Did Anyone Else Catch What Trump Did On Fox News Sunday?

Biden indeed supports defunding the police
Haha...okay, donnie.

Biden has advocated moving money from the police to other departments.

So to be clear, when Democrats say defunding the police doesn't mean shutting off funding, just reducing funding and moving some to other uses (e.g., social and psych), you're calling the Democrats liars? That's what you're saying?
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump....

Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly...


Did you start touching yourself, toobs?
Yes, some funding could easily be redirected into community policing and other best practices. That isn't DEFUNDING.
Dr. Glove's new proctological math:
He has his head so far up his own tush, he thinks he can take away from the pie to give to others while remaining with the whole pie for himself! Talk about TORTURED LOGIC! :lmao:

You're the one who thinks Donald owned Chris Wallace yesterday. :laugh:
First off, there is nothing "risky" about hydroxychloroquin. It's been prescribed for both malaria and rheumatoid arthritis for over 60 years now with NO adverse effects. No President takes ANY medication that hasn't been cleared AND prescribed by the White House physician. Testing those routinely around the President is at the direction of the Secret Service and has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not President Trump is "afraid" of the virus.
That isn't what the CDC or the FDA say. You should probably catch up!
How many democrats in the CDC and FDA did it take to screw that light bulb in?

You mean the CDC that told us to drink up, the water's fine in Flint Michigan? Or do you mean the FDA that tells us it is just great to live off frozen, prepackaged, processed food full of artificial chemicals and stabilizers so you can work 8 hours a day paying taxes to Uncle Sam?

You go ahead and listen to Dr Donald, Dr Jared, Dr Oz, Dr Phil and Dr Navarro. I'll listen to the health and science experts.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump....

Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly...


Did you start touching yourself, toobs?

No, that's what I got you for. Here's something you can touch right now. Any guesses?
Relevant viewing/listening...

Description - "Everybody is talking about yesterday's Chris Wallace interview with President Trump. Many in the mainstream media are praising Wallace's forceful, even combative tone. And Fox News did "real time" fact checking of Trump's claims. But beyond the blows exchanged, is Trump starting to understand how his opponents are using Covid as a tool of political warfare? Plus in today's program: even with his wings clipped, Anthony Fauci is still spouting off in the media - did New York really do the best of any state on Covid? Plus more Covid updates - has the Sun Belt spike burned itself out?"
Dr. Glove Says:
You're the one who thinks Donald owned Chris Wallace yesterday.

Funny Glove, I don't remember ever using the word "owned" once! Can you show us?

I said Trump took any and all questions off the cuff, cold, point blank, any and all and answered them directly with no screening, filtering or selection. Threw them right back into Wallace's stupid, idiotic, smug face. That is something no democrat can ever say. This is why Biden can't debate Trump. This is why Biden is destined to lose.

And with that, I bid you a Glove Farewell.
And then Biden can tell trump to kiss his non racist ass
I don't think Donald can quite reach around to kiss his own ass, but you can kiss MINE.

Your white racist ass?? No thank you Save that for some one you love

You can kiss my ass anytime you want, creep. There, I spread it wide apart for you just as you like it. Pucker up.

Get your dildo out ,,Have fun

Get your tongue out of the way.
And then Biden can tell trump to kiss his non racist ass
I don't think Donald can quite reach around to kiss his own ass, but you can kiss MINE.

Your white racist ass?? No thank you Save that for some one you love

You can kiss my ass anytime you want, creep. There, I spread it wide apart for you just as you like it. Pucker up.

Get your dildo out ,,Have fun

Get your tongue out of the way.

Go take a Trump
And then Biden can tell trump to kiss his non racist ass
I don't think Donald can quite reach around to kiss his own ass, but you can kiss MINE.

Your white racist ass?? No thank you Save that for some one you love

You can kiss my ass anytime you want, creep. There, I spread it wide apart for you just as you like it. Pucker up.

Get your dildo out ,,Have fun

Get your tongue out of the way.

When you take your head out
And then Biden can tell trump to kiss his non racist ass
I don't think Donald can quite reach around to kiss his own ass, but you can kiss MINE.

Your white racist ass?? No thank you Save that for some one you love

You can kiss my ass anytime you want, creep. There, I spread it wide apart for you just as you like it. Pucker up.

Get your dildo out ,,Have fun

Get your tongue out of the way.

When you take your head out

Quit lookin' in the mirror.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

In the end we learned nothing. It was a wast of time.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden indeed supports defunding the police. He is merely still cogent enough not to say so directly since the Americans don't want the police defunded.
Somebody like you putting words in his mouth doesn't work. Like I said, Grow the FK UP.

I'd bet there are ESL classes in your neighborhood enrolling even now. Have someone translate the charter for you.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?


I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

I saw the teaser on Fox News last night and it is reported on both sides of the Atlantic.
Trump snaps at Chris Wallace after being challenged on claim that Biden wants to defund police
President Trump became testy when Fox News's Chris Wallace corrected him after he claimed that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wants to defund the police.
A clip of their exchange was released on Friday, teasing an interview set to air on Fox News Sunday.
Wallace began by asking Trump to explain the surge in violence in many cities recently and what he plans to do about it. Trump responded by blaming the Democratic leaders in those places.
"They are Democrat-run cities. They are liberally run. They are stupidly run,” Trump said.
Wallace asked why the violence is so bad "right now," to which Trump said the carnage was always bad but lately has gotten "totally out of control."
"They run them poorly. It was always bad, but now, it’s gotten totally out of control, and it’s really because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police,” he said.
Wallace said, “Sir, he does not.”
Trump said Biden "signed a charter" with Sen. Bernie Sanders, appearing to reference the environmental plan the two released earlier this week.
“It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said.
“Oh, really?" Trump said. "It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please.”

The clip ends there, but in a segment on Bill Hemmer Reports on Friday, Wallace explained that a staffer proceeded to get a copy of the 100-plus page environmental plan from Biden and Sanders, where he noted parts where he disagreed with what was being discussed, but that he could not find a mention of support for defunding the police.
Fact checkers have determined that Biden has not called for defunding the police, which is part of a nationwide movement spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Biden indeed supports defunding the police. He is merely still cogent enough not to say so directly since the Americans don't want the police defunded.
Somebody like you putting words in his mouth doesn't work. Like I said, Grow the FK UP.

I'd bet there are ESL classes in your neighborhood enrolling even now. Have someone translate the charter for you.
So you are saying FOX NEWS is in the tank for BIDEN? BS.
In the end we learned nothing. It was a wast of time.

I learned a lot.

I learned that Trump can still take anything the Left can throw at him point blank and it bounces right off of him. He's better than 2016. Trump is Strong, he's Ready, he's Virus-free. He's good to go from +17°F to +105°F. The Democrats have case-hardened Trump to withstand anything after 4 relentless years trying to destroy him.

Joe can't even read a cue card, has no short term memory, needs prep and primping, he's not ready, can't take questions, is afraid of a puff of air, and would be cold flat on his back if he had to debate Trump, much less go the rounds for an hour in 100° heat and Washington humidity.

Trump is going to make a fool of Biden. You wait and see.
I stayed in bed and ended up watching all of Fox News Sunday this morning on TV when I saw he was going to devote it all to a live interview with Trump.

Did you catch what Trump did? No one is talking about it. Apparently all the media missed it or is ignoring it. There was huge subliminal messaging.

Biden only appears in taped basement videos indoors behind a mask where everything is controlled and scripted.
  • First thing Trump said is he would take ANY question from Wallace. No scripting, no limits.
  • Trump wore no mask.

Unlike Biden, Trump insisted they interview outside on the patio next to the Oval Office. Wallace repeatedly commented on it as it was 100° heat. Wallace brought it up twice being obviously uncomfortable.

Trump sat there cool as a cucumber with his suit on, talking casually.

View attachment 365135

Not only didn't Trump extend the courtesy to Wallace of having him inside, but more importantly, Trump looked virile and strong sitting there, bold, fearless, confident, strong, manly, no mask, best of health, brushing off 100° heat with aplomb, meantime his opponent Joe Biden is inside wearing a mask taking vitamins, fearful, weary, sickly, insecure, hiding, stumbling over rehearsed scripts as his wife takes his temperature and feeds him watercress?

I LOVED IT. The psychology was obvious. The dichotomy between Trump and Biden is huge. This is only going to grow into a more and more huge problem for Joe as time marches on.

I hope Trump insists the debates be held at 1PM outdoors in Phoenix Arizona.

Oh good grief!! Is this the same interview in which Mr. "cool as a cucumber" made the idiotic claim that "religion will be gone" if Biden is elected?

The only semblance that he has to a cucumber is the fact that he has the brains of a vegetable

He also claimed falsely that Biden will triple our taxes and abolish the police

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