Did anyone realize how big she is?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013



😆 I'm sure there are specific lifts he does to get like that.
Ever seen a picture of the Skunk Ape pregnant?

Neither has anybody else. Not saying the two girls aren't hers and The Lying Cocksucker, aka; The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis. Not saying that.

But can you imagine having to crawl on top of that to make them?? IVF, anyone?

Here's a pic of her in Spain.


Are dims gonna cry that this one was 'Photo-shopped' too? Go for it.

How about this one?


This one looks the most authentic --


But, what do I know about feminine pulchritude? Vogue named it, er, er, Her as one the top-one-hundred most beautiful women in the world

This was after The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis was given a Nobel.

That whole crew is a bad joke. And we got his discard Clown, Joey Sponge-Brains Shits-Pants as our President.

If OMB is such a threat to humanity, you'd think they could do better.

3...2..1.... Gone
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! & with all the slicing & dicing & silicone & botox trophy wife/baby mama #3 of donny's - melania couldn't keep donny from banging other nip & tucks like the playboy bunny while she was pregnant & a skanky porn star after dropping her anchor baby!

Come on man! How can you ask that question when you and your fellow Democrat travelers can't define what a woman is?
Another dude who needs women defined for him. Never knew there were so many closet gays in the retard party.
Finally, the left are no longer michelle is indeed Miichael. Yet another thing we are right about that the left denied but turns out to be we were right.

Then again we've been right about everything from fake Russian dossiers to hillary fraud emails to 2020 elections being fraudulent and stolen to the fake plandemic to the fake global warming which has been renamed for the 7th time since the 60s and global cooling to this....
Finally, the left are no longer michelle is indeed Miichael. Yet another thing we are right about that the left denied but turns out to be we were right.

Then again we've been right about everything from fake Russian dossiers to hillary fraud emails to 2020 elections being fraudulent and stolen to the fake plandemic to the fake global warming which has been renamed for the 7th time since the 60s and global cooling to this....

He's a man. Otherwise, why did his husband, known for his eloquence and silver tongue, who rarely ever slips up in speech, call him "Michael"?


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