Did Anyone Else Catch What Trump Did On Fox News Sunday?

There is some talk going around by some economic analysts in the UK that Trump may only be worth $150M.

Wow! That would be INCREDIBLE. The first U.S. President in 100 years NOT to get RICH off the backs of the taxpayers while in office, actually SERVING the nation at his own expense!

ANOTHER great reason to VOTE DONALD
I could swear you and the Bloser are sock puppets.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

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Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.
At 2:34 in the video, Joe Biden says "we can redirect the funding" which is taking funds away from the police...Defunding them of what the police need....

Looks fake as if the question was edited in.
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Oh well, if partisan leftist hack sites say it, we'll just ignore the video of BIDEN SAYING IT.

In the case of Biden talking to the mechanical voiced man, we agree. Ignore that faked video and go with every news service and fact checking site including FOX NEWS. When you got10 major news services on multiple continents from different editorial point of view (meaning right to left) saying one thing and a you tube video with a mechanical voice pretty well preclude graphical audio analysis, yes, throw out, the out-liar (emphasis on liar) and go with the rest of the planetary news sources. Aren't the offering better tech and logic courses at the troll farm these days?
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
He is not comfortable. He is just rich enough, he just doesn't give a $hit as long as it is not Russia or Putin asking or telling.
Anytime a Trump hater backs up their points by spewing "Putin" and "Russia"... come on... I know you can do better. Be original! Be funny! Are people really this mindless?
I was original enough. Just because you do not like it, does not make in incorrect or counter to logic. Try again, kid.
Yes, some funding could easily be redirected into community policing and other best practices. That isn't DEFUNDING.
Dr. Glove's new proctological math:
He has his head so far up his own tush, he thinks he can take away from the pie to give to others while remaining with the whole pie for himself! Talk about TORTURED LOGIC! :lmao:
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
BULLSHIT. You're a LIAR. You obviously didn't even watch the interview.
I said I watched the teaser on FOX NEWS last night with Chris Wallace talking about it and showing the clip. Talk to Chris. You simply cannot handle the truth. Start watching at 46 seconds. It cuts off when trump calls for a copy of the charter. Trump was mistake. It wasn't there in the charter when his aides brought it and they looked for it. It is reported all over the place. Live with it. Biden does not support De-Funding The Police, Period.
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wrong again. Stop worshiping fake news. This is how dishonest Democrats are. You claim defunding the police means redirecting money and reducing funding, not eliminating funding. Then when they say Biden wants to defund the police meaning moving money from the police department, you come back and redefine defunding police as removing all funding and say he doesn't want to do that.

You're fundamentally dishonest people

Not wrong. I watched Chris being interviewed on FOX NEWS live on air and he showed the clip and trump response, related on air how trump summoned aids with the document he sited and how the aids and trump failed to find it mentioned. Grow up.
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
Trump is like a boxer taking all opponents. Ask your questions, any questions. Point blank. Democrats won't interview unless they have total control everything. It has to be with one of their own, controlled setting, hand-picked questions meant to highlight and promote their agenda.
Yep, he can ropa-dope, and lie on any subject.

You don't know what rope-a-dope means
taking the hits or questions without adequate response in hope your opponent will wear themself down with the expended effort, so you can come in for the kill later. Didn't happen this time as trump was caught flat footed on national television.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden wants to defund the police. Period!
No he doesn't and everyone but the trump campaign agrees with me. It is made up whole cloth, probably by the trump campaign. Everybody already knows you cannot trust a word trump say and that goes double for political ads.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden indeed supports defunding the police. He is merely still cogent enough not to say so directly since the Americans don't want the police defunded.
Somebody like you putting words in his mouth doesn't work. Like I said, Grow the FK UP.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

And those fact checkers are lying...they are democrat party activists...

Has Joe Biden endorsed the idea of “defunding the police” during this campaign? The mainstream media has been doing backflips recently, trying to claim that Joe has never said this.

CNN’s “Facts First” fact-checker jumps through so many hoops to try to make this point that they should be entered in the Westminster Dog Show.

The Washington Post ran with a claim that a Trump campaign advertisement “falsely suggests” that he said it. The Associated Press just flatly states that Biden “did not call for” defunding the police.

Sadly for all of them, this comes down to a classic case of asking who you’re going to believe. Them or your own lying, dog-faced pony soldier ears? To get to the bottom of this, let’s look at one of the more recent comments Biden has tossed out for his progressive followers. It stems from an interview that Uncle Joe did with Ady Barkan. Let’s go to the video. Biden is talking about a variety of things here, including the idea that the police don’t need any surplus military equipment or “weapons of war.” But he’s talking about more than that as well. Barkan interrupts him at one point to flatly ask if they can “agree that we can redirect some of the funding” from the cops.

Ady Barkan: “Can we agree that we can redirect some of the funding [from the police]?”

Joe Biden: “Yes, absolutely”

I am pretty sure if FOX NEWS says Biden didn't say it, you can put it in the bank, dufus.
I am pretty sure if FOX NEWS says Biden didn't say it, you can put it in the bank, dufus.

TOO FUNNY. All this from the very same people who've told us 10,000 times that FOX LIES, THEY ARE NOT NEWS. YOU CAN'T BELIEVE A WORD THEY EVER SAY.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden wants to defund the police. Period!
No he doesn't and everyone but the trump campaign agrees with me. It is made up whole cloth, probably by the trump campaign. Everybody already knows you cannot trust a word trump say and that goes double for political ads.

He favors taking money away from police departments, you have to be a fucking moron to believe that's something other than defunding
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
BULLSHIT. You're a LIAR. You obviously didn't even watch the interview.
I said I watched the teaser on FOX NEWS last night with Chris Wallace talking about it and showing the clip. Talk to Chris. You simply cannot handle the truth. Start watching at 46 seconds. It cuts off when trump calls for a copy of the charter. Trump was mistake. It wasn't there in the charter when his aides brought it and they looked for it. It is reported all over the place. Live with it. Biden does not support De-Funding The Police, Period.
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wrong again. Stop worshiping fake news. This is how dishonest Democrats are. You claim defunding the police means redirecting money and reducing funding, not eliminating funding. Then when they say Biden wants to defund the police meaning moving money from the police department, you come back and redefine defunding police as removing all funding and say he doesn't want to do that.

You're fundamentally dishonest people

Not wrong. I watched Chris being interviewed on FOX NEWS live on air and he showed the clip and trump response, related on air how trump summoned aids with the document he sited and how the aids and trump failed to find it mentioned. Grow up.

Growing up is what you have to do. Biden has clearly stated money should be redirected from the police to other departments. Democrats keep saying to defund the police means to move some money to other uses. Now you're changing defunding back to removing it all. Except you aren't as you say Democrats wanting to defund the police doesn't mean what you said it means.

You're fundamentally dishonest people. You're liars. And you're lying again here
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden wants to defund the police. Period!
No he doesn't and everyone but the trump campaign agrees with me. It is made up whole cloth, probably by the trump campaign. Everybody already knows you cannot trust a word trump say and that goes double for political ads.

He favors taking money away from police departments, you have to be a fucking moron to believe that's something other than defunding
Look dumb-ass, don't you think he or somebody in his campaign out to say it before you claimed as some dumb-ass trump talking point? That is as valid as me saying trump eats $hit and runs rabbits, even though I never hear him admit it and do not thing he ever ran a rabbit in his life.
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
Trump is like a boxer taking all opponents. Ask your questions, any questions. Point blank. Democrats won't interview unless they have total control everything. It has to be with one of their own, controlled setting, hand-picked questions meant to highlight and promote their agenda.
Yep, he can ropa-dope, and lie on any subject.

You don't know what rope-a-dope means
taking the hits or questions without adequate response in hope your opponent will wear themself down with the expended effort, so you can come in for the kill later. Didn't happen this time as trump was caught flat footed on national television.

And that isn't how you used it

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