Did Ben Carson lie about assaulting kids before finding The Lord?

They just hate him because he's black.

Tourrette's meltdown. A popular variation.
Nice to see you're annoyed.

Now you know what it's like.

Too bad.
we are laughing at your transparent craziness !!!

now where is Carson's certificate of Birth ? you know like you all did with Obama ....LOL
Neither a birther a birther nor a conservative nor a Republican.

Stop whining.

You only hate Carson because he's black.
They just hate him because he's black.

Tourrette's meltdown. A popular variation.
Nice to see you're annoyed.

Now you know what it's like.

Too bad.
we are laughing at your transparent craziness !!!

now where is Carson's certificate of Birth ? you know like you all did with Obama ....LOL
Neither a birther a birther nor a conservative nor a Republican.

Stop whining.

You only hate Carson because he's black.

''Birth certificate ...long form...

"You Lie"
...Did Hillary Clinton lie about her private server and Benghazi? How likely is it that nobody remembers her correspondence via email with ambassador Stevens? It looks like that Mrs. Clinton has an authenticity problem. (She is a presidential candidate also so my question is not a deflection,)
And say, hey, and let's not forget, Shrillary's bullshit about coming under sniper fire in Bosnia in the 1990s, and her back-pedaling only after she'd been caught bullshitting.

Stolen Valor is a far worse Ethical Offense, to most Americans, than fabricating a childhood experience or two, if, indeed, that's what Carson did.
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So honesty is a wash in a Clinton/Carson matchup? Fine. Clinton will win on the issues.
I wouldn't say that it is a wash. Nobody died in Carson's story. We couldn't say that about the Libya tragedy.
we would say that about 9 11 and the Iraq invasion by Scumzo 43
I did not know G.W.Bush was in the 2016 presidential race. Thanks for the update.
where is Carson's birth certificate how do you know he is American...
Did Hillary Clinton lie about her private server and Benghazi? How likely is it that nobody remembers her correspondence via email with ambassador Stevens? It looks like that Mrs. Clinton has an authenticity problem.
(She is a presidential candidate also so my question is not a deflection,)

Well, you know what, you guys have had EIGHT investigations into Benghazi and haven't gotten anywhere near the same zip-code of proof.

Okay, so back to the OP. Carson has a wonderful story, but a lot of it is made up.

Because "Bright but Nerdy Black kid who got into medical school due to Affirmative Action, did well for himself" doesn't play very well with the wingnuts.
So honesty is a wash in a Clinton/Carson matchup? Fine. Clinton will win on the issues.
I wouldn't say that it is a wash. Nobody died in Carson's story. We couldn't say that about the Libya tragedy.

It's not even close to a wash, latest polling shows Carson at the top with respect to "honest and trustworthy" (I think he's +34% in that regard) and Clinton at the bottom (at around -25% if memory serves). Obviously the public believes Carson is FAR more honest than Clinton and it's not difficult to see why, after all Hillary is a serial liar that isn't really very good at telling lies (she's constantly getting caught telling lies because her lies are so fucking ridiculous that only the most ignorant would believe them in the first place).
Racist leftists are coming out of the woodwork showing their real identity. Racist democrats are taking off their KKK hoods...Their hatred for blacks is manifested in disparaging Carson...

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