Did Ben Carson lie about assaulting kids before finding The Lord?

Ben Carson is angry because people are skeptical about his story that he attacked his mother with a hammer.

Take a moment to think about that.
Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?
First off it's not "nobody" CNN interviewed NINE people and they could neither confirm or deny what Carson said took place, secondly we have no idea what those 9 peoples relationship with Carson was like FIFTY YEARS AGO, heck do you remember every incident surrounding everybody you knew 50 years ago? I know I certainly don't.

CNN acted irresponsibly in even releasing this "story" since it's 100% innuendo, if they get something approaching positive confirmation then fine it's fair game but to put forward this weak and unsubstantiated report is just a naked attempt to smear Dr. Carson's character. It's typical cartoon media bullshit that should be condemned by every self respecting American.

Oh, please. Carson has been selling bullshit about himself for decades. And frankly, the media has gone along with it because it's a nice story. Kid grows up in rough neighborhood, gets into college, becomes respected surgeon.

Now he's the "Frontrunner" - i.e. he appeals to the crazy that dominates a GOP Base too stupid to realize how bad the rich are fucking them - so people are actually going to start looking into the reams of shit that he has said validating his "bootstrap" story that he's been telling to white people for decades to make them feel better about their bigotry.

So when we find stories that he thinks the Hebrews built the Pyramids as Grain Silos or that he claimed to be a thug until he found him some Jesus, people are actually going to check those out.
...Clinton will win on the issues.
After 8 years of spendthrift behaviors and failed foreign policy and Rule by Imperial Decree, by the Magic Negro, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Trump's not the answer... Carson's probably not the answer... but neither is Shrillary.
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They only hate him because he's black.
They only hate him because he's black.
Can't be that, Obama is black and they don't seem to hate him. Must be something to do with him being black, having the guts to escape the gub'mint dependency plantation AND having the nerve to make it clear he has no intention of ever going back.

Way to go Doc. :)
Ben Carson is angry because people are skeptical about his story that he attacked his mother with a hammer.

Take a moment to think about that.
Just normal human beings manifesting normal human reaction at the vicious ankle-biters, race-baiters and shit-stirrers in the Liberal Wing of the Lamestream Media. MEH.
How do we really know if Carson is not another Kenyan sent to infiltrate the Presidency...they did it once they can do it again ...isn't it enough they always win the Boston Marathon now they want a second possible Kenyan in the White House ...consecutive to that Kenyan Obama ......Oh the Humanity
In his book, Ben Carson explains that religion saved him from a path of violence against others. But interviews with 9 of his former classmates have found that these classmates don't remember any of those incidents happening, including 1) punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock,
2) leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead;
3)attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes;
4) hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose;
5) thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

If someone gets a 3 inch gap on the forehead, people will remember. It looks like Carson has an authenticity problem. He will say anything to make himself look like religion is an awesome life-changer.

Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?

CNN has done a complete and total investigation of Carson's activities interviewing folks who were in grammar school, middle school and high school with him and none of them...not one remembers any kind of aggressive or violent activities from him. They're interviewing him between 7:00 and 9:00 this morning. I'm recording the entire two hours so I won't miss any of it.
They only hate him because he's black.
Can't be that, Obama is black and they don't seem to hate him. Must be something to do with him being black, having the guts to escape the gub'mint dependency plantation AND having the nerve to make it clear he has no intention of ever going back.

Way to go Doc. :)

And if most of his story of how he escaped turns out to be a lie, that's okay.

They only hate him because he's black.
Can't be that, Obama is black and they don't seem to hate him. Must be something to do with him being black, having the guts to escape the gub'mint dependency plantation AND having the nerve to make it clear he has no intention of ever going back.

Way to go Doc. :)

And if most of his story of how he escaped turns out to be a lie, that's okay.


Surprise, Surprise...a Republican liar!!
Ben Carson is angry because people are skeptical about his story that he attacked his mother with a hammer.

Take a moment to think about that.
Just normal human beings manifesting normal human reaction at the vicious ankle-biters, race-baiters and shit-stirrers in the Liberal Wing of the Lamestream Media. MEH.
Yeah sure whatever ...still not addressing the Birth certificate issue....Ben "Kenyan" Carson
Carson is out selling books while the rest of the field is campaigning.

That's the Jesus way!!
Jesus did Signing Appearances?

I'll bet the Judean Barnes & Noble coffee shop was burnin' up the latte machines with all those Apostles and Pharisees and Centurions and the rest of that riff-raff...

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