicking and screaming.

The whole world has watched dear leader make a complete ass out of himself more than once. After that interview the whole world is laughing at him. And they are pitying our country at the same time.

I Love it!

  • When you tards start talking about what the whole world is watching, I know that Trump must be hitting them where it hurts again!

  • When the Left claims Trump is making a complete ass of himself, I know what they really mean is he is winning again. Go Trump Go.

  • When the Left talks of the whole world laughing at him, I know Trump is keeping another campaign promise. Thank you Donald.

  • When the Left rails about the world pitying us, I know they mean the Left again. Win, Baby, win!

Asshole socialists like you worry about pleasing the world. Your social agenda is slipping through your fingers day by day. Trump is eviscerating it and you can't STAND it. If you had an honest reason to vote for Biden over Trump, you'd offer it instead of your schoolyard prattling. Trump cares about America. Americans put America first. Fuck you and the world. Go to France and drop dead.
Trump is close to pulling the pin. Do the world a favor. Go stand with him.
The only pin you know is in the duckpin alley.

And the only pin you know is atop your head Zippy :D
Did you listen to his answers? The man is an idiot!

Good. You obviously want a pressed suit over an honest, down to earth street saavy person. Pull the lever for Joe.

We will, and so will everyone else who cares about this country & do not wish to see us go third world!
So you think a pressed suit with poll-tested answers to tell you what you WANT to hear until getting elected is caring about your country and what keeps you from being third world.

Gee, I gotta stop giving you credit for more brains than you have! The only thing worse than your lies and BS is when you slip up and tell us what you really think!

okfine NAILED it. We are the laughing stock of the world. After this interview we’re the laughing stock of the universe!
Great. Leave. Avoid the shame of another four years while you still can, because the 2nd term of Trump is where he shifts out of 1st gear. You haven't seen anything yet. Come January, he will be a full four years experienced in all the ways of Washington, have his support base in place, AND not have a damn thing, no more elections to worry about to hold him back.

Lol, another takeaway Freak? Dear Leader signaled toward the interview that there will NOT be a peaceful transition when he loses.

And you fail to comprehend how dangerous that will be.

Nope, Donnie will burn the house down prior to being straightjacketed & carried out kicking and screaming.

100% correct. Trump is a very sick and dangerous man.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.
If a staffer went over the 100 page document and there is no mention of defending the police, both can claim they were right. Wallace can claim Biden did not want to defund police and Trump can claim there was no mention if him NOT wanting to defend police.
'redirecting funds' what do you think that means ?
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

It's lovely sitting outside....under the shade of a big tree....in a cool patio.....love it ....what's wrong with it? nothing absolutely nothing!

Trump, best President ever!:2up:
Man, I really NAILED IT with this thread! You can tell because ALL the tards are coming out of the woodwork having their hissy fits! WE have found Biden's Kryptonite!

I don't understand this.... you are saying I am having an hissy fit? huh?

are you a moron or something?
The whole world has watched dear leader make a complete ass out of himself more than once. After that interview the whole world is laughing at him. And they are pitying our country at the same time.

I Love it!

  • When you tards start talking about what the whole world is watching, I know that Trump must be hitting them where it hurts again!

  • When the Left claims Trump is making a complete ass of himself, I know what they really mean is he is winning again. Go Trump Go.

  • When the Left talks of the whole world laughing at him, I know Trump is keeping another campaign promise. Thank you Donald.

  • When the Left rails about the world pitying us, I know they mean the Left again. Win, Baby, win!

Asshole socialists like you worry about pleasing the world. Your social agenda is slipping through your fingers day by day. Trump is eviscerating it and you can't STAND it. If you had an honest reason to vote for Biden over Trump, you'd offer it instead of your schoolyard prattling. Trump cares about America. Americans put America first. Fuck you and the world. Go to France and drop dead.
Trump is close to pulling the pin. Do the world a favor. Go stand with him.
The only pin you know is in the duckpin alley.
The reason this thread is losing is because of the OP. Trying to spin it like it was exceptional makes you completely lost and delusional.
were not talking sleepy joe....
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
Of course we can imagine Biden with world leaders. He just spend 8 years as VP interacting with leaders from all over the world. Did you forget?
He went on trips. P:rove that he did anything of importance other than shining Obama's shoes.
Why should I prove that? You’re moving the goalposts. Not gonna work
I'm looking foreward to the Chris Wallace Joe Biden interview in person. This staying inside and only doing select interviews with media people friendly to him is going to catch up to him.

No edits allowed.

When Joe forgets his last bowel movement, American needs to know.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.
If a staffer went over the 100 page document and there is no mention of defending the police, both can claim they were right. Wallace can claim Biden did not want to defund police and Trump can claim there was no mention if him NOT wanting to defend police.
'redirecting funds' what do you think that means ?
The only thing 'redirecting funds' could possibly reference if in the Budget passed by both houses of congress, signed by the president, touted as a victory by the president, right up until he illegally 'redirecting funds' appropriated by congress for the US Military for repair of hurricane damage (same base where trumps Saudi students started shooting up the place and killing our sailors), still not repaired last time I was there, new school buildings at another post, repairs to water infrastructure at another (important as water purity problems in a know problem on some bases) as well as maintenance facilities at a marine bases and other projects started but not complete before the new funding in the appropriations bill was pass. A federal judge ruled that what trump did was illegal. Trump administration appealed. The Appeal court ruled in favor of the feder judge's original ruling, say what trump had done was indeed totally illegal. By that time, the stolen money was already out, spent on trump's pet project. The lousy thief got away with it, just because he had already spent the stolen money and knew he wasn't going to be impeached again before November. But, we will fire the thieving, anti-military SOB on election day! Vote Joe Biden. He would never steal from the legally appropriated funds from the military budget to illegally fund a pet project, that both houses of congress would not fund.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I'm sorry but you seem to have low standards about humans or men in particular. For someone who speaks 4 languages fluently and traveled the world and met thousands of people through my job....trump is one of the dumbest I've listened to, even his body language indicates he has a low IQ.
How many billions of dollars do you have again? Do you sleep with someone like this every night? Just wondering about that IQ of yours, just because you have a 45 IQ, yes you are 15 points higher than most of the Progs who vote Democrat, but i bet you think you are something special?

View attachment 365153
Don't you understand the difference between celebrity and competence? Governing and entertainment? Glitz and substance?

If all you value is money and good looks, you should have no voice in governing this nation. Judge all the beauty pageants you want, but stay the hell away from decision making that has life and death consequences!

Your values are the values of an adolescent.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I'm sorry but you seem to have low standards about humans or men in particular. For someone who speaks 4 languages fluently and traveled the world and met thousands of people through my job....trump is one of the dumbest I've listened to, even his body language indicates he has a low IQ.
How many billions of dollars do you have again? Do you sleep with someone like this every night? Just wondering about that IQ of yours, just because you have a 45 IQ, yes you are 15 points higher than most of the Progs who vote Democrat, but i bet you think you are something special?

View attachment 365153
Don't you understand the difference between celebrity and competence? Governing and entertainment? Glitz and substance?

If all you value is money and good looks, you should have no voice in governing this nation. Judge all the beauty pageants you want, but stay the hell away from decision making that has life and death consequences!

Your values are the values of an adolescent.

Looks as if after the embarrassment of his OP, Freak done slunk off to bed. ;-)
I thought the photograph in the OP is nice but still something seems off. Then it struck me that Trump is in a taking a dump pose. I not sure who is responsible for the picture but in the past 3 years I haven't been impressed with the photos coming from the White House. Doing very little googling I soon came across an article expressing how I feel about the matter:

Considering Trump’s desire to circumvent the traditional media, it’s surprising that he has not taken advantage of the position of official White House photographer, which gives the president a powerful way of controlling his image directly.​
I thought the photograph in the OP is nice but still something seems off. Then it struck me that Trump is in a taking a dump pose. I not sure who is responsible for the picture but in the past 3 years I haven't been impressed with the photos coming from the White House. Doing very little googling I soon came across an article expressing how I feel about the matter:

Considering Trump’s desire to circumvent the traditional media, it’s surprising that he has not taken advantage of the position of official White House photographer, which gives the president a powerful way of controlling his image directly.​
You are right! It did look like he was taking a dump and I guess you could say he did, again.
Bold fearless leader.. we are incredibly lucky to have trump, so proud to live in this time

How can you be proud of an incoherent idiot like Trump? Just LOOK how he answered this question from Wallace:

“You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that?”

TRUMP: “I just look at — I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff. Now they want to change — 1492, Columbus discovered America. You know, we grew up, you grew up, we all did, that’s what we learned. Now they want to make it the 1619 Project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know, so.”

The whole world has watched dear leader make a complete ass out of himself more than once. After that interview the whole world is laughing at him. And they are pitying our country at the same time.

I Love it!

  • When you tards start talking about what the whole world is watching, I know that Trump must be hitting them where it hurts again!

  • When the Left claims Trump is making a complete ass of himself, I know what they really mean is he is winning again. Go Trump Go.

  • When the Left talks of the whole world laughing at him, I know Trump is keeping another campaign promise. Thank you Donald.

  • When the Left rails about the world pitying us, I know they mean the Left again. Win, Baby, win!

Asshole socialists like you worry about pleasing the world. Your social agenda is slipping through your fingers day by day. Trump is eviscerating it and you can't STAND it. If you had an honest reason to vote for Biden over Trump, you'd offer it instead of your schoolyard prattling. Trump cares about America. Americans put America first. Fuck you and the world. Go to France and drop dead.
You love it when these thing happen? You ought to be a really happy camper then, because according to what I have read, the whole world actually does watch with stunned horror at time over what donnies says and does. He does make a complete ass out of himself often. Not sure about the left talking about the world laughing at him, but have read news reports they do. I do not think the world pities us, as a country we're pretty damn good and swing a lot of weight even when we know we suck in the short term. Can't talk to or about the asshole socialists much. I know they are out there but do not think they will win as it it right that they will lose. I actually do not think trump gives a damn about America. I only gave him the benefit of the doubt from January through September of 2017, but he proved to be the lying blowhard I thought he was and it became apparent to all who were not personally or psychologically committed to his success at the expense of the country's values and history. Don't do anything rash when he loses. It's going to be alright.
Bold fearless leader.. we are incredibly lucky to have trump, so proud to live in this time

How can you be proud of an incoherent idiot like Trump? Just LOOK how he answered this question from Wallace:

“You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that?”

TRUMP: “I just look at — I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff. Now they want to change — 1492, Columbus discovered America. You know, we grew up, you grew up, we all did, that’s what we learned. Now they want to make it the 1619 Project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know, so.”

It was a gotcha question.. we all know democrats hate America, and teach it. I love trump he’s the best
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
Of course we can imagine Biden with world leaders. He just spend 8 years as VP interacting with leaders from all over the world. Did you forget?
Especially China and Ukraine!

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